Warning Communication

The “evidence” mostly shows how the squelch system works.

Not exactly. Yes, the number of reports made can impact the flow of the investigation, but there are a few factors involved. It’s one of the reasons why we aren’t entirely transparent there since so many try to game the system or try to use it to harass others.

You’ll notice some of those emails also say that no further appeals will be entertained, yet in many cases they are.

I’m afraid your lack of insight into the situation is very apparent, Taekwonduwu.

No, I am not specifically a Game Master, however, I have all the tools and abilities of a Game Master and can do everything they can and more. It isn’t my job to, but a lot of what I do requires me to be able to operate in the same way they can.

Additionally, Customer and Technical Support are part of the Support Department, we very much work with and are a part of the same team.

We don’t post in blue with educated guesses without stating as much, that would defeat the weight that a blue reply has.

Only one of us is using third party knowledge gleaned from the internet and it isn’t me.

I think the misinformation train has traveled far enough tonight so I’m going to keep this one locked.