WARNING! Alliance is turning War Mode OFF!

Lol, what a bad way to counter any argument.

I’ll be waiting here patiently for you to debunk my counterpoints then :joy::ok_hand:

Like I said, I don’t care about anecdotes.

Let me see the data.

Facts don’t care about your feelings.

So you don’t want to talk about the welfare racials?

Just going to stick to one week of already irrelevant ilvl advantage the Alliance had?

I wouldn’t talk about it either as there is no way of defending a decade of welfare racials.


So how about you prove that Alliance was keeping it on? Where are they this week? Your position does not hold water.

Dude, if you want to call racials “welfare racials”, then please do. Because that then goes for every race in game, including humans, which means the Alliance is nothing but a bunch of welfare junkies.

Don’t switch the burden of proof to try to win the argument.

Trust me, my guy. I know every 1 IQ pivot in the book.

It’s the Horde’s claim that there’s a majority of Alliance are turning off warmode after completing the quest.

Hard to do that when you had Horde players > Transfer to the Alliance > turn on WM, complete the quest, & do the Warfront > Then leave.


I highly doubt someone is willing to throw money for a faction change for a free piece of gear to just faction change back.

Don’t get butthurt that the current top guild swapped to Alliance to get the ilvls and swapped back to Horde for the welfare racials.

L I M I T … Did.

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You’re wrong.

Limit did this.


Says the Hume child…

Yeah, that’s exactly it. Nothing else. … (facepalm).

Let’s keep perpetuating a pointless stereotype as the solution and problem of everything.

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Wow, 1 guild. 1 guild =/= 99% of the Horde

I find top guilds a bunch of greedy tight asses. Sorry, but guilds that just wanna rush to finish anything are not in for the enjoyment of all content.

All I said I highly doubt. I didn’t say nobody would

Sorry I pointing out that Horde has had a big advantage due to racials has upset you.

Well really no I’m not. Because that’s exactly what lead to the current situation.

You can play semantics all you want, you’re still wrong.

Most of the top guilds are Horde because of the racials.

Remember Method used to be Alliance too.

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My god, this thread is full of butthurt Alliance.

“Horde has all this, Horde has all that, Alliance should be getting free gear all the time”

My god, no wonder people look at Alliance players like a bunch of children.


I literally just said that you’re wrong about something. Why do you have to instantly get triggered about being wrong?

First you tried to justify being wrong by doing the semantics meme, and now you’re complaining that when I’m right about something suddenly it’s the entire Alliance.

alexa this is so sad please play titanic sad song flute version bass boosted

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You have doubts?
Guilds like Limit were a meme all last week because it was invariably true.
A number of people, both collectively as guilds and individually as independent players, took advantage of faction transferring in order to obtain the 2 ilvl400 pieces on offer to the Alliance last week.

Big Dumb Guild even made an Alliance guild after their transfer called " BigDumb Azerite Gear"