WARNING! Alliance is turning War Mode OFF!

The 15% xp bonus is still worth questing in for a while anyway. I never turned WM on with my max lvl toons. I wasn’t about to camp flight paths for that 400ilvl piece. That being said, I also carry elixirs of tongues with me, as well as elixirs of cammo.

but horde complains that Blizzard is giving them a free heroic piece on raid open along with the warfront piece?

“OMG why does horde complain all the time!”
“Horde does nothing but complain!”

Then the piece gets taken away the next week/

“Blizzard caved into horde!”
“More horde favoritism!”

Claiming that them not getting a 400IL piece every week was horde favoritism was my favorite one.

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Both of you are equally annoying/childish.


This Guy ^^ pot meet kettle

You went out of your way to insult another person, and then you called that person childish for responding with a better more well thought out post. Yeah, makes so much sense. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Says the welfare race with welfare racials.


People are people. There are a great many on both sides that turn it on for rewards. Whether it’s on because someone could get 10% virtually for free because of lopsided numbers or it’s on because 30% and gear was worth the risks.

Remove the PVE rewards altogether, put in PVP-only rewards. Let the PVP people have their fun and don’t tempt the PVE people to join a mode they will only do for bonuses.

No joke, every fight I got into last night while doing WQ ended up in at least a 4v1.

0 other Alliance.

In 90 minutes of play. 10 WQ. At least 8 deaths.
Not a soul from my own faction was sighted.

Look, I’m not complaining about the dying or time spent.
I’m fine with fighting with other players, dying, and things generally taking longer because of all this.

But the fact that the Horde are simply everywhere in numbers greater than can be tolerated and there are 0 other players of your own faction to even attempt some kind of resistance make the experience absolutely terrible.

I’m convinced the split between PvE and PvP gear we had in the past was the better practice more and more every day.

Fact is, you can’t hope to reward PvP and PvE at the same rate. And when the gear that comes from both avenues of play can be used interchangeably, it’s just this really jumbled up mess of rewards.

If we went back to the standard 2 levels of PvP gear, Honor and Conquest.
And the OOA quest rewarded what essentially amounted to a Conquest piece, I don’t think we would be in the situation we are currently.
With players joining in on OOA, just to take the high quality gear to use in some other largely unrelated area of the game.

Vice versa, you have PvPers doing the same with gear from PvE sources. The situation surrounding Xalzaix’s Veiled Eye was… well, it sucked.



Can we just dethrone Ion and make Jalen the new game director?

So are we going to casually ignore that the last week how GD was almost blowing up with threads everywhere about the Horde complaining about warmode? Your confirmation bias is really showing here.

I like that strawman. I don’t get why the only like 3-5 Horde posters on this forum have to resort to strawmanning the other side, or have to produce farcical claims like the “Alliance turn off warmode after completing the quest” to prove a point.

Dude, if you’re going to troll, at least try harder and come back with something that make sense.

You don’t know what a strawman is. There were Alliance turning it on for the quest then turning it off. They were bragging about doing so. Clearly you are suffering from bias here. The complaint was that Alliance was turning it on to get the pity gear, camping FP and Invasions to get it done quick, and then turning it off. Every complaint revolved around this. Which is why more alliance weren’t seen roaming the world, they were seen in these gank squads to get the gear.

Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal. On the shards I kept getting, even during the 400ilvl AOOs, we were still severely outnumbered, being flat-out facerolled by HORDES of horde, massive raid groups of 30-40 Horde at every invasion quest, while we fought tooth and nail to hold our own.

So, yeah. Our mileage has varied.

Hurts when you find out you are the one getting welfare?

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Actually the gear quest isn’t even available, apparently it was only available for like, day 1 for a few hours before being turned off, I was at work.

I do and you just don’t. You’re simplifying an argument to make it easier to attack. Apparently balancing warmode means Horde favortism which is hilariously absurd, no one is saying this. So either you’re strawmanning or you’re genuinely dumb and have no idea how to analyze an argument.

I don’t care about forum anecdotes.

Let me see some actual numbers instead of 2 IQ Horde memes.

Sure, I could be biased, but if you’re screaming bias without explaining it, You’re not supporting your argument. You should try supporting your argument, It’ll help you convey a point in the long run.

And every complaint so far remains uncorroborated by reliable evidence.

Do you think that what people say on the forums and Reddit is reliable evidence?

If they’re traveling in gank squads, wouldn’t they be roaming the world then… To do the quest?


That alliance was still out numbered isn’t disproving that you were turning it off after getting your free gear (it actually supports it). We had a lot of them posting here about doing so.

Horde hasn’t been getting anything. Start making sense.

Poor Alliance trying to pretend your pity gear wasn’t the driving factor last week. Everything you said can be turned around and thrown right back at you. Still live in your pretend world that it wasn’t the 400il gear that drove these groups, that alliance wasn’t posting about turning it off, and that people who didn’t have it on before kept it on after getting the reward.

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You have had welfare racials for over a decade.