Warmode Etiquette?

I went to do this on a lowbie horde hunter once and accidentally tabbed to an orc warrior, so my phoenix pets went after him. I called them off and said sorry. Warr goes “why birds so angry and bite ankles?! Me nice!” (Paraphrasing)
It made my day that he responded like that.


Dude has simply never met a bird

chaotic feather demons that i’ve had the pleasure of caring for all my life, not a single one wasn’t ankle biting even when they were sweet lil homies.


my current pvp truth is that i sit at WQ on Warmode and watch people kill each other during Elite Target WQ

I sit in stealth and the moment the thing has like 2% health i pistol shoot it sprint away giggling and vanishing like i just got away with murder while i watch people cuss each other out in general chat


what kinda character you palyin like a big hammer person or a sword person or what

I’d give it like a 3/10, tbh.

It used to be that real drama got super personal and relied a lot on the individual getting mad. Nowadays everyone just accuses each other of being some kind of phobic or matic. And that sort of drama is everywhere. You can get homegrown WrA drama on twitter.

Oh yeah big two-handed strength build. I can’t really do a stealth character, but I don’t want to embrace the coward’s path of using magic. I want to hit things with other things.

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Has there even BEEN any homegrown wra drama on twitter lately.

Nobody watches LotR movies anymore.

The Lord of the Rings movie is 21 years and change old now.

Anyone else feel depressed and nostalgic?

I’ma go watch the extended trilogy over the weekend now.


I was a strong axe man until late game when I got all curious about all these spells and became a pious faith man. Forgive me for my cowardice but throwing lightning bolts is cool (and yes much easier than hitting things with other things)

I watched the entire extended trilogy last weekend.

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Guess you’re nobody then.


It is still wild to me that they filmed the movies in reverse order, and that the estate that controls Tolkien’s works refused to allow Weta Studios from making any more LotR movies, but allowed the narrative abominations that where the Shadow of Mordor/War games and the absolutely rancid pile of sloppy dog droppings that is the Rings of Power show.

Yes, they cut some things out in the movies but that’s only because otherwise, the flow of the movies would be disjointed and confusing and most folks can only spare 3-4 hours every day for leisure like watching a movie or reading a book. You can just put a book down and pick it up again, you can’t do that in a cinema … and you’ll rarely make your money back in DVDs and tie-in books and manuals.

I liked that show.

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The Rings of Power show or the sloppy dog droppings show?

the sloppy dog droppings show sounds like something that would get twenty seasons on netflix

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It is a good show.

But it is not Lord of the Rings.

I have no idea why Corporate these days thinks slapping a big franchise name onto something only barely similar will work and not get immediately pilloried by the fandom of said franchise?

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Lorde of the Rings

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I’ve never seen Silmarils in the flesh

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Yes, while anything we like gets 1 season with a cliffhanger ending.


IDK. Sandman is coming back for season 2.