So I’ve returned to the game after a while and decided to turn WM on to level a new character. (I’d be posting on her but I literally made her under 48hrs ago and she doesn’t show on the list yet.)
I made it to 60 no problem, but when I got to the dragon isles I’ve noticed an extreme lack of horde players with WM on. And most of alliance players that came across me did not attack me. (I"m horde)
So, being a rogue, naturally I ganked a couple alliances and about 10 minutes later after killing one I got a message from their alt asking what was wrong with me for ganking people leveling on a roleplay server.
What gives?
Is there a non violence pact or something going on with the RP servers or it was just someone mad that they got killed while questing by a rogue? Mind you, we were same level, so it was fair. (As fair as a rogue jumping you while you have an enemy aggroed goes at least…)
I also asked around on global and someone’s first question was: Were they fishing? You dont gank fishers, that’s proper etiquette.
I’m confused, what are the rules? >.<
Honestly it sounds like you were being obnoxious about something because to have someone whisper you about this means you did something obnoxious. No one on this or any RP server will be mad you killed them on warmode. Unless you’re being obnoxious about it.
Pvp is the devil
From my own experience, I leveled up on an PVP server as a wee child. It’s all I knew. And I kind of hated it. I was young, I couldn’t enjoy the world but for some reason THIS was the server my family chose to spend time on. So trying to explore the world and see the sights was anxiety inducing because I hated being camped. It made me feel bad and it really made things unfun. So when I ended up returning to WoW in WoD, I realized i could be doing the thing I want to do which was be immersed in story! So RP server I went and I was SO glad I didn’t have to worry about people camping me, doing weird emotes at me and not letting me progress.
So on RP servers, I think generally, people don’t like the stress of PvP. Some people don’t have the reaction time or gear or add ons to deal with the crazy dedicated people who sneak up , kill you, and then camp you. So when it comes to Warmode, generally, I think most people are only doing it for the extra XP boost and better gear and less for the PvP aspect. They just want to zoom through their alts. Some people probably like the PvP aspect, but I think a large majority of people are just trying to get bigger chunks of progression rather then have a war.
Unless its one of the PvP quests then that is a different story.
Mmmm… from what you are saying, pvp in WM is being obnoxious. Is that the etiquette? I killed them once; I saw them killing the enemy I needed for the quest, so it was gray and wouldn’t count for me if I helped, so I just killed them and “stole” the tag.
Is that being obnoxious? Feels like the whole point of tagging in WM is to make players pvp for named enemies and quest objectives.
War Mode is to make leveling faster and to give people access to abilities that help them kill things faster. It was created entirely to try to force people to engage in PVP for Battle for Azeroth, which was, for a time, centered around faction conflict.
It was largely unpopular and would be called a bad move. Which given how Blizzard was for the past two expansions, not surprising.
Engaging in actual PVP while people are trying to quest is annoying and bothersome. PVP is what battlegrounds exist for. Just leave players alone otherwise.
It seems like you’re looking for validation over something you did after the someone you did it to called you out.
Whether it’s because you thought what you did was fine or their callout is causing a deep-down worry that you effed up, I can’t say.
We’re also only hearing one side of the story, which is prime AITA fodder material but not something I feel altogether comfortable making a black-and-white call on.
That said, there’s no server-proposed-and-accepted etiquette for PvPing in WM. You could have been called out this way on any server, not just WrA.
For my part, I personally would have waited till after someone was done with the mob before engaging, but my version of WM PvP is more 1v1 sport , not competing over resources. You wanted the mob and took it, WM made it possible. That’s not technically wrong, and that could be the PvP cultural clash between you and this individual in this one instance.
Is it a dirty trick to kill someone who has the tag on a mob you need? Well…… kind of? But not really- it isn’t anything new to WoW, and just because we’re on WrA doesn’t mean we have to treat each other like babies. If you’re in warmode, you’ve opted in to PvP, and PvP happens.
Yes! You hit it right on the point!
I genuinelly felt bad, the person made me feel bad for killing them. I posted this in order to see if I’d get “WM on, kill at will” replies, which WAS my expectation towards it. But it does seem like people genuinelly don’t like to pvp despite having the mode on.
And yes, I understand my kill was not honorable. I was in heirloons at the time and I don’t even think I’d be able to solo the mob they were fighting. (I forgot the name, its on the obsidian place after talking to left, or right) So yes, I did take advantage of being a rogue to steal the tag. I’m not here defending the kill, just curious about the act of pvp in a RP server.
Guess I did get my answer. Thank you!
np, glad to help!
I don’t think there was any true arseholes in this situation, just mismatched expectations. Stuff happens. Have fun with WM on, it’s my preferred way to level alts, too.
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There is no warmode etiquette except for the one you make for yourself. People can simply disable it if they don’t want to get attacked by another player. People just like to cry & complain.
Dont pay attention the those pesky enemy players. They OPTED into warmode therefore submitting to potential gankage. Its the way it has been and the way it should be.
Everyone has there own rules, my rules?
I never engage anyone not level capped, not geared, outnumbered, has me outnumbered, honor level too low, busy with mobs, AFK or not attacking me or someone else.
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Personally; I hate WarMode - but it’s not because I don’t like PVP. I joined Maelstrom and then later my guild moved to WrA. Most of us selected an RP PVP server on purpose; because we wanted to have the experience of having war mode on around all the time. – And you’re totally right, the Horde generally don’t walk around in WM or even when we do the server cluster we’re on will bring in alliance from 3 different servers to be sure we’re still out numbered. Personally, I don’t think it’s fair > The alliance doesn’t bring nearly enough people most of the time. (kidding… sorta lol)
I won’t knee jerk like some here and say “Oh you must have been annoying” - but it was probably because people were annoyed. The above is a sarcastic response but honestly here are some general etiquette rules for War Mode (They are exactly the same etiquette rules I followed before War Mode was a thing and we had no choice but to be in pvp mode all the time on WrA)
- Rogues are annoying. If you see one, kill it. No hate on the players, but the class has always been annoying by nature. No one likes to be ambushed, and several classes have distinct disadvantages to not knowing they’re about to be attacked vs being prepped and ready for it like you are in an Arena/BG
- Do not attack players while they’re fighting mobs. That’s cheap. If you want to help someone fight a mob in war mode (like a world boss / elite / quest mob / etc) be sure to only use single target attacks.
- If you’re not going to attack someone, when you see them /bow to them. This lets them know you’re friendly. If you see someone /bow to you - leave them be. The bloody token isn’t worth the bad rep you’ll probably get for “ganking them” even though they chose to be on war mode.
- When someone respawns, unless they jump right on you - give them a 10 second head start. If you want to chase them, especially with dragonflight abilities… that’s actually probably pretty fun (for both parties if they’re into PVP). But at least give them a head start.
- If you have a clear advantage, consider being merciful. Don’t kill a level 61 toon in ilevel 221 gear who just wandered out of their timewalk campaign. Pick on someone your own size.
- Once you’re geared, capped, and ready to rock… stop ganking people who are leveling. 9 times out of 10 they will not be a challenge. Your PVP fun is now in Arenas, BGs, Guilds, and the massive battle royale after a world boss goes down in war mode.
Keep in mind these general tips, and the fact that many people are using war mode to get around the glitchy reality of dragonflight. Some people (as unintelligible as it may be) do not really want to PVP even though they’re in war mode. These are not “rules” or “laws” they’re only guidelines I try to follow.
And oh yeah… 7. Have fun. If someone is upset, but you’re not genuinely being a harassing clown, just move on with your life.
Good luck, have fun.
Kireq Nusas -
Shindu Alar Lives! (Apply in game for interested parties, heavy RP)
Just keep killing, it’s WM.
If it’s red it’s dead, as the old sayin’ goes. Griping about gettin’ whacked in war mode is like complaining about the smell at an anime convention…you KNEW what you were gettin’ into when ya signed up.
If you give honor it’s fair game.
If you flag or have War Mode on you should always expect PVP. If you want to level but don’t want to have to deal with the possibility of being ganked then you should not turn on Warmode… it is as simple as that.
There is no “pact” or “etiquette” when in Warmode outside of don’t be a jerk and try to respect people’s space. Don’t grief people RPing or RP events. Killing lowbies is generally frowned upon as well as people fishing, but they more or less signed a contract when they turned WM on to expect pvp.
You did nothing wrong… the fact that it is an RP server is irrelevant. All players consent to pvp when turning on WM. In short: pvp happened.
I treat all angry PvP whispers as personal victories, congrats!
Personal opinion is that so many people have gotten used to WM here being nothing more than “level faster” and generally non-confrontational that when someone comes along and kills them, they’re surprised and probably annoyed because it’s been so comfy for so long.
Bottom line is that it’s Warmode and as such, you cannot control what another player is doing or how they are going to play.
I enjoy the heck out of PvP but I enjoy fair fights or at least semi-reasonable fair fights. That’s why I don’t play on a PvP or PvP-RP server. I can’t stand griefers, gankers, etc etc. It’s also why I largely avoid WM.
Being from one of the old pvp servers back in Wrath, I live by the saying red is dead like others have said. If someone complains about being ganked, maybe they shouldn’t have war mode on! There’s no set in stone etiquette and honestly some of the best friendships (least in my history) have come from wpvp!
Kill or be killed. Just don’t rage whisper butt fedora toxic stuff and you’re gucci. Personally I think it adds to the immersion knowing the other faction can come out of nowhere and give me a new meaning on life or I turn the tables on them. Dragon riding has only enhanced that imo (I could do without my own drake scaring me every time I summon it though
I hope to see you out in the world OP! I play both sides 
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