Warlord’s Deathwheel and the Trading Post

Yeah I think everything should be obtainable or return for a short time in some way whether months or couple years. Classic existing in itself is another way of old items still living on, though a different version.

That mount is old, and Tyrael shed his wings. They should make a flashy new one based on Inarius.

thats what the trading post was about?
gods if thats the case then i better start savin!

I wonder if there is a statute of limitations. Even copyrights go public domain after a while.

Unless they can get around the contract, I don’t think so.

Whoops! I edited my post in case someone reads it and is confused. Thanks. :slight_smile:

Blizzard is big on recolors. Under the copyright laws that are at issue here, the general standard is that something has to be (more or less here, I’m not a lawyer) “10% different” to claim it is not a reproduction of a similar work.

So if you change the tints 11% (one more for good measure) … would that be enough? :stuck_out_tongue:

A recolor is how I would approach this.

The Horde lost by cheating but this one time it bit them in the end to do so.

And before you rush to defend the Horde it was well known how the system was abused so I’m not just making it up. The Horde did cheat the voting system and “won” but at the same time little did they know the win would cost them everything.

ROFLMAO! You don’t happen to live in Arizona, do you?

hahha omg… we rigged the voting machines, did we?? hahahaahaha omg

You can take issue that the Horde is more popular for being more “edge-lordy” when gaming tends to attract people that like being “edge-lordy.” Or any other valid to semi-valid reason as to why the Horde is more popular.

But no one cheated. You just… LOST. Get over it.

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Horde cheated end of story my dude and the Alliance might have lost but in the end we win as we can still get our mount. Personally I don’t care I have both mounts.

I guess you do live in Arizona. Because if you’re going to keep making that claim, we’re going to need to see some PROOF.

Keep in mind-- if you can PROVE this claim, I will be MORE THAN HAPPY to admit I’m wrong. I don’t want cheaters to win, any more than you do.

But that’s not what you’re doing. You’re just whining like a child because you LOST.

Show us the PROOF… or go sit in time out. Baby.

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Think whatever you want friend I don’t care. Horde cheated to win but only ended up cheating themselves out of the death wheel. Hops on the Alliance version and rides off laughing at the poor deluded Orc

Curious as to why you think Tyraels Charger won’t ever return. I mean, it really probably won’t, but it still has a chance, quite unlike the Deathwheel, which legitimately cannot come back due to legal issues with that tv show. Blizz would have to actively fight for the rights to release it again, probably spending money on it, too, which means it likely won’t ever happen. Tyrawls Charger is just a matter of flicking a switch.

Then I think I’ll stick to FACTS… while you live in a delusional fantasy based on nothing.

Yes, that’s obvious. Make sure to drink a glass of water from time to time with your head buried in the sand like that.

Do you also believe in the Easter Bunny? lol

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I’m not under any burden of proof here. You can look it up if you want Google is a great tool for doing so. But I understand I came at your beloved Horde and you rushed in to white knight it stooping to insults to try and get your point across but you only look foolish for doing so. Enjoy that research and I’ll just be snickering in the background the whole time.

You made the claim so… yes you are. That’s how this works. When you make a claim or assertion, YOU need to back it up. You don’t get to say whatever you want … and then leave it to the OTHER PARTY to research your wild, nonsensical claims.

And I already said: show the proof and I’ll GLADLY admit I’m wrong. I don’t white knight for anyone, let alone Blizzard. My post history stands for that.

You just… don’t have any proof because it didn’t happen. You’ll gladly spend the next 12 hours going back and forth with me, ignoring every chance to provide said proof… when, according to you it’s so easy to look it up.

But… not so easy that you’d back up your false claim??? gg

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I simply told you the truth. You can’t handle it so you deflect it by stooping to personal attacks rather than logic and reason. Why would I lie about something so old? I once again do not care I have both mounts you can once again do a little research by looking at my profile and seeing my mount collection so there is no reason for me to lie. The Horde cheated by spamming the voting website with more votes than there was players at the time because it was found out you didn’t need to prove your vote was a real account linked to WoW. You could refresh and vote over and over. But like I said it hurt the horde to do it do in the long run the Alliance got the last laugh.

It’s not a deflection to ask for evidence. The only one deflecting is you. I’ve asked for proof three times now, each time you have deflected.

At least this time you provided a basis to your false claim, but still no proof.

Note-- your claim is PLAUSIBLE. I’m willing to listen.

But that’s still not PROOF. I guess at this point I shouldn’t be surprised you don’t understand the difference.

I don’t know what else to tell you. The only one cowering like a child under their Faction pride blanket is you. All I want to know is what happened. Not what you THINK happened. Not what MAYBE happened or COULD have happened.

What DID happen. Show me the PROOF of that… or go sit with your woobie.

Also-- your claim of how the Horde cheated is invalid. Because you’re saying a person could vote more than once. Except… that’s true for the Alliance too. The players who voted Horde did nothing the Alliance players couldn’t do. I would agree that’s cheating… but it’s not like ONLY the Horde players could do it.

It’s an distinction without a difference.

Your next claim is going to be something like the “TOTALLY ALTRUISTIC ALLIANCE WOULD NEVER DO SUCH A THING.” Which… I’m older than 10. Don’t even start such nonsense with me.

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Enjoy your research I’m done talking to a brick wall who can’t be bothered to do a simple task. Cya next time my friend. I don’t block people it’s rude but we are done here.

Like providing proof when you make a claim? FOUR times now.

The burden of proof is on YOU. YOU made the claim.

Learn how to present an argument. After four times of asking for proof, and four times of you deflecting and posting anything but proof, I’m just flagging you for trolling. Because that’s all your doing.

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