Warlord’s Deathwheel and the Trading Post

I think for a lot of people, they understand the “why” of it all.

It’s just absurd that ONE of these things… everyone can have!!!

But the other thing… IS ILLEGAL!!!

lol The common sense of it is nowhere. They’re both just dumb mounts. How can one of them be AGAINST THE LAW!!! lol

That’s what is such a pain with this issue.

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If you ever watched the show Azeroth Choppers was based on, American Choppers, you’d know the person in charge is not a very reasonable guy. Lol.

But only Blizzard really knows.

Pesky things called legal contracts and exclusivity laws, I’d imagine. :stuck_out_tongue:

He probably said “gimme $10 and we’ll call it good.”

And one of the bean-counters at Blizz was like welllllll I dunnnoooo mannnnnnnnn…

No. The reason is because the Warlord’s Deathwheel was a prize, and California state law prevents prizes from being redistributed, including through other promotions.

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And for the record, I’m not against them finding a way to bring it back.

I’m just pointing out we’ve been told why they haven’t brought it back, and that until we’re told otherwise, that likely hasn’t changed.

IIRC, the last blue post about it was that they would ask around, but we never heard more?

So … the Horde lost by winning?

(I had characters on both factions, so I picked up my free one and bought the Alliance version later.)

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No, the (edit): Alliance can still claim their prize. Because the Horde won, it was a “limited offer.”

It’s the (edit) Horde that had a brief moment where they could get it-- but that was stopped.

And they’ve been asking for it every since.

UPDATE: I edited this post because I had the Factions backwards. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks, Maizou. :slight_smile:

I might have bought a token to fund the purchase. Been a while and I don’t remember.

Ya I was wondering if the trading post would include it, maybe someday. :frowning:

You mixed it up. The horde one is no longer obtainable. The alliance one is still sold for 100k.


Yes the alliance one is still sold by Paulie in old town in stormwind.

Has the Deathwheel become a cool thing? Should I be using mine? Will I finally be popular??

It’s always been cool, but that is my opinion.


It’s a ground mount so it’ll always have negligible use. But I usually had it on my bars when I played a horde toon.

Normally handout mounts like that, I never use. Everyone’s on them. Everyone has them. But now I suppose enough time has passed that it’s become desirable.

I don’t switch mounts around a lot. Normally I ride what fits the character. Which is a wolf for Taugs. Cause zugzug.

I know it was a login reward, but it’s still one of the few motorcycle style mounts we have in game. I would like to see more motorbikes, maybe even a motorcycle that can transform into an air bike would be cool. I know us goblins are probably close to this technology, gnomes take forever. :slight_smile:

You’re playing a goblin, you should have one. I’d let you ride mine if I could

I wish, I’ve shamed myself for years quitting in WOD and not paying attention to the deadline. As someone that’s played since vanilla and not being able to fork out 15 dolllars during that time to get something that will never return to the game stinks. But I’d be happy with more motorcycles in general.

Be neat if old pvp sets came back.