Warlocks Need Changes! 20th Anniversary Celebration Update Notes Are a Total Joke!

Warlock visuals are amazing. I love the demon customization, the spell animations, the sounds, the dedicated side quests, and more. The class fantasy is truly great, and there’s so much potential to explore. But mechanically and performance-wise, the class is a complete mess. Every spec needs a significant overhaul. I’m focusing on Destruction because that’s where I’ve invested most of my time.

With constant complaints about how bad the class is and how underwhelming Destruction has become, we thought, “Finally, maybe we’ll get some buffs.” But no. Instead, we got the 20th Anniversary Celebration Update Notes.

After 200 lines of changes (mostly buffs) and improvements for Shamans, Warlocks got a total of three changes, almost irrelevant. In short, we’re still going to be drinking piss in the queue.

    • Soul Rot’s icon has been updated.
    • Hero Talents
      • Diabolist
        • The cycle of Diabolic Ritual is now reset when entering an arena, entering a battleground, starting a raid encounter, or starting a Mythic+ dungeon.
        • Overlord will now use an alternative attack if there are no available paths for charging. There should be no difference in throughput between the alternative attack and his current attack.
    • Destruction
      • Diabolic Ritual has been updated – Chaos Bolt, Rain of Fire, and Shadowburn grant Diabolic Ritual for 20 seconds. If Diabolic Ritual is already active, its duration is reduced by 1 second instead. When Diabolic Ritual expires you gain Demonic Art, causing your next Chaos Bolt, Rain of Fire, or Shadowburn to summon an Overlord, Mother of Chaos, or Pit Lord that unleashes a devastating attack against your enemies.
      • Touch of Rancora has been updated – Demonic Art increases the damage of your next Chaos Bolt, Rain of Fire, or Shadowburn by 100% and reduces its cast time by 50%. Chaos Bolt reduces the duration of Diabolic Ritual by 1 additional second.
        • Developer’s note: We’re adjusting Diabolic Ritual to avoid a situation where constantly casting Rain of Fire, due to its instant cast time, provides the best output for Diabolist. To avoid adding to Diabolic Ritual’s already lengthy tooltip, we’re adding functionality to Touch of Rancora to add further value to casting Chaos Bolt so that its cast time doesn’t hinder its usefulness to Diabolist warlocks.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
What is the logic behind this? Are Warlocks some kind of sick joke from Blizzard?

To me, it looks like this:

In the current M+ scenario, we don’t even have a slot to play. Groups trying to optimize save one slot for a Shaman, one for Augmentation, and the last for a Mage/DK. I had to beg on my notes saying, “Please invite me to your key, I’m in queue for 3 hours.” I’m 622 ilvl, 2450 io, have all +9 timed and 2 +10 timed, and I still get denied in +8/+9 keys. And you know what? They’re absolutely right not inviting a Destruction Warlock. We underperform compared to other classes, so if they have another class with slightly lower ilvl, io, or whatever, they’ll go with that.

We need buffs, and there are many simple changes that could help. What really grinds my gears is that Evokers got two talents turned into baseline—why can’t we have that? Other classes got 6+ baseline changes. They always say, “deep changes can’t be patched on a normal Tuesday,” but just look at the number of lines for Evokers, Druids, and Shamans. What the hell are they thinking about Warlocks? Do they think everything is fine? I just can’t understand.

Things we URGE to turn into BASELINE:

Quoting for other post that i made:

One of the main issues is the overwhelming time we spend casting spells that don’t return enough damage. For example:

  • Infernal Bolt used with Fire and Brimstone should at least cast one incineration with the proc., not to mention that procs need to beinstant cast, not .5 sec, not .3 sec, instant cast. Zero sec.
  • Repeat with me: All procs needs to be instant cast.
  • All procs needs to be instant cast.
  • All procs needs to be instant cast.
  • All procs needs to be instant cast.
  • Ruination, Decimation, Ritual of Ruin, Infernal Bolt, every single one of this being instant cast would be a HUGE life change to destro.

Beyond that, Havoc needs more uptime. We proc so many abilities that don’t benefit from it, wasting a lot of its uptime while casting all these procs. That’s why some players end up using the Mayhem talent, which is random, hard to manage, and should complement Havoc, not replace it.

  • Havoc needs more uptime, since we proc so many abilities that usually don’t benefit from Havoc, wasting a lot of its uptime while casting all these procs. That said:
  • Havoc should be baseline.

Other stuff that could be changed that i mentioned in some early post:

  • Ruinating delay to hit the ground is absurd. Not to mention the inumerous time that the skill simply doesn’t deal any damage at all. When we had the “speedcast” it was acceptable, but now with the slow cast + the absurd delay to hit the ground it’s just ridiculous.
  • Decimetion talent proc use time is too short, its like 8 secconds. Wich means you often lose it because you don’t have the window to cast (Also it should be instant). And often when you use it the proc is gone and you start casting a 3.2 sec skill wich grind my gears really hard, feels like the spec is malfunctioning.
  • Diabolists procs need a daft punk buff, they should hit Harder, Better, Faster and Stronger.
  • Cataclysm and inferno should not be in the same talent choice.
  • Roaring Blaze and Improve Conflagrate should not be in the same talent choice.
  • Chaos bolt takes too much time and the damage doesn’t match the time casting.
  • The ritual of ruin used to summon an infernal with stuns, wich was really great and wasn’t broken at all. They removed it and retarded the way we stack embers so we don’t use the Ritual of Ruining that often, since this change the damage curve is soo slow and we don’t get that sweet sweet reward after stacking every buff to spam dmg.
  • Fel Domination 3 min cooldown is so ridiculous, TBH this spell being a TALENT is rididiculous, making us cast for 4.8 sec to summon a pet is ridiculous, everything arround this is ridiculous. I can’t understand why they make this so much painfull to a pet spec to summon / ressumon the pets while they usually die in misterious ways even we having a TON of macros to control it. - Just a small sample, you are in a dungeon, your team wipes, everyone release, warlocks needs to summon the pet (because you probably already used the Fel Domination, or because you want to save it in case you need to switch pets or your pet die), create a soulwell and put the soulstone on someone (when you have). At this point everyone is already at the point of the wipe and you start running with Burning Rush hoping that any debuff starts hitting you and you die again. This is frustration at the finnest.
  • Soulstone cast is ridiculous long and we should not have to spent a talent point to make it shorter.

Given the current game numbers, Chaos Bolt should not hit for less than 1M for geared players. It needs to hit hard, and when we have buffs, it should hit even harder.

The way Destruction works today, we’re not destroying anything besides ourselves—it’s more like self-destruction, because it takes a lot of nerves to push the spec. It’s frustrating.


Given how niche it is, there’s no reason why Banish shouldn’t be baseline. Also, Fiendish Stride needs to reduce the damage of Burning Rush by, at least, 30%.


Banish should be baseline, 100%. We use it so casually that it makes no sense to pay a talent for it. Considering that they removed too many baseline spells from warlocks and transformed them into talents, we don’t have many options to play. If you want a functional class, you HAVE to fix 95% of the talents. Sometimes, you end up with a half-baked warlock just to cover some “damage-optimal talents” that you need to include (CDF, Shadowburn, Soulfire…).

They refuse to fix the current warlock. Instead, they randomly try to force you to use the “new weird bugged stuff,” which always ends up nerfed or removed from the game. This has been the case long before Shadowlands. In BFA, when they accidentally created the “Rain of Fire” meme build, they tried to nerf it in the middle of the MDI. They just delayed the nerf by about a month because a lot of pro players complained. We are being fooled like this since, with one abomination class that doesn’t delivery any proper roll on the game.



The current guy in charge of warlock was given warlock after he was already the mage guy so now he manages both classes. He needs to be relieved of warlock and it given to someone who actually plays and likes the class fantasy.

He doesn’t like the class and wants it to be a worse mage, and never better than his baby (mage), and it shows.
Granted, nobody else to my knowledge has to manage two classes. It isn’t an easy task, and goes beyond the expectations of a job requirement in a creative field. He is being spread thin.

That being said:
The state of warlock right now is inexcusable for a live service subscription based product.
Just hire kalamazi or something


I trust Kalamazi more than WoWhead at this point, the guy knows his stuff.


It’s very obvious warlock needs a LOT of attention (akin to the Paladin level of changes coming).

When they announced the 20th Anniversary patch and mentioned it would be a major balance patch for the middle of the season - you naturally assume Warlock will be a priority since all of their specs are performing quite poorly/are riddled with bugs.

But to see all you get is an icon change and a talent rework nerf is baffling.

At this point it just feels like a popularity contest and they want to look after their most played classes (Druid, Mage, Paladin, Hunter) despite some of these specs already performing at the very top (Guardian Druid, Ret Paladin, Mage Fire/Arcane).

Very frustrating.


Ugh and here I am leveling a warlock…

I mean, I’d still play it because I really like the class, but the situation is that bad? I’m more of a “mid-level” keys person.

I’m more concerned about PVP viability, though, all I hear around is that locks are trash. I’m more of a BG player.

Wait a sec…

Then lock is more than fine for you! You can easily do well in mid keys, even in 10’s with Warlock, any spec really.

Well, I heard Aff was super strong but I also saw that it got nerfed BAD.

I like the guy, but even though he recognizes that we are in a bad spot, because he kind of ‘works’ with the game, I think he’s afraid to criticize more harshly the way they handle the spec. He keeps saying that ‘we are fine’ just to avoid admitting that we are pretty much trash at the moment.

He’s really good at identifying better changes for the spec, and he could provide great feedback to improve it—and probably has—but Blizzard usually doesn’t listen to anything. The last blue post here was on September 9, justifying a strange fix they made to warlocks that messed up the internal cooldown of Hellcaller (wich was pointed by kala btw).

we are doomed. Really hate our state rn on the game. It’s been years of trash modifications shoved on our faces.


Yes, you can make lock work for mid-keys. However, that doesn’t mean you won’t be frustrated by negative design choices and working twice as hard just to compete with the other classes. It’s clear that there are issues, many of which aren’t numbers but practicality and consistency. Its playable, core of the specs are enjoyable… but there are glaring issues atm and having nothing addressed in .5 is extremely disheartening.


Sorry Ojisan, this sound reasoning doesn’t make sense with the w̶a̶r̶l̶o̶c̶k̶ d̶e̶v̶ mage dev


each class isnt assigned 1 dev unfortunately. rogue & dh had 1 dev managing them last i recall (he was all over rogue & dh forum/discord asking for feedback during the rework in df)

Yeah kalamazi’s trying to stay in good graces but these arent the kind of issues that require subtle criticism
we’re usable, but we’re not fine


He’s trying to be “diplomatically nice” about their current state, but watching his recent videos you can see him starting to get tired of it.


Correct. It’s streamer privilege - he’s afraid of upsetting the blizzard gravy train and losing all of the freebies and benefits.

Despite that, you see the frustration creep in and almost break through sometimes before he remembers and reigns it in. His latest video today he comes really close to calling Blizzard clowns.

He knows a lot and his suggestions are always good. It’s just games “journalism” and content creation generally these days - everyone is too afraid of upsetting the gravy train and being blacklisted.

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Am I a witch? An hour after I posted that he posted this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6wdEaoa73Q with a title “Pleas for Buffs”


damn, he sounds mad beneath the fake youtuber voice
good, he should be
at this point we need to protest in a way that affects the entire playerbase to get blizzard to notice

I’m thinking “No buffs, no summons”
Remind people what a luxury we are and what happens if we disappear or swap mains


We already wait 3 hours for M+ invites. Why blacklist ourselves lol?


To save yourself 3 hours ofc


If blizzard sees warlock participation rate crash even lower than it already has and it being the result of people refusing to give summons due to a lack of buffs, perhaps they’ll like a fire under someone’s behind. Put in some suggestions too.

Of course, this is assuming blizzard wants to show that they turned a new leaf and weren’t the ones behind the bad decisions all along, and we all blamed bobby for nothing.