Warlocks are having their Observer deleted

Save the observer, save the mage elemental pet from becoming a CD ability, and save exorcism spell for paladins. As well as other things that are getting nerfed or deleted from the game.

And bring the classic wow original 1-60 overworld back for chromie time and transmogs. Thanks blizzard. Stop deleting stuff from the game.

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those look terrible.

uh…werent our pet specs removed over someone whining about losing in pvp?

You still have hundreds of “silhouette” options for each spec

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we’re getting lock pet mods in the barber shop.

No, they have said that all customization options MUST fit a specific silhouette

Ergo why they are removing Observer, because Floating Eyeball is not a Doggo

That is the entire point of the thread you linked lmao

Feels way less consistant with hunters having so much variance for the same buffs.

And Sayaad’s also having different silhouete’s and species with Shivarra.

Having to felhunter models doesn’t sound bad. Sayaad already have 3. Sayaad male/female and Shivarra

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again…we’re getting barber shop mods.
my hunter pets were TRASHED when specs were removed.
I play lock and hunter guy. Im pretty familiar with the shortcomings of both. lol
Im FAR more irritated with losing hunter pet specs than anything that is going on with warlock

yeah…Im not doing this back and forth today, so thread muted.

No, we are getting a dozen recolors of an imp

Imagine, if you will, that Blizzard decided that all tenacity pets must be four legged mammals, all cunning pets must be lizards, and all ferocity pets must be birds.

Everything else is getting removed and off the table.

Great talk level ten hunter alt

Who cares? The Observer isn’t in there.

I’m not sure why a discussion is such a problem for you but okay.

We know that. But that wasn’t the point of their post.

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As a Warlock since the dawn of time (it feels like)… I don’t actually mind this, if the tradeoff is worthwhile.

We Warlocks have been asking for customization options for Warlocks and our pets for a long time now, so this might not be the perfect dish but it still looks pretty tasty… was that lame? That sounds lame… oh well, no regrets

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Yeah, to me the tradeoff isn’t worthwhile. :slightly_frowning_face:

It isn’t

We are getting a dozen new imps and only imps, older TBC voidwalker/voidlord models, zero new Sayaads, zero new Felguards or Wrathguards, and two new fel puppies

The other 600 possible options for demons and aberrations implemented between Legion and BFA are left gathering dust


I’m going to chime in on this as well, because I’ve seen a number of people saying similar things. My issue with that is in the idea that we have to trade the observer for the new customizations.

That simply isn’t the case. It’s not as if the observer existing was preventing Blizzard from giving us more. As far as we know, the only reason why it’s being deprecated is because it doesn’t match the felhunter’s silhouette. The blue post was clear:

Our reason for this is to ensure that each demon retains a similar silhouette across all available customizations, so that each demon and the functionality or power they provide to the warlock is easily understood by other players as well as the warlock.

If it weren’t for the silhouette, we have no reason to believe that they couldn’t have been included in the new options. The silhouette argument has been refuted numerous times here on the forums by now though. Blizzard should just forego the silhouettes and let us keep the skin that has been in the game for nearly 11 years, in addition to the new options they’ve been working on. There’s no good reason not to… unless there’s some other reason that they’re not telling us.

That’s why people are frustrated. If there truly is some other behind-the-scenes reasoning, then they should just tell us. Until then, we have to assume that they’re needlessly limiting themselves on the silhouette non-issue, which people should rightly voice their opinion on. Isn’t that the reason for these PTR releases?

I’m not unreasonable though. This decision could have been made ages ago for all I know. Maybe they built the new system knowing the observer wouldn’t be an option, and maybe it’s not so simple to quickly to add it back in after the fact. I understand that they have to manage their resources. I don’t expect them to snap their fingers and have it be included overnight, but maybe Blizzard could let us know what they think of our feedback. Maybe they could bring them back in a later patch. One can only hope.


Don’t forget the Shivarra too. I hope we will get more custimozations for Shivarra. They don’t even get an updated model. I hope Felguards and Wrathguards will get some new things too. 10.1.5 is the warlock patch so we need to get more for them.

Here are some things I would like for the Shivarra :smiley:


Haven’t gotten any lmao

Given the Silhouette argument, it may be on the chopping block

Hilariously, it’s in the barbershop on PTR.

This, I was more bothered by it originally but now I don’t care much but I do wish we had more variety of colors for stuff like shivarra, incubus, felguard and wrathguard and if losing the observer is what has to happen in order to potentially get those customizations I’m 100% on board with that since I never used it outside of the old grimoire of supremacy talent anyway.