Warlocks are having their Observer deleted

Those variants are hot trash. They look like they just imported the color variant mounts from Heroes of the Storm. I want my Observer or they can remove hunter pets if they want me to believe their excuse.

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It doesn’t though. Why do you think this is the case? Blizzard never said that they’re mutually exclusive. The observer isn’t being removed to make way for the new options, it’s being removed because of the silhouette.


I didn’t say that it is the case, I said if it has to happen to potentially get those customizations, I literally have no horse in this race since I don’t care whether the observer is there or not anymore since I never use it on any of my Warlocks.

I do care about succubus, shivarra and incubus and their customizations.

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And to Blizzard I’d like to say once again how silly that is. It’s okay to have the other different demons but not the Observer. Fix it, Blizz!



Honestly I prefer the observer over the dog : / at least when I play my destro lock. The observer is nice. I liked the lore for it too during the green fire quest and it just seemed loads smarter then the dog. They were just agreeing to join the warlock as long as they can eat magic (the dispel for them) and they were just chill and smart and told you about demons.

I liked it since the dog was the default choice for stuff like mythic plus for the silence and now that is sort of being taken away which I dislike. I honestly don’t get the logic behind its removal since the Sayaad demons literally have a different race as a customization with quite a few arms.

And hunters have way different types of creatures with different silhouettes within the same family and there is like a whole webiste catered to just all the hunter pets…

It just seems like a weird excuse to not include observers with the fel hounds.

If you look at carapids for example you got snales and you got the desert insects!

Rodents… tons of varieties with vombatas using like the bear model vs a rat, vs otters…

I honestly don’t think it would hurt to keep observers with the felhounds.


“We’d rather you didn’t play Warlock”

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Again I’m neither for or against keeping it or getting rid of the observer minion because I never use it, actually I rarely use the felhound or anything else outside of succubus, shivarra or incubus which is why they are the center of my own customization wants and desires.


My complaint is more so the most useful pet for pve/mythic dungeons is the one that has this weird exception to the rule. : / I am just sad. Mostly because I am not really a fan of the felhound models and Im gonna miss the smart eye demon throwing eye beams out.

I hope they just let us have two types of silence pets instead honestly. Observer’s nature sort of fills that niche well since they are smart beings wanting to consume magic and learn. I just think its a big shame.

I hope blizz just leaves it in as customization. Might be a problem with greenfire although I am not sure about that.

They can easily add the skin in the barber shop but the real reason they are not doing so is because the observer skin is exactly the same as the pvp ability, the observer would hang high up in the air and eye beam player who cast harmful spells.

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There are other Observers to use. Or change the PvP ability to call an Eye instead.

Yup, hunter pets lost spec switching because pvprs complained they couldnt tell what the pets attacking them did. Somehow PVE is the 95% or so of community, yet the 5% pvp community is destroying a lot of our pve fun instead of separating the 2 like FFXIV did entirely so neither is negatively affected.

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Well, here’s proof that Ion thinks we’re all stupid:

Observer was primarily about visual clarity. It was changing your Felhunter into something that looks nothing like a Felhunter, but has the same functionality. From a perspective of players trying to understand the game and what the classes around you can do, and what to expect when you see a pet summon


Does help explain why they think we can only do things in a skinner box fashion instead of allowing even the option of being deterministic.

“Choosing an item after weeks is too hard, but brain feel happy when pulling lever weeee this good game design”

It’s a good change. IMO prune many of the over the top customizations that completely change the way something works/looks. Also prune a bunch of spells and abilities to bring WoW back in line to it’s original accessible format. Nobody new to this game stays because it’s become so convoluted with bloat in all forms.

Deleting cosmetic options and glyphs is NEVER a good change.

Oh. Another Asmon follower. Nevermind.

Observer was primarily about visual clarity. It was changing your Felhunter into something that looks nothing like a Felhunter, but has the same functionality.

Isn’t that the whole point of glyphs to begin with?

There are so many things in this game that actually need to be fixed, and yet they fixate on removing a customization now after 10 years? This is bogus. I guess they felt the need to throw us a bone though, because he also said this:

That said, we want to find ways down the line and hopefully in the near future to reintroduce a way to have that appearance, but probably not as a Felhunter - it’s just too large a transformation in respect to gameplay purposes.

Not that it gives me much hope. Notice that he didn’t say “we will find a way to reintroduce the appearance…”

No, no… it’s just something that they “want” to “hopefully” find a way to do someday. There’s no actual confirmation in what he said, they’re just weasel words.

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Yeah that’s Ion speak for “it’s not happening”

He’s so out of touch it’s incredible. No one had any issue with the observer. It was a made up issue they created because they didn’t want to make the customizations for the stupid dog to have people not use their shiny new models and stick with the observer. Then, in turn, they didn’t want to spend more resources to give the observer any love.


Yep. Same way we never got anything for the Guild UI and Permissions.

Still not thrilled they took away my observer… worse the felhunters are still as ugly as ever. At the very least they didn’t reset all my demons…had to reobtain the better forms I had before but I at least got back the two I cared most about. Still… sad that I never even got my observer’s name… was so excited to take him out for some slaying but…before I even got the chance…he was taken away. Hope he’s doing alright wherever he ended up… maybe I’ll see him again some day… but even if I do…how will i know it’s him. Man the change leaves a bitter taste… V_V