Warlocks are having their Observer deleted

Lol! Remember how they said they were done with class pruning?! Well guess again! Blizzard going back on their promises as per the usual.

Thats not a class ability prune its a glyph removal. Your really grasping at straws buddy.

What ever you want to call it. Taking away of anything from a class. Is that better ?

Never said they wouldnt. You really wanted to make that point. Sorry to poke holes in your edgy moment but that cup never held water my friend. Classes will be changed a reworked as long as the game exist. Your original point is mute

Sorry my so called edgy comment triggered your weak chinned beta male ego.

Your comment was flawed from the get go. Deal with it and move on. Own your mistakes like a man.

Yet you’re still talking?

Seeing as i have people still replying to me

I said it many times so ill say it again

You all will be fine
It will eventually open the door to more things later on.

This whole doomsday attitude everyone has when blizz removes minor things is just getting super silly at this poing

Thats not what class pruning means

They took a cosmetic away thats not removing anything ability or kit wise from the warlock

Ultimately you are incorrect

Take your own advice please and stop trolling the thread.

I understood what you meant, just ignore him and let’s not devolve this thread into senseless bickering, please.


I don’t think it’s silly at all. Because it’s this campulsion they can’t seem to stop. Who’s to say they won’t take more things away?

Every mmo adds and removes content from its game at some point in time

If you dont like it than seek a new genere of video game to play othwr wise its a caS of just dealing with it

They’re removing permanent Water Elemental, as well. They’ve been removing glyphs for years.

There’s no reason why Warlocks can’t have the Observer as a customization. This doesn’t open any doors, it just closes them.

This whole “you’ll be fine” dismissal is just that: an insulting dismissal, as if we’re all somehow crazed over this, when we’re just disappointed and trying not to lose customization. Acting like we’re drama queens is just trolling.


Its hilarious go me that you make such a big fus for such a minor thing that ultimately changes nothing apon its loss

And yes you are heavily over reacting to it

Youll be fine

So you have nothing to mention and just want to argue? This quote doesnt even make sense. Taking away cosmetics is a bad thing and will not be opening up new doors. It’s closing them.


It’s not a win. It is literally a loss. We are losing a customization for no good reason.


You will enjoy what the people above you tell you to do. Then you will be made to enjoy nothing an like it.

Man they removed exorcism talent for paladins to. Now I do not have the choice or the option of hitting folks with an exorcism every once in a while, which is stupid all the same.

And people who are going to argue with me, you never had to choose the talent. You could click anywhere else in the retribution tree, and leave the exorcism talent blank if you really hated it that much.

So here we are, the preview of all the Warlock demon options. I can still use the Shivarra or Wrathguard, even use the red fire Infernal look, but the Observer is an offense to nature, I guess.


Save the observer!