Warlocks are having their Observer deleted

Still not a word from Blizzard about this terrible decision. Guess I’ll just delete my Warlock. They’re removing my Observer and removing my Chaos Bolt spam fun. No reason for me to have that class now.

When the back of your head is almost entirely occupied by an enormous demonic butthole, you deserve to be deleted.

Some people focus on some creepy things if that’s all that’s seen. I’ve been using the Observer for ages and never noticed this until weird comments were made in these threads.

There are also updated models they could use and change the PvP cooldown to an Inquisitor.

I noticed it way back in TBC. Being a melee DPS all you need to do is actually look at what youre killing on say the second boss in Blood Furnace.

This was ages before warlocks even had access to the model, I believe

Well, I don’t notice it and an important lore pet doesn’t need deleted because of it, imo.

But you do you.

This is honestly a terrible change.

Ive used the observer every expansion since they released it back in MoP. And Its very sad to see him go. It feels even worse when they give such a (what feels like) arbitrary reason for deleting a cosmetic we’ve had for the better part of 10 years.

It doesn’t detract from the game to leave these things in. There’s no good reason we can’t have both.


Would rather have a portal into the Nether that Warlocks can go into and then seek out and tame demons like hunters.

Maybe have options for rares that are harder to tame etc…


does anyone know if the old accounts with observer will get to keep the appearance or is it taken from everyone all together?

No one can keep it when it’s outright deleted from game files. :slightly_frowning_face:

It’s a terrible change for a bad reason.


it might be smart to buy a glyph for it and keep it in storage but no idea if that will just become junk to sell when it rolls around or an unusable glypg but theres a chance it will be overturned with the outrage.

It’ll get greyed out or deleted. The Inscription will be removed, as well.

I used to have so many glyphs for inscription… :pensive:


Man we had such a great thing going with dragonflight to. Paladins had exorcism Again.

Hunters had volley again. Now they are just straight up removing or changing options for really no reason at all.


In the meantime their explanation for WHY they are removing it is just mocking the community collectively insulting their intelligence to think we are dumb enough to buy the excuse when Hunters and all their pets still exist.

Doesn’t feel good to lose something you’ve had for over 10 years just to be insulted too.


It’s a similar reason to why they removed the ability to change the spec of your hunter pet.

“A [normally tenacity pet] is doing abilities that a [normal ferocity pet] does! Why?”

What the devs should have done: gives players resources and a forum to tell the confused player what such and such does
What the devs actually did: “We must remove player choice because some people with below average intelligence couldn’t figure out what such and such does.”

This is exactly what is happening here.

Another repost from myself. Please, Blizzard, can you keep the Observer? I swear that I will never complain about you removing Glyph of Nightmares again. Or the fact that you removed the ability for Soul Burn to combo with Unending Breathe to cast water walking!

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Ahh the post had “lore reasons and 10 years toolkit” instant disregarding it since we are doing away with lore for warlocks new race options remember?? That isnt a valid excuse anymore.
In the mean time can my shaman start wielding Water elementals from Frost mages.
Ya know to round it out a little more?

Theres new lore and standing lore for the new combos you big baby

It was a joke first off… since you missed it leading into my asking for mages water elemental my god you overly offended clown.

Play nice, my lovelies.


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Never!! I will not stop till Shaman get all the elementals! My next target will be the need to steal Titan grip from Warriors. I need it for enhancement shaman WF build :smiling_imp:

Its a small Trade for a Shadowflame colored Felhunter. Or finally a Felflame one. It still a win
