Warlocks are having their Observer deleted

Hmmm why can the Observer be another skin for the Affliction Darkglare? I mean they could just add it to that no need to remover it completely. (IMO)

Because that still deletes my Observer.

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I was hoping for this, too. Not to get shoehorned into only one demon.

There adding customization for demons

Youll be fine

I don’t think you understand that they are deleting a customization that’s been part of Warlocks for a decade, a big part of their lore and the green fire questline.

A different colored fel puppy doesn’t suddenly make removing a demon better.


As i said youll be fine

Sucks but it over all dosent effect the viability of a warlock

This was never about gameplay viability. And don’t tell people how to feel. If you have nothing constructive to add, then I would suggest not adding anything at all. This isn’t a thread to dismiss others.

No one said you had to care, but others do.


Welcome to a public forum where i may choose to type what i wish to whom i wish

Ether way warlocks are gaining some customization in return for losing on appearance

You will be fine

No, they’re gaining different colors for the same demon while another is getting deleted.

Stop telling people how to feel. You’re just being insulting and dismissive. Troll elsewhere.


“I dont like what you say so its trolling!” Is such a childish argument

But then again its the forums

Ether way. Youll be fine this just opens the door for more stuff later

You don’t care about the demon being deleted and that’s fine. No one has an issue with you not caring.

You telling people how to feel is absolutely trolling, because you know it will get a rise out of people for your insults and dismissal.

No one is sitting here screaming and crying and claiming they’re going to have a tantrum over this. So your “you’ll be fine” is just you acting condescending for no reason.

Welcome to ignore.


This is a good example of being far to emtional over something changing in a game.

You nore anyone else has any idea the intent or emotion of the text im using

And yes people do care that its being deletes thats what the whole thread is about

At the end of the day youll be fine. Blizzard eventually eill expand on demon customization and you might just get ig back

But yes. Youll be fine. Relax

I’m sadden by this its the only one besides the Void Lord I’ve ever used since MoP.

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Ding dong you are wrong

The argument they presented, had you chosen to use your ability to read, is that all the warlock minions MUST fit a certain “Silhouette”

that is to say, the “dog” slot cannot be filled by another type of demon

so we will never get a “Satyr” for the Sayaad slot because it’s a different silhouette

We will never get a Nraqi for the Voidwalker slot because it’s a different silhouette

We will never get a Wyrmtongue or a Mo’arg engineer for the Imp slot because it’s a different silhoeutte

and etc

This change and its argument is pushing the idea that we will ONLY ever get recolors, not new models of aberrations or demons


No, we’ll not be fine.


Will repost this response once a day til Blizzard takes note. I am really tired of them removing these things and the people who don’t see the problem (as a problem) gaslighting us to think it’s OK.


Isn’t this kind of the same logic they used to remove the ability for hunters to swap pet specs. So a certain type of pet could be easily identified in a form of content instead of it being able to be anything.

Except that’s not true.

Then please, enlighten us with the reason why it was removed.

This thread and the original one have explained how that reasoning doesn’t work. That may have been their excuse, but it doesn’t hold water.

I hate to agree with you but your right on this on how it goes, after Warlocks lost Meta… its been my feeling with most of remove content in WoW or other content in other MMO/online game services.

It also help me break away from WoW to try other games too… so yeah I was actually fine in the end… Like I call it: “Its just the growing pains that last longer” as you mature to an adult and see companies for what they do give a rent service that they can change in the fly at any given time.
I think there might be other reason that the Devs might not want to disclose with these changes, kind of sucks but I guess we will have too see what happens if they remove it or not…

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