Warlock Wishlist

In a effort to try and channel our frustration with blizzard and be constructive, we should try to list some of our Ideas that we think would improve Warlocks, then maybe focus on highlighting the ones we all agree on, rather then just whine and argue on the forums.

So below let’s just make a big Wishlist of things we’d like to see changed rather then argue and complain about different things. If we can get a big enough post going maybe blizzard will see us

I’ll start.

I wish Chaos bolt was more meaningful to cast, maybe instead boring % buff nodes in our talent tree we could get nodes that “infuse” chaos Bolt. Imagine if firing a chaos bolt into a pack of mobs would cause nearby targets afflicted by Immolate to flare up, adding 2- seconds duration of immolate and cause immolate to critically strike in its next tick?
Also I wish for baseline interrupt.


My priority demo wishlist:

  1. Instant cast Tyrant
  2. Remove Umbral Blaze

Here’s a link to my demo specific talent rework I’d like to see. Further details on all the problem talents I’d like to see worked out:


Some short opinions here, but stuff I would like to see -

For affliction:

Reduce cooldown of vile taint to 20s and phantom singularity to 30s for a much smoother cadence for both of these spells general use
Reduce malefic raptures damage and improve our DoTs damage for an overall relatively neutral change. Would be good to see a separation in the spec tree for a ‘dot’ based build over a rapture based build.
Fix our spec capstones to be not generally complete trash.

For destruction:

Improve chaos bolts damage and reduce shadowburns damage, but improve shadowburns execute potential. Shadowburn is a good option to cast when you have to move, but it shouldnt be challenging CB outside of its execute window.
Give some sort of way for rain of fire to increase immolates duration, or make channel demonfire not trash.
Make dimensional rift replace chaos bolt (but retain the same spender profile) to give an option for a destruction profile that has a bit more flavour (and mobility)

For demo:

Untie tyrants empowerment/extension of demonic imps to make the playstyle less about summoning at the very last second and potentially getting nuked by unexpected movement. Improve damage somewhere else to compensate.
Shift more damage into felguard and less into sbolt/hog so that the right side of the tree can actually be playable.


I love your idea for Dimentional Rift. Still have no clue why they even bothered buffing it a few weeks ago, no one runs it.

General Class:
1, Soul shard regenerates to full 5 shard by default. We had that before Legion, and after the whole Legion class fantasy ‘realignment’, somehow we’re stuck at 3 and it’s left to rot since then. There’s nothing fun about always hardcasting Demonbolt before pulling, or having to wait for soul shard to regen while the pull is lusted.

2, Bring back Call Felhunter talent, reduce the cooldown to match Spell Lock, and make it baseline. Instantly solve our baseline interrupt problem without causing double interrupt issue.

3, Remove the 3 person requirement for Ritual of Summoning. The actual summoning act still requires 2 person, so what’s the purpose of imposing the 3 person limitation? Because that fits our class fantasy, which in practice is nothing but annoyance?

4, Summonable Gateways to Class Hall and major cities. Look, after playing Legion (where npc warlocks are capable of summoning portals and gateways to almost anywhere) please at least throw us a bone in that regard. At the very least, we should have our personal summonable gateway to our class hall, that fits our class fantasy. A permanent gateway in the sewers felt more like an poor effort rather than a fitting theme.

As for the City Gateway, just like our floating skull Thakiel suggests: always have an escape planned. A City Gateway would exactly provide that.

it doesn’t need to be as convenient or even equal as mages do. A personal teleport would still be a mage special, while we would only have our Gateway that serve also as group utility. To make it even more different from mage’s portal - how about our City gateway goes to different places in the cities? Example Stormwind Gateway would go to Slaughtered Lamb instead of the Mage tower, or to the class trainers etc.

1, Seed of Corruption spread existing Agony on target to targets hit by explosion by default. Makes managing dots easier.
2, Move Drain Soul’s classification from ‘Shadow School’ to ‘Physical School’. Drain Soul’s channeling nature makes it too pushing for PvP, moving it from ‘Shadow’ to ‘Physical’ should help ease some aspect of that problem.

1, Instant cast Corruption.
2, Instant cast Tyrant.
3, Umbral Blaze applies Corruption to targets hit.

edit: and how can i forget this
4, Allow Felguard/Wrathguard to use weapon transmog, or have 2h weapons drop for demonology loot.

1, Instant cast Immolate.
2, Channel Demonfire castable while moving.


Gimme howl of terror and banish back. Shouldnt be talent locked.


Glyph of Shadow bolt - Lets player choose which iteration of the animation they prefer.

I absolutely hate the current animation. Blizz did an awesome job with the hero talents and theme of the warlock class imo but the shadow bolt animation is just so bad. I don’t know anyone who thinks it was an upgrade over the previous animations.

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About Destruction:

I disagree about the sb change if we are retaining the current spender cadence/shard economy destruction has. The issue is that you wont have a meaningful chaos bolt at the same time as casting chaos bolt as much as you do right now (and even less so if you cast it as much as you would without shadowburn).
Shadowburn currently offers some nice variation in gameplay while adding another way to spend shards and allows chaos bolt to be a little bit more meaningful especially through touch of rancora in diabolist.

I dont dislike the idea of making rift a spender replacing something (if it should be chaos bolt idk) but in general i my wishlist for destro is to make shards matter again, reduce chaos bolt to 1 shard cost and return the profile/fantasy of the “charged battery” where you build up shards and chose when to unload a short sequence of chaos bolts that are meaningful to allocate your damage, as well as reworking our aoe away from rain of fire which is a spell i just grew to heavily dislike as the spell our aoe builds around.
Oh yea and give me back some sort of kjc for mobility (i’d prefer the version where it allows fillers to be cast on the move).

My primary issue with shadowburn is that, if it didn’t have a cooldown, you would cast it every time you have a shard even outside of execute. It invalidates chaos bolt, which is now the spender we use when we literally cannot cast shadowburn. That doesn’t necessarily mean that shadowburn is too strong - but it does mean chaos bolt is too weak.


Yea but it is obviously designed for our current shard economy where you still use alot of chaos bolts.

just be happy that we have something to cast while running.
That’s the only good thing about destro atm!

Why? This would just add to button bloat.
Corruption should either be passive and tied to a demon (like Vilefiend) or made into the passive Doom we have now, but baseline, with Doom talents as ways to enhance it.

As demo you never hardcast a demonbolt before pull, you cast either of the dogs and your also never cast corruption, shouldnt even be in your bar.

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Or that activated channel that could only ne used out of combat. I think was called soul harvesting and was in cata? Could be wrong, tho.

My wishlist would be first either kil jadean’s cunning, a cd that lets you cast while moving, or making it so that casting demonbolt with demonic core provides the same sort of effect to your next cast. It can be annoying to have some cores set aside for movement, but not have anyway to spend shards while moving. Plus there’s that whole thing where demo gets borked if movement happens when you are ramping up your tyrant.

Other than that…
bring back metamorphosis >:(

heck, tie it all together. Make meta form spec wide cd that lets you cast while moving and generates shards over 10 secs.

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IMHO, most Lock specs don’t need a ton - these would be my wishes for Afflock:

  • Phantom Singularity goes Baseline and only applies to one target. (QoL - I am so sick of changing between Vile Taint and Phantom Singularity 10x a session and I’m willing to trade some of its quirky AoE viability for that)

  • Vile Taint’s cooldown is reduced or eliminated and damage done reduced to… just enough to pop a Seed. Still costs a Soul Shard. I don’t know why Blizzard has tied a specs ability to do any AoE whatsoever to a 30s cooldown, but it’s stupid.

  • Reduce our dependence on Soul Rot windows to do credible damage. Maybe Soul Rot can have a lower cooldown/lower damage, or Malefic Raptures damage scales on a curve - much more damage per dot with a lower amount of dots… with the same damage as is live now for max dots.

  • Oh yes, and - this is for all specs - please take Burning Rush off the GCD. It would be one thing if I was playing a Shadow Priest and gaining a Bubble for my huge movement speed increase - sacking a GCD to set myself on fire for the stupid amount of damage it does makes it feel awful to use. At very least, let me not lose the GCD.


You’re more likely to cast Shadow Bolt twice to max out your shards with your Wrathguard on macro to attack.

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Shadowbolt once to max out shards, cause your guard will souls strike immediately to generate the fifth.

In case anyone else was wondering, you don’t typically precast demonbolt before the pull because its better to off your inner demon imps with power siphon about ten seconds before the pull and start the fight with 2 cores.

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As this is a wishlist - i belief each and everyone of us have different wishes, which may or may not agree with one another.

That being said, it is my personal opinion that warlocks are/should be THE premier DoT-based class in this game, and every warlock should have some aspect of that being their baseline toolkit, regardless of spec.

And nothing fits better than an instant cast DoT that could be worked/tweaked to have multiple synergy with each specs.

We already been doing that with Doom as demo for several expansion. Having to keep track of Corruption on target/targets should be natural, which could be made much easier if Umbral Blaze reworked to apply Corruption to targets hit, a homage to Legion where it used to apply Doom to every target it hits.

Would even be a greater bonus if Nightfall (Corruption ticks proc a chance for instant cast Shadowbolt) and Cunning Cruelty (Shadowbolt procs a chance for Shadowbolt Volley) is being added to Demonology. I don’t get why these 2 iconic Shadowbolt themed talents are being limited to Affliction only, while Demonology could have equally benefit as well.


My apologies. I only came back recently, and my previous experience was that hard casting Demonbolt has an immense damage boost bonus. And unlike now, Power Siphon back then wasn’t used as much.

That being said, my point still stands that being limited to 3 shards by default makes little sense, gives zero benefit while adding needless frustration.

And may i ask: what does the limitation serve to do? capping our initial burst? Thanks to their continual butchering of Chaos Bolt, these days taking a single CB to the face feels like wet noodle until we’re able to build up stacks of it.

And a side note: Does anyone faces problems with Soul Strike where sometimes it doesn’t proc a Soul Shard? I find it occur at times when the pet is having unexpected pathing problems, or when my Shadowbolt has killed the target, yet felguard still swings his Soul Strike, causing a cooldown but no shard.

As affliction, I wish my dots would be half as damaging as a shadow priest and the ramp up didn’t take an hour for damage.