General Class:
1, Soul shard regenerates to full 5 shard by default. We had that before Legion, and after the whole Legion class fantasy ‘realignment’, somehow we’re stuck at 3 and it’s left to rot since then. There’s nothing fun about always hardcasting Demonbolt before pulling, or having to wait for soul shard to regen while the pull is lusted.
2, Bring back Call Felhunter talent, reduce the cooldown to match Spell Lock, and make it baseline. Instantly solve our baseline interrupt problem without causing double interrupt issue.
3, Remove the 3 person requirement for Ritual of Summoning. The actual summoning act still requires 2 person, so what’s the purpose of imposing the 3 person limitation? Because that fits our class fantasy, which in practice is nothing but annoyance?
4, Summonable Gateways to Class Hall and major cities. Look, after playing Legion (where npc warlocks are capable of summoning portals and gateways to almost anywhere) please at least throw us a bone in that regard. At the very least, we should have our personal summonable gateway to our class hall, that fits our class fantasy. A permanent gateway in the sewers felt more like an poor effort rather than a fitting theme.
As for the City Gateway, just like our floating skull Thakiel suggests: always have an escape planned. A City Gateway would exactly provide that.
it doesn’t need to be as convenient or even equal as mages do. A personal teleport would still be a mage special, while we would only have our Gateway that serve also as group utility. To make it even more different from mage’s portal - how about our City gateway goes to different places in the cities? Example Stormwind Gateway would go to Slaughtered Lamb instead of the Mage tower, or to the class trainers etc.
1, Seed of Corruption spread existing Agony on target to targets hit by explosion by default. Makes managing dots easier.
2, Move Drain Soul’s classification from ‘Shadow School’ to ‘Physical School’. Drain Soul’s channeling nature makes it too pushing for PvP, moving it from ‘Shadow’ to ‘Physical’ should help ease some aspect of that problem.
1, Instant cast Corruption.
2, Instant cast Tyrant.
3, Umbral Blaze applies Corruption to targets hit.
edit: and how can i forget this
4, Allow Felguard/Wrathguard to use weapon transmog, or have 2h weapons drop for demonology loot.
1, Instant cast Immolate.
2, Channel Demonfire castable while moving.