Warlock pets are only at half health after landing from a flying mount in Wotlk Prepatch

Hot garbage fix this

How to report this issue in game? Still experiencing too :frowning:

This is happening to me as well with my warlock… EXTREMELY frustrating. Worked hard to get to 77 to fly and now it’s useless to fly unless travelling between areas. Please fix ASAP!

Same issue, getting pretty sick of it tbh.

The disadvantage of your pet having so much less HP each time you enter combat from mounted or having to waste 10 seconds every time you land casting health funnel to top them up… It’s a QoL issue for the pet classes that takes away from the smooth gameplay and the ability to enjoy your class. Needs to be fixed.

Blizzard - can we please get an acknowledgement here? Is anyone even looking at these posts? Hello??

Bumping this post. This problem is still occurring and needs a response by a blue!! Come on Blizzard, wake up and do something about it!!

This is so annoying. Bumping for visibility, it’s been driving me crazy lol.

Day 36 of looking for an acknowledgement that this is a problem.

Yeah gonna bump this as well. Insanely annoying and the fact it’s been a bug for so long with people reporting it and with no response is kind of frustrating.

I think they were trying to stop cheesing your pets health going to 100% by mounting but this solution is dire. Please just remember what health the pet had before you mounted and bring it back to that. Get in that spaghetti code and remove this meatball please.

Day 37 of waiting for a response on this.

Day 37 of waiting for a response on this.

Bump? Hurry up you lazy dogs and give us an answer!

Day 38 waiting for a response on this.

Bump - response required.

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I love the part where I summon my pet, fly somewhere, dismount and it’s almost dead without ever being in combat one time.

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Glad I found this thread. Was wondering why my pet had always under 1k hp after dismounting, even if I was healing him to full hp. Just go Northrend Cold Weather Flying by the way. God, that’s annoying!

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plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one

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Another day another bump!! Looks to me that Blizz doesn’t care about fixing their game at all and just releases bug filled games. More worried about selling Heroic and Epic versions for a cash grab. Pretty bad that it’s been way over 30 days and they still haven’t even responded or fixed this bug.

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day 39 lets go

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