Warlock pets are only at half health after landing from a flying mount in Wotlk Prepatch

Any summoned pet that you have out when mounting up on a flying mount and then landing causes the pet to have half it’s health. This doesn’t occur when just using a ground mount since it only happens when on a flying mount.

This bug has been around since the start of TBC Classic. We are now in Wotlk Classic prepatch and this bug hasn’t been addressed and fixed.

Having your pet half dead when you land and having to fill it’s life up is game changing and not acceptable at all.


There’s a related issue which only affects unholy DKs. When your permanent ghoul de-rezzes due to use of a flying mount, it has to be resummoned at the cost of a corpse dust. This isn’t nearly as big a deal as it is for hunters and warlocks but it’s inconvenient and significantly gimps unholy DKs when entering combat from the air.


Can confirm both of these going on as I’m playing DK and Warlock. I was just asking in guild if any hunters are having issues with it but got no response.

Edit - to add onto things, my felguard was low enough and I summoned a new one. It came out at 33% hp. And as I was typing this reply, my felguard died. After combat I summoned a new one and it also came out at 33%.


Yeah I also made a thread about this same topic, hopefully the devs see it. I actually found an old forum with someone having this exact same issue all the way back in 2009 https://www.wowhead.com/forums/topic/problem-with-my-felguard-82107

When is this getting fixed?

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Happens with hunter pets as well


Bumped mine, now I’ll bump yours, this is a fix needed ASAP PLEASE


I figured out that as long as your pet has 100% hp AND 100% mana before being desummoned due to your flying mount, when you dismount it will reappear with full hp/mana.

However, if the pet is not 100% full hp and mana, it will experience the bug upon dismount. Even 100% hp and 99% mana (due to the pet casting a buff on the player, for example) will cause hp and mana to be reset to very low values later (~30% hp) when the player dismounts.

Extremely annoying, and as the players above said, this bug has gone unadressed for all of TBC.

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“… as long as your pet has 100% hp AND 100% mana before being desummoned due to your flying mount, when you dismount it will reappear with full hp/mana.”
This isn’t the case for my hunter pets. Though, I will say that if they have any damage when I mount and this occurs, the subsequent health loss is much more severe. It seems to be lag based. It appears to be tied to their base health vs the health they get through talents and your health etc. Meaning, they seem to be summoned initially with basic non talent not player augmented health. Then, after being summoned as a weak unaltered version of the pet, the additional health they get from their talents and the summoning player’s stat contribution is calculated and applied.

If I mount and fly so the pet poofs. Then land. When the pet comes back, it will spawn with less than half health(Not always but more often than not) but within a second or less, its health will suddenly jump back to 100%.

However, if he gets agro before that happens, then he stays at the less than half health state.

It’s a pretty meaningful bug in my opinion. I haven’t played a hunter in probably over 10 years and don’t remember ever noticing it before. That said, I created a new hunter waiting on wrotlk pre-patch and can confirm this happens almost ever time I fly then unmount. Almost but not every time. I find it shocking that this hasn’t caused a bigger stir on PVP servers, where this really would be a huge draw back for hunters who chose to initiate PVP encounters while flying.


I was hoping today’s maintenance would fix this problem, but this continues to be an issue with dismounting off flying mount. After dismounting from a Ground mount my - Felguard is full health, but to dismount from Flying = he’s at half health.

I remember this happened the first go round in BC, however I believe it was quickly fixed.

Bump. This is still an issue. My summoned pet will be at full health. When I mount and fly up so it despawn and land again it comes back with only 28% health

I am also having this issue. Any word yet on when it’ll be fixed?
edit: On my 62 Warlock that is

This bug is getting in my nerves… Seriously Blizz.


Having this same issue on my 64 Warlock, this bug is severely frustrating and has caused serious issues, including a couple deaths when I wasn’t aware it was happening and my pet is suddenly dead.

Bumping this. Blizz - can we get a response here?

Extremely frustrating to level when your pet goes down to 40 percent health every time you dismount.,

Bumping as well. Really frustrating issue

Blizz fix this

I am now 77 this still going on they really need to fix if you lock that play sl build this kills you . pls fix it !

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Same thing is happening to my felguard. Hope we get a fix for this

for great justice Blizz, get this one sorted.