Warlock pets are only at half health after landing from a flying mount in Wotlk Prepatch

Still happens to me as well

Blizz is it really that hard to see a bug being posted over and over again to not make a comment on it.
They don’t wanna spend the sheckles on someone doing this simple thing, insanely frustrating how they dont care.

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If your pet is at 99% health, anything less than 100%, it will steadily decrease in health as you dismount, mount and fly, dismount, etc. until it has basically no health. It’s really only gotten more frustrating at level cap for gathering, pvp, etc. – please fix this

Bump… This has been broken since the -original- TBC. They fixed it eventually, but it seems that old bugs sometimes come back to haunt us.

My first forum post ever. Fix this please.

Still happening to me today.

lmao, yeah any minute now

Please fix this issue Blizz. Its been a bug long enough, time for action.

SAME problem. This is a pain when gathering and pvping or when need to defend yourself with pet skills. Fix this, is a major bug for locks hunters that depends on pets.

This has now been a month that this was posted, and no comment and no fix. Please at least let us know you’ve read this.
Going through Icecrown as a Hunter where you fly the whole time and get into fights immediately after dismounting is terrible when your pet instantly has less than 50% health.

I don’t really post, but this issue is just ridiculous. This affects PVP greatly – as a Warlock, I’ll dismount and then have a Pet with 2-3k HP left with Soul Link, and in PVP that pet would die almost immediately. This has to be addressed. I love world PVP, but this really spoils it.

finally found where to send a bug. PLEASE FIX THIS ASAP

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So annoying… I have a Lock and a Hunter… where’s the blue post about?

This is still an issue and a substantial issue. Any response here?

I am having this same issue… Please fix this Blizzard. Even when I recall my felguard and summon him back he has less than half of his hp.

same here. it was a bug back in the day, it’s a bad bug now

My felhunter is coming out with 8% HP from flight. On resummon it only has 30%.

Issue successfully ignored by Blizz for 13 years.

sadly not the case with warlock pets. it can be at full health and mana and still get bugged after dismount.

This bug is so AWFUL blizzard you gotta fix this crap. Imagine flying down to pvp someone and you dismount but your pets already half (sometimes more) dead from the get go…its GARBAGE. FIX THIS CRAP