Warlock nerf ruins fairness for M+ title

You are comparing apples and oranges. Nerfing Sepulcher allows more people to get the CE achievement, and does not affect world to first race at all. Nerfing warlock, on the other hand, DENIES people their chance to get the seasonal M+ title (assuming they are equally skilled or better than those who pushed before the nerf bat).

A totally reasonable alternative is to change the seasonal M+ title requirement to a fixed threshold, e.g., 3600, so that more people can get the achievement (not just the top 0.1%).

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nerfing warlocks allow for a better meta and more diversity at the pug level and means basicly a buff to all less played dps spec, that’s how I see it. Yes it’s unfortunate for the top title and for mdi. Yes it’s too late, but that didn’t stop them to still nerf blood dks for example at a way worse time (about 6 weeks into the tier).

I’m also curious how many people think the nerfs will be enough big to completely stop people from clearing the highest keys. I’m not sure to say nerfs are that big that people will stop pushing and that there won’t be competition at all.

You actually brought a great point and this is why I made the post, hoping that Blizzard would reconsider the nerf before it goes live.

They literally reversed a debilitating nerf and replaced it with a much more reasonable nerf. I hope they would reduce the warlock nerf and buff other classes instead to balance the meta.

I don’t care. The warlock nerfs needed to happen. They were WAY too strong compared to every other spec in the game. I understand people are crying for it to be reverted, I’ll just unsub if they do.

That said, I am wildly disappointed it took them this long. They need to do better. There is no reason for them to be so incompetent that we have a number of specs that are garbage, one spec that has been god-tier for this long and two other specs that are also insanely strong.


There was no gamble. If you wanted the title, you played as a destro lock or with one. After that nerf, that statement will still be true of the people that get the title. The difference being that instead of cutting off the season when the season ends, the season has artificially been capped since the destro lock players/teams get to keep the score they’ve already earned pre-nerf.

The takeaway for next time based on this isn’t “oh be careful about FOTM it could be nerfed”, the takeaway is “well shoot, next time I should reroll sooner!”

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I mean, warlocks were absurdly overpowered. They are merely bringing them in line with everyone else. Top players in mythic plus will adapt and overcome. Normal players will follow suit.

Agreed about the necessity of nerfs, but the nerfs should’ve happened months sooner (or waited until season 4 if they were going to be this late).

Adapting goes out the window. The season will be over in a few weeks. The highest keys done up to this point will remain the highest. Warlocks being overpowered is what enabled keys to be done as high as they have been thus far. People who have done those keys will keep their score post nerf, hence the artifical cap on score.

I think this nerf will stop people from puahing the level people are pushing. I think this will drop the highest levels pushed by 2-4 key levels.

That being said, if people find workarounds and keep pushing, I’ll be happy to be wrong.

This perfectly summarized my feeling. But perhaps people who are pushing for the title are such vocal minority that Blizzard won’t care.

I disagree. It’s simply everyone else’s fault for not picking the best class :stuck_out_tongue:

They nerfed Fury/Necro before they even got out of the gate from the M raiders…I was so salty about that.

I’ve been playing Necro Warrior for a year+ and finally would get my moment in the sun only to get it nerfed


Seeing the PvE’ers cry about this stuff is kinda funny actually. Finally get how people who play arena feel.

Having your preferred method of endgame be balanced around esports ain’t too fun huh?

The nerfs happening this late into the season don’t really do anything for anyone else at this point though. Make no mistake, they needed to happen before (or going into) season 4 to attempt to make the meta less stale/increase representation of other classes…but doing the change a month or less before the start of a new season doesn’t really do that for the current season.

I’m not sure how you figure esports is the sole factor behind the decision. Destro was absurd outside of MDI. If the game were balanced around esports, it stands to reason they would have waited to balance the specs until the start of the next season to preserve competitive integrity.

Screw Destro, Demo for life

Imagine playing a spec where no one is in range of the special title~

If I actually did the content I’m sure I’d be grumped.

Fairness was already ruined long ago when they let Destro and Survival stay ridiculously OP for so long. There’s no excuse to leave OP specs in the game like this

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of course… because I JUST started a warlock and had no clue about it being OP and now nerfed.

As much as i agree destro deserved this hefty nerf and happy they got it because that’s only fair to the rest of us even though the timing is wrong; to strip them off that is just ridiculous, this was the balance teams wrong here not the player. Get real, man.

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Don’t worry now you’ll only do 20% more damage than every other spec not named Survival, instead of only 50% more damage

Why couldn’t they have buffed underperforming specs instead of nerfing overperforming ones?

BM hunter could’ve used more than just a 4% boost to all damage and 10% more beast cleave damage…