Warlock nerf ruins fairness for M+ title

Basically every group who have abused warlocks (most meta groups run 2 warlocks) will now have a lock (pun intended) on their seasonal M+ title since other groups won’t be able to catch up due to the nerf.

Blizzard needs to revoke the nerfs and focus instead on buffing other classes, if competitiveness of the game is still anywhere on their priority list.


Some times certain things are just too good to buff everyone else up to that OP standard. Because then everyone would be pissed off when they are nerfed next season to rebalance things.


It makes sense if it’s early into the season but we’re at most 2 months away from end of season and this kind of nerf just makes people who wanna push for the title quit.


Nerf this late in the season is quite bizarre and unprecedented. Better late than never is not true in this case. Either pull the trigger early or don’t do it at all.

Exploit early exploit often I guess.



“Exploit early, exploit often (1)” might as well be the WoW mantra.

(1) within the bounds of the ToS


Oh I would agree that changing things this late isn’t great but then they had zero problems opening cross faction mythic+ late into the season either.

I’ve been playing lock for a long time and I knew the nerf was coming eventually, it was deserved really. The timing of the nerf though, as mentioned, is just horrendous. They should have either done it 2 months ago or waited until the season was over.


This is the real problem here. Nobody is arguing against that destro is overtuned (well, nobody intelligent). But the issue is now some groups have benefitted from broken destro to get into the 0.1% bracket. It really is a case of exploit early and exploit often.

I agree with OP that Blizzard should have focused more on buffing other specs.

Its PvE how someone else group performs literally does not effect you.

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Completely and utterly wrong.

It impacts your placement, and we have a title awarded for placing in the top 0.1%.


I think if locks are out of the picture, keys will just go back to what they should have been. I don’t think groups should reasonably be getting beyond +30 or more. Isn’t 20 supposed to be equivalent to a mythic raid?

If you’re in the top 0.1% and you’re really that good, I’m sure you’ll find a way to adapt

Yes it should have been nerfed long ago, but you should have also expected it at any time

If you waited too long that’s on you

Life is unfair

You guys are assuming all these locks wouldn’t have just gravitated to the next best class to push into that bracket. You’re talking about the top hundreds of players.

Destro and surv are so far ahead of the pack and those players can get full 272 and leggos in less than a couple days time with group help. The extra vault 6 item levels isn’t worth the class disparity at that gameplay level. You roll the broken class.

If you intended to push into the top 0.1% you would have started week one and been maxing out the vault and probably raiding mythic for the last few bosses. Because when you’re going up against the best of the best for that title, those vault rolls matter.

Pretty sure these nurfs are for season 4 not season 3 tbh. Like you said the groups farming IO with destro locks already have their score, this is meant to reign it in for the next season

“Mythic Raid” doesn’t mean anything on its own my dude. Mythic Raid is at least, maybe four or five difficulties at the same time. Literal World First Race level of Mythic Raiding is its own beast, then you’ve got the guilds lagging only one or two weeks behind them, taking on basically the same content but with the knowledge of the strategies that came before, the hotfixes already laid out, and slightly more gear. Then you’ve got HOF guilds who have basically BIS gear but before the content has been nerfed. Then your CE guilds beyond HOF but before the big “nerf patch” that typically hits. Then you’ve got your “scrapping to the finish line” level of CE players, who are playing the most over-nerfed content, spending 500 attempts, honestly just not good players but they’re still “clearing the content” technically.

“Mythic Raid” is not one thing. The guys who just barely cross the finish line PRETEND its all the same though, because they like to pretend they could be playing in Limit or Method if they wanted to. The difference is that in keys, instead of just finishing the content earlier and more and more “pre-nerfed”, you push deeper. So you can really see just how much better the best players are.

I mean… it doesn’t have to be. Blizzard could have waited to do their nerf.

I really don’t need forum plebs to tell me what I should or shouldn’t be doing, kekw.

Then they should have been done with the release of season 4, lol.

It’s just bad. It’s completely incompetent.

Nope. It’s coming next week.

The M+ community needs to have their voices heard. It is simply ignorant and inconsiderate to make such a big nerf so late into the season. Not everyone has the time and luck to “exploit early”. I have friends who rerolled warlock and missed the early push weeks and they’re now stuck with the realization that their hard work is down the drain for the title.


How is
“Lol you got your title post class buff…”
any different than
“Lol you got your title pre Destro nerf…”

People that say stuff like that are dumb. Either way.

The dumbest person is the one not realizing the difference.

Buffing classes adds more possibility for different team comp to time high keys.
Nerfing classes reduces the possibility of timing a key that was once timeable.

Big difference.

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It’s weird that they’d nerf a big spec before the season ends instead of just buffing underperforming specs. I remember when they went to remove Vengeance from CMs in mop but were convinced later that a lot of the times would become undoable because they were all done with veng abusing tanks like brewmaster.

Yep. I don’t know how hard stuff was pushed now, but I think that this approach of theirs isn’t ideal. If Warlock is the reason keys are pushed as high as they are then it’d be hard or impossible for other stuff to push to a similar level, etc.

I hope that in the future they buff weak specs rather than nerf good ones.

The nerf is fine tbh, if meta groups are running 2 destro locks theres a problem and that will fix the problem to allow a dif 3rd dps to join finally.

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