Warlock nerf ruins fairness for M+ title

Blizzard needed to nerf them months ago, this timing is pretty much the worst since all the competitive stuff is now locked in and practiced.

Those warlocks shoulda rolled rogues, they are masters of lock-picking

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Buff paladins plz

Are you going to unsub?

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Get ‘em lmao

Yep. Done. 1 day remaining on my sub.

so everyone cries after destro locks are announced to have a much needed performance nerf and blizzard retracts/postpones it. Yet nearly 900 comments from the ele shaman community after a terrible nerf to storm ele for bogus accessibility reasons, and KAIVAX refuses to respond to a single person or the thread at all? No other blizz dev steps in to address all of the concerns. See the post below. This is the reason players unsub.

Shamans don’t have main character energy like locks and mages.

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Just an FYI my shaman is the one that started the GD forum thread with like 600 upvotes or hearts or whatever, I stopped playing a character I had played all expansion the second the nerf went down.

Just remember that a week before 9.2 went live they buffed destro and nerfed arms warriors tier set, broke necrofury build.

End of season we get arms warrior buffs and destro nerfs.

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yeah it didn’t happen sooner imo, the damage is already done by this point.

I am convinced they just have a roulette wheel in the office of known fotm classes with spec/gear and the date for how long they let it last is on the wheel.

Just got to 60 and I can still do decent damage… So far. No PVP just PVE stuff.

until/unless the top 0.1% is within specific roles (tank/dps/healer) or class…there will always be a massive imbalance with this particular achievement.

otherwise, you just gotta wait for the season when it’s your class’ turn i guess :100:

Blizzard balances game mechanics to make more classes viable so that players who like other classes get m+ invites. Not just hunters and warlocks… this nerf is required. Should have come sooner.

Make the top 0.1% title based on each spec, problem solved.

Let destro compete with destro

Seems like it’s more so an issue on M+…