Warlock nerf ruins fairness for M+ title

They’ve already giving Guardian said love, so this kind of shoots down your theory.

I heard next expansion all specs will be perfectly balanced for keys,pvp, and raids we got an awesome expansion coming

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I’m not shedding any tears if they don’t. The same people passing judgment on other classes, why should I feel bad for the FOTM crowd?

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Blizzard has somehow made 6 wildly different tanks all playable and viable for pushing keys. It isn’t such a pipe-dream. If Blizzard resists the urge to go hog wild with borrowed power with their 10.1 tier sets, if they buckle down and focus on cleaning up balance and porting the 9.2 classes over to 10.0, then maybe we could have some kind of renaissance for the other roles as well.

They’re giving it some love. Time will tell if it’s getting enough love. And doesn’t disprove my opinion that I think you’re being a tad salt heavy.

Nope. I’m not salty. In fact I said they shouldn’t nerf anything until season 4. My point is that if Blizzard is going to be nerfing the outliers, let’s get a sweeping balance pass to address more of the outliers. Granted, Lock was definitely the more broken and more visible outlier but it seems vindictive on some level to go after JUST Lock.

When I look at this nerf, it doesn’t seem like it is being done for the good of the game or for the community. It seems like it is being done purely for optics. And I don’t think Blizzard should be making game balance changes just to make themselves look good.


Even with the nerfs they might still not be that far behind survival or still ahead, I prefer to see before saying they “need” to nerf more.

And it’s not vindictive to insinuate that Survival should only be a meme and to outright say people aren’t playing it for enjoyment but because it does “sick deeps”?

As soon as the tide recedes, how many of these Survival Hunters will be left standing?

I look at something like Prot Warrior vs Bear. There is a hardcore loyal base for Prot Warriors that stick with it through thick and thin. Bears don’t really have this same level of devotion. I look at the number of high IO bears and the numbers have fallen off extremely hard compared to their state early in this expansion. SV is in that camp. As soon as SV gets its nerf, people will abandon ship because almost all of them are only playing it for power. And when you have that many people only playing a spec purely for power, and not in any way for its enjoyment, you know its time for the hammer.


No. Move on with your life because this is a non-issue.

Good thing this is a video game. So nothing has to be unfair.

leave it to GD to describe “playing a spec as it exists” as an exploit

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Except the people who have timed the highest keys (the ones that won’t be able to be timed post-nerf) still get to keep their score. It’s less of a risk of rerolling, and more of a risk to not reroll early.

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They can’t get away with it because survival sucked for so long. And all those people switched to survival. Imagine the outcry. At least with destro, people probably already played that spec. :woman_shrugging:

Yes because everything is always fair in mmos. Would it be nice if everything was always fair? Of course .Is it usually? Nope

If you knew anything about zblizzard though you would know you were playing a gamble with destro and the nerf bat.

I don’t at all agree with how long they waited to do it, but on the flip side if you didn’t see it coming you’re not too smart either.

Funny because destro will still be stronger than everybody else except Surv most likely.

The 4pc shouldn’t have been made less fun. Destro just needed like a 30% nerf on it’s aoe. Surv needs like a 20-25% nerf.

Like people mentioned earlier, nerfs this extreme are unprecedented this late into a season. When we’re so close to the next expansion, they usually just leave us alone.

If S4 release date was announced, then you could be a little skeptical. But it hasn’t been.

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Yea. People are just going to stack survival hunters now.

Miserable bunch lmao

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This is why we need regular balance passes, not one every 6 months.

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