Warlock nerf ruins fairness for M+ title

They have to nerf the locks because it makes them look really bad to have 95% of M+ DPS being played by locks and surv. hunters.

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Nukes destro from orbit, gives aff the most nothing buff of all time.

I’m assuming surv is being left alone because they deserve some time in the sun.

Guess I’m back to demo now, so that’s fun. Prefer it anyway.

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Yeah, leave poor Survival alone. It’s been garbage since its rework.

It would be fun if the WFI and mongoose bite playstyles cluld be combined, along with the bomb cd trait from bfa.

It’s just going to rise up to people making different builds for destro and still being partway broken.

Theres been far bigger nurfs mid seasons before, dont get your panties in a wod over this. This is what happens when you play fotm, you risk being gutted mid season.

It’s a video game title, how will you ever survive in this world without it!?!?

They didn’t make any adjustments to Survival, though.

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Ah the deluded “everyone is an island while somehow being forcibly part of a cohesive mix” retort.

They said earlier that this surv getting its time in the sun.

In truth I feel like a lot of things they did would of been better served for season 4. If not left alone as in theory the expansion is over by the 31st of December.

Yet they seem to be changing things for the upcoming MDI as I imagine they were doing some really crazy pulls that made blizzard fee like it would of been too short. Who knows with blizzard honestly at this point, yet I hope things change for the better in DF.


The word is “wad”.


It’s kind of cringe thinking that people pushing keys may have been screwed over by MDI. I normally don’t blame the esports folks but with Finals coming up for MDI… yeah… that’s not a great thought.

They also need to nerf survival hunters. People will get the title, even if they are running two locks. It’s only 3600 or something and I don’t think it will get much higher because the best push weeks already happened.

Destro Lock was extremely busted. There’s like 600 destros who are going to get the title. Compare to 4 dps druids.

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Leave Survival alone.


I mean the door is open. Destro ain’t as busted as SV but if we’ve opened the door to nerfs, might as well go all the way and actually do proper sweeping balance changes.

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Yes, because heavens forbid that Survival is actually good for once.

Pretty much. This isn’t like Warlocks or Death Knight where lots of people already play and enjoy those specs, we’re talking about a living meme suddenly propped up and hitting record high numbers of play-rates. If they’re going in with the nerf hammer, they might as well address a spec that people obviously are only playing because its too strong.


It’s pretty bad for the top % that were going for the title and mdi players. Do I think there’s some value to do that nerf still? yes. A bit like Sepulcher tons of nerfs, it’s not elegant but it was needed to a point.

I’ll wait to see how much it really is in practice before criticizing it much. I get mixed feedback on that and the one I trust says it’s about a 600 dps nerf on st and a decent nerf on aoe (about 10k nerf on 5T).

I think you’re just salty it’s not a meme for the first time in three expansions, unlike Feral. Boomie usually is great, but also for once isn’t doing so hot. Restoration Druids aren’t looking too attractive and Guardian is in need of love. So I get you wanting to tear others down because Druid doesn’t have many viable options for being invited right now.