Warlock is currently not good in M+

In what content? Because it isn’t m+ or raids

If that’s what you want for Demo, you can only really buff Implosion and passives, because every spell used in AoE for Demo is used in ST except Implosion. They might be able to go in and tune Dreadlash so AoE dogs do more damage, and maybe add a talent where Felstorm, Dstrength and Guillotine do more damage the more targets they hit or something. But your ST rotation is your AoE rotation without Implosion, so the only thing left to balance is passives, unless they overhaul Demo, which I would not like to see.

Whats was youre overall. Had a hunter in my 20 key who ended up doing 145k overall.

And like you said just regular phial.

I laid down my warlock weeks ago, why fight an uphill battle when I have all classes at 70, some classes multiple 70s.

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yeah, blizzard really hate warlocks, the uphill is to hard for warlocks, we dont offer that much in M+ compared to other dpsers.

It’s not gonna go well for warlocks when spriest is the super meta

i dunno about the other 2 specs but i wouldn’t write off aff changes.

The trouble with Warlock, mostly Demo, in keys is twofold:

  1. It’s backloaded AOE. If the pack lives long enough for you to go through a full ramp cycle and implode all those imps, you can do very well. Maybe even keeping up with anyone. Destruction suffers similarly with needing a lot of targets to keep Rain of Fire spam going.

  2. It’s a ramp class on ALL specs. If you wipe or you just personally get picked on and die (e.g. pelters on 22+ NL), you’re going to look awful on the meters. Thus feeding the opinion that Warlock is bad at M+.

(1) isn’t really an issue, just a perception problem. You could implode just before all those little skitterlings die in NL, or before all the stuff but the Enforcer dies in FH, or any number of other places. However, that would just be padding and actively hurt the key. So you’re left in an awkward problem of play to time the key or play to top the meter.

(2) is a problem that only presents itself in a key that’s likely not going to get timed anyway, but it makes it look like it’s your fault. It feels very bad when the Windwalker and Evoker blow their load in a pull and then the tank dies right after you summon your tyrant. Have that happen a couple of times and your group disbands with you at half the damage of the other two DPS.

It’s not a problem when you play with friends/guildies, but we all know what most PUG’s look at.

Yes, that’s one of the biggest issues. It feeds into the “why are you so bad and doing half the damage” perception. It really only affects idiots who don’t understand how the game works, but that’s the majority of people in my experience :frowning:

It’d be nice if warlocks had at least 1 frontloaded burst spec that could do what pretty much every other class, especially melee, can do - aoe pack to pack with no ramp or downtime.

It might still not help….Surv can burst almost every pack and still can’t get invites.

It’s more perception that performance.

its always perception over performance, the hope is that people see these changes and perceive them to make them a lot stronger than they did and boost the playrate(like what the 3% buff did for aff in raids).

I did not look at the changes but unless they made seed a faster cast or added a Dreamweaver like buff then i don’t see aff being good in keys. Seed is just too slow of a cast. It was fine in SL with all the haste buffs we had but atm it’s almost unplayable in keys.

Seed is dropping back to a 2s cast

They did in fact make seeds casting faster, they moved more of affliction’s ST into UA baseline dmg and removed more reliance on DT while also reworking DB to actually make iot something you can pick.

Seed still isn’t fast enough to compete with the giga busted classes for M+ AOE (ie spriests, ret pallies, monks). By the time you have some agony out for shard gen(assuming vt is on c/d because it isn’t up every pull) and start casting seed, the pack is already dead.

It’ll be good for tyrannical / single target, but still not close on the majority of the dungeon trash if you have a spriest/pally/monk in there with you.

I don’t give a crap about raiding. Warlock is not fun in m+.


this is kinda a disingenuous argument to make for the following reasons.

A. Raiding and M+ are 2 different pieces of content. Its the equivalent of saying “well x class has 1 spec that’s good in PvP so its totally fine that the class overall is crap at everything else, just focus on clearing the content”

B. It dismisses that beyond damage the class has core design flaws that are creating the problem(good performance in raids and bad performance in M+ almost always points to bad damage profiles as oppose to actually numbers tuning)

C. Probably the most important point, you should always be finding ways to improve the class especially when it actually has problems as oppose to dismissing it because 1 spec is okay in M+ and the rest suck.

It would be 1 thing is demo was dominating the M+ than at least we could fall back on that but its a mid spec and the best for it? Or they could at the very least make the other 2 specs perform as good as demo but neither is happening(aff could bump up tomorrow but this is in reference to today).

Indeed, compare to other classes, warlock’s M+ game play is crippled by the slow casting, slow ramp up, completely opposite of M+ playstyle, you are going against the current, downwind position fails, why bother? Bye warlock till rework.

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You’re missing the point that tuning affects both Raid and M+ and they have to tune appropriately unless they somehow split the tuning between the two systems. Also, Destro performs just fine in keys, specially after this patch.

A) They are two different pieces of content and I understand that but, Blizzard has not split them to the point where they tune differently for each one. Until they do that, any changes they make to a spec regarding one piece of content will affect the other.

B) Destro just got 2 minute infernal back which is good for dungeons, and in AoE it can be even less than 2 minutes. You could argue that it’d be nice to have demo have 1 minute Tyrant back with GWD, but then your Felguard wouldnt line up with your Tyrant again until 3 minutes or you would have to hold it for 30 seconds to line it up at 2 minutes. My point is, there’s a lot that goes into making a spec feel good in every scenario, and thats where other specs come in. Demo doesn’t feel so good? unfortunate, but guess what? Destro is feeling just fine, so maybe give that a whirl.

C) Change all you want, but you never know if making Demo the best spec in M+ via some damage profile change all of a sudden makes it mediocre in raid, and then we’ll be back here discussing how Demo is bad in raid and should be buffed.

Demo is not the best M+ spec. The best M+ spec is dependent on the key level you’re doing, the dungeon you’re doing, and even who is in your party.