Warlock is currently not good in M+

Playing warlock is making me physically sick or want to throw up, this week not only we have to stop casting constantly due to vacanic, the tank is non-stop kiting the mobs out of sanguine so my aoes are all missing, once the trash are kited to a new position (if the tank is good and stop eventually, most of them just kite non stop) i can maybe land 2-3 rain of fires, which does very little dps.

We have to be held hands by priests giving us PI, good tanks that knows how to work with our c’ed aoe rain of fire that dont move around with trash, long casting time that gets constantly stoped by mech that are designed to target ranged, the affix that only happens to ranged etc etc etc.

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I hit 3k last season and it felt ok. Destro does not feel good in M+ this season.

That said, Sanguine is Destro’s mortal enemy.

I missed a 2 chest 20NL by seconds just now where a Fury Warr almost doubled my damage lmao

Because melee just move with the tank, none of their dps is wasted, they also attack on the move no need to slow cast, on top of that they have high upfront burst as long as they hit the few buttons whichever comes off CD

yea, Tyran + sanguine + volcanic makes this week pretty awful

Since it’s been a few weeks into the season, it’s becoming clear that Destro is about middle of the pack dps in M+ now, coupled with some annoying success conditions. Maybe 10.1.5 will change that but we’ll see.


WE DONT USE ANYMORE GRAND WARLOCK DESIGN BRO, now we dont have consecutive tyrants man, that is the REAL REASON warlock demo NOW SUCKS SUCKS, ok reign of tyranny get buffed but COME ON! we burst 500k first big big pull now the next pull we doing 60k? lol really? that is the real reason warlock demo sucks right now

Your 500K pull is because of PI + POT + lust, after that everything turns into s*** we are dragging this whole useless army around, and do two digit dps compare to other specs, what a joke

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I took your recommendation and tried it in a 15. It’s really bad, even worse than I thought it would be. i did about 30% less dmg overall than the typical ROF spam build.

I wish it was good because i prefer the playstyle but the dmg just isn’t there even on big pulls.

Re-tested in on cleave dummies, and yeah, the cata/no infernal build landed at around 180k and the standard inferno/infernal build around 230k. With trinket, the inferno build also pulls ahead on bosses.
That said, overall ends up being pretty comparably around 100k for me with either build. I haven’t pushed into high keys yet this season (a little behind) but is it possible you weren’t executing optimally with the cata build? The biggest benefit is that the damage moves with the tank so you don’t get punished as hard. Cata, conflagrate, cdf, havoc, chaos bolt spam until havoc runs out, then rof to fill and cdf on cd, before havoc where possible

I should clarify, i typically use the meta build with inferno, but on weeks like last week with sanguine or in dungeons with smaller packs of 3-4, the chaos bolt build feels better and seemingly does better overall with less stress

Warlocks are B tier at best in M+ simply because the class design doesn’t fit into the fast paced playstyle, at all, I’m off warlock till rework.

If someone want to argue about demo, how long does it take to build up 30 dogs or build up imps? That’s right no one has time for that. The group is already 40 yds away, good bye, redesign now.


yeah, they keep nerfing demo since the start of dragonflight, dont worry more aoe nerfs for 10.1.5 coming with no 3rd dog.

Crashing Chaos is getting buffed in literally 3 weeks, and likely you will have 2 minute infernal to go along with it.

Demo is definitely playable in keys. In fact, it’s the best of the 3 specs in low keys, and even in high keys it does well since you can get more imps out before you tyrant. Regardless, being B tier at best in keys is more than fine considering all 3 warlock specs are performing well in raid. Sounds like you need to worry less about damage meters and more about just timing the dungeon. Not everybody can be meta. Best of luck to you.

How would it feel to be always below on the meter to spriest, hunters, warriors etc etc who has upfront high burst with less efforts?

Because Hunter and Warrior for example are below Warlock in raid. Both dps Warrior specs are below Demo and Affliction at the 95th percentile, while Destro is still beating Fury. All Hunter specs are below all Warlock specs. Why should they not be allowed to shine in Mythic plus? By the way, Demo outperforms Spriest in raid. I will agree, Spriest is an outlier in M+, but they have just received a rework this tier, so it’s expected that the spec isn’t completely balanced. I dont know how geared your Warlock is, and based on the fact that you mentioned having played it since a long time ago I’d assume you have a lot of experience on it, but it gets better in higher keys with better gear.

but my entire post is about warlock in M+ I dont know why you bring in our performances in raid, its not relevant to this post.


Because when you balance a spec, or change anything about it, it affects both raid and m+ performance. You can’t buff warlock in m+ without it being buffed in raid and that’s something that Blizzard likely takes into account when they’re tuning or reworking specs.

I’d like to clarify, I’m not saying Warlock shouldn’t be stronger in keys, but that it’s not as black and white as just “buff warlock”.

Yeah have to be reminded that some of our specs perform pretty stellar in raids.

Especially demo. Hopefully they tuned the burst more into the sustain when the new talents updates come thru. I for one love mythic + .

Here to hoping i finally get a class trinket drop.

I got the 444 class trinket from week one’s vault this season, it is not that good in keys unfortunately. In keys you need short burst :boom: CDs non stop (20 sec CD spriest instant aoe dot and instant machine gun/sensor missile mind blast!), which warlock simply don’t have. You can’t combat the fact that spriests not only have way more utilities, they are just superior in all aspects and we are competing for that one caster spot with the absolute SSS+ spec not by skills but competing with the miserable case of the failed class balancing.

Regarding the comment on warlock is good in raid so if they buff us in M+ we would be too good in raid, I completely disagree. We are weak on aoe, in keys, and good on ST. In raid ppl only look at overall boss dmg but in keys it’s overall dmg including trash, to show up high on overall dmg you have to tap on those trash asap and burst them down to contribute to your overall numbers, we are always lower than high mobile high burst classes period, ramp up is too slow, unless you are running with 4 friends and you guys are highly highly coordinated, which is not the case for most of us, buffing aoe won’t effect performance in raid at all, we don’t even talent into ROF or Implosion in raid, irrelevant, just leave ST alone and reimagine our aoe, buff demo’s aoe numbers, change destro’s aoe style so it’s not cancelled as soon as the group is moved, which is the core mech in M+, MOVING.

Update: just did a M+ with a fully geared demo lock, he got 6 PIs and used 3 ultimate potions of power for the run, when I didn’t even use a phial, I am 436 ilvl and he is 442+, he barely did 5K overall than me with all that buff. AND I was doing the affix.

SO get the 4pc and Trinkets… (THIS) character I am on has less then 7 days played (leveled less then 2 1/2 weeks ago), which includeds the time I spent leveling it up. If you want gear, its there. You just got to go get it.

To be fair, Ret is stupid OP right now.