Warlock is currently not good in M+

This is cap i never done this, another reason not to butt your head into a conversation you had no part in.

never said it did, this is why i asked if you were drunk or rode the short bus

i never said it was the “only reason” but one of the reasons, again are you drunk or…

ive been doing M+ since it was introduced in legion and seen ppl do dumb things at all key levels, reading data and knowing how to interpret it is far more valuable than how many keys someone has ran, if that wasnt the case than why tf are there so many sports analyst who’s never played it professionally.

Heres the thing, if someone is giving bad feedback its easy to dismiss it on the merit of the feedback, you don’t need to look at their experience if its bad its obvious looking at it.

Everyone is entitled to give feedback, you arent entitled to gatekeep feedback because of what arbitrary requirement you decided to put on it.

lol what?

Other casters have unique utility as well, outside of PI which everyone already stated was a problem long before Spriest was buffed, whats the point in mentioning this.

Theres always a best and before Spriest it was someone else, theres quite literally no point in focusing or even talking about Spriest in a Warlock thread that should be focused on improving Warlock, not the current FOTM pick, its stupid.

So FOTM specs has the most logs, what a shocker, this isnt even exclusive to shadow the other roles are showing similar values.

You’ve explained M+ metas since their existence best melee/ best ranged/ best tank/ best healer.

So far this isnt a “fix warlock in M+ thread” this is a “shadow priest is busted thread”. Sad wish i knew that from the start would of avoided it.

you’re the one dragging it into a spriest topic because you wanna argue with everyone

avoid the thread then

Nobody cares if you started doing keys in legion, when clearly you’re completely out of touch with how things are now and asserting a high ground that your analysis of spriest is correct and everyone else is wrong.

You say I butted my head into this conversation but I was here when you first started arguing your ratty, ignorant viewpoint. Hell, I commented in here before you joined in spouting trash takes.

Nice cap, unfortunately for you, its not true. Maybe if you didn’t but your head into other people conversation you would know that.

I plan on doing so as long as you stop tagging me

nobody cares what your experience is either, next time dont talk about experience if you don’t want me to say mines, reminder your the one who brought it up

but you did, i never mentioned i played affliction to you it was in response to Allolria but you felt the need to bring aff up for no reason and say and i qoute “Playing a spec in a bad spot like Aff doesn’t somehow make spriest less busted.” what was even the point in saying this?

You are the one talking from a point of ignorance, you havent said a single thing that could be considered thought and but constant whining, the definition of an immature child.

Adults do the bare minimum and prove how its “giga busted” but you havent done that and your only retort has been “well look at what high key runners are running”, such a joke honestly get some help. I want to remind you that all of this stimmed from me not calling it giga busted. Than you wonder why Blizzard doesnt read your feedback

what you are lol about regarding movement, they throw the dot on the group and the dots STAY on target, and then they can just start casting it will hit targets and follow them around, meanwhile my rain of fire STAYS in one spot, the tank has to kite around, making the group missing my rain of fire entirely, the spriest can keep on attacking, i alt spriest dont tell me it is not true.

On top of that, spriest’s ability is INSTANT AOE DOTTING that has a 20 sec CD, so he can use it on every single trash pack, after applying the double dot, he can cast and it will hit targets guaranteed.

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We already showed a ton of data and you don’t have any counterpoints beside personal opinion. Clearly you’re in your feels too much, thus why you jumped to insulting everyone so early. Go back to whatever sewer you crawled out from.

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they have no movement tools, a lot of their dmg isnt coming from DoTs, its from DP and generators and in order to get DP off you need insanity and the things that cost insanity are all hard casts, it only takes a basic amount of research to figure this out, hell if you even took one second to look up wowhead,icyviens or priest discord you would know that which is why saying that is so much a joke it made me spit out my water from laughter.

No you have… do you know what data is? Ive literally been waiting to see it so i could counter it but it aint here, still waiting.

he is clearly a spriest main, want to stay on top feeling he is better than everyone, when it is the spec that is OVERTUNED

what a joke, thank you for proving my point about this thread.

your spec should be nerfed, so you have to actually try, not just riding this SUPER META high horse

Do you know what a troll is? It’s you. Not even a good troll, you seem to think screaming “dataz!” repeatedly (while ignoring the data posted) is an argument.


The fact you think spriests have mobility and don’t turret shows just how inept you are at class awareness. Your argument can be used just as easily, and stupidly, against you by saying destro is mobile because immolate stays on the targets.

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spirest’s double dot INSTANT application stay on ALL targets and whenever you cast Mind Blast which has TWO charges and it come off CD very frequently, your shadow flow automatically to the target and damages ALL target affected by your touch and it happens WAY MORE often than our channel demon fire, whoever has a spriest in the group, the huge amount of SHADOWY APPARITIONS flowing in the air, automatically chase and hit all the targets is exactly the thing that is OVERTUNED, also Devouring Plague, comes off CD very frequently too, spriest can constantly reapply and this particular dot will add all the refreshed time to its timer, there is no cap on the time, if you dare to imply our CASTING SINGE dot and LONG CD channeling demon fire is remotely similar to what you got going on, you are not fooling anyone, GIGA S TIER spirests need a huge nerf.

I’m doing the same damage with my 409 ilevel hunter than with my 429 ilevel demo lock in keys (obviously in raid i do more with my lock). It’s not like i can’t do damage with my lock i did very good damage at the end of SL competing with surv hunters who were broken at that time (locks were to) and i did good damage before the last string of nerfs a.k.a. bug fixes a.k.a the trinket is too strong but we wont nerf the trinket to be sure your life is miserable until you get it.

Atm there’s so many things that can go wrong from the tank kiting the mobs to the healer having to drink or res a dps to rp and such. Before the dogs and ds nerf at least you had the dogs and ds as reliable on demand damage in case your tyrant rotation did not work perfectly because of a string of mechanics or whatnot. Now you got to be pretty much perfect just to tie other dps with easier rotation until you get your trinket.

I have so much more fun playing my hunter. I can do the same damage without having to bother with stupid rotations where my dps goes down the toilet if anything weird happens. I can focus on mechanics more and it’s so relaxing to play. I’ll switch to destruction in key for me demo is dead but destruction is not great until you reach at least 20 key level. I lol at the guy who said destruction is great in 17 i guess he plays with people doing 60-80k overall damage in BhH …

Warlock is great in mythic+, both demo and destro. The fact that shadow priests and evokers burst higher doesn’t change the fact.

Destro is untouchable against those classes in 2 target cleave and most single target fights as well. If your aoe is bad, assuming you’re playing the spec correctly, then trash isn’t living long enough and you need to go up a couple key levels.

I don’t play Destro in Uldaman specifically for a number of reasons. That’s the only dungeon I think it is bad. But there’s Demo for that.

And by the way, Demo is definitely not dead. It does amazing damage in both tyr and fort. I hate to say it’s a learn to play issue, but it’s a learn to play issue if you can’t do damage as Demo in m+. You have frontloaded burst with that spec and can compete with melee/evokers even on low keys.

It’s strange that i have to learn to play now while i was perfectly fine in SL and up until the nerfs a.k.a bug fixes after 10.7. Pretty sure i’ll be fine if i get my class trinket like you … it is my opinion than without the class trinket and PI it’s the worst demo has been in key in a long while.

Destruction has a lot of problems. It’s great if you got a steady group with a tank face tanking the mobs but with pugs it’s more often the not a very frustrating spec to play. I was in an underrot 18 yesterday and the tank was constantly kiting the mobs out of my RoF. I did not have much fun.

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You need gear. period. My lock (demo) is 441, and I am having a blast. Every 3 mins, with a huge pull, I am doing 400k+, and in between it 150k to 200k. You just need to know when to use your implosion, when/how trinkets/cds.

For destro, huge pulls are necessary, if you are running a pug, don’t expect much. It will have its ups and downs. It comes to the composition and the style of your party. And I think it goes the same for all other classes. IE I am running m+ with my rogue / + guildies, my dps is satisfying for my ilvl, but then in some pugs, I want to delete that lil dude.

With an experienced party + high level keys, you may see the difference.

certanly doesnt help that warlocks cant do any to help with the weekly affix afflicted, another reason to not get an invite to keys.

I strongly encourage locks to try a cataclysm, buffed immolate, cdf build with cry havoc as your main aoe spender. Cry havoc competes with/surpasses RoF when it’s up, AND doesn’t suffer from roving tanks. It’s also a pretty fun build, and requires next to zero ramp-up time. Fire and brimstone fills in damage when building. Rain of fire ends up being a pretty small portion of overall damage in keys. You can even forego infernal entirely and fill out the right side of the bottom of the talent tree.
The more traditional Inferno build pulls ahead in larger stationary pulls and bursts better in ST, but not by much.
Edit: by buffed immolate, i mean 25% damage, not the duration. CDF suffices to refresh immolate uptime between cataclysm casts. The build i described has essentially no cd’s and feels great on keys 15 and lower.