Warlock is currently not good in M+

what does “credibility” have to do with the subject matter we are talking about.

The fact that you said this tells me not only do you not know wtf you are talking about but that you didnt even bother reading what we were talking about to begin with. At no point did i even insinuate affliciton being broken in mplus. In fact, the only time i even brought up affliciton was to say i didnt play this toon and am an afflock now.

When you have people like you that cannot do the basic and read a conversation but choose to add your 2cents that no one asked for than it makes me fear how terrible our educational system has become.

Someone with higher io in a discussion about classes in mplus?

You’re trolling.

The irony of someone that doesn’t actually have a clue what they are talking about. The fact you said shadow isn’t busted further shows you have zero clue.

Convinced now either A. you have no clue what we were talking about. B. You do know what we are talking about and don’t want to admit you messed up so now you are trying to shift the conversation to mplus so you don’t have to admit you were wrong. C. Your trolling.

Its overtuned not busted, i can show you the data to support my argument but you cannot show me the data to support yours. You are the one who has no clue what they are talking about because if you did you would be bringing numbers not someone’s raiderio scores.

Is reading comprehension hard for you? He brought up Aff because the person was insinuating that he only played spriest, and he said he plays aff (which is by far in a worse spot than spriest). What daft drivel are you going on about…

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Actually option D you’re trolling and now that I pointed out how clueless you are you’re deflecting.

I don’t need to link data because it’s already been linked.

Just because you’re not performing with a busted spec doesn’t mean it’s not busted.

Nope. It’s clearly hard for you though considering

Try and keep up with the conversation I’m commenting on

Convinced u are trolling now, done talking with you.

The fact you can’t follow the conversation and don’t understand what was said is very telling.

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Great attempt at saving face after you can’t seem to follow the conversation.

The fact you can’t comprehend the conversation I’m in after linking it to you is very telling.

Don’t worry, blizz will pull a SL and give destro an absolutely broken insane set bonus for S3 that will propel warlock to the top of the meta once again.

Isn’t it out there that out of all the specs, warlock is the one that has been viable for the most total time in the history of wow?

Keep your head high kings :crown:

Playing a spec in a bad spot like Aff doesn’t somehow make spriest less busted.

Your argument is actually such nonsense. I had salmon for dinner, so clearly I’m an expert on fish?

Your ride is here
:red_car: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

You riding the short bus buddy or perhaps drunk because literally no one said this.

You’re actually so dense it’s comical. At one point you even tried to steer the conversation away from M+ in an M+ topic. Whether you play spriest or not doesn’t make the spec less overtuned. You even stated that PI is the only reason people are perceiving them as being busted, but it’s not like the damage gained from the other individual is added to spriest DPS, so if spriest DPS is already topping every single dungeon on top of PI value it’s quite egregious.

It’s also not a matter of how “hardcore” someone is. If someone has more experience at a particular content level, it makes sense that that person has a better read on what is and is not strong at that content level. If you only ever raid LFR, why would anyone listen to your feedback on the balance of Mythic raiding? Sounds like some typical “my ignorance is just as valuable” type argument. Are you still entitled to your right to feedback? Sure. Should anyone put any sort of faith in the accuracy of your statements? That’s up for debate.

Kinda feel like this thread is losing the plot re warlock in M+. That being said, what can be learned from SPriest, regardless of tuning, is that its low GCD setup and near-frictionless priority damage + AoE is extremely functional for a caster given the current M+ environment. All our specs could use less setup and more immediate burst if Blizz is going to keep going with their burst-window design paradigm.

For example, why should Destro require high keys, double or triple pulls, and 10-14 seconds of ramp to deal comparable damage. Most players will be in lower keys, with pulls between 3 and 6 mobs, that live for ~30 seconds. Now granted, you can argue that if they are in low keys then output “doesn’t matter,” but honestly that’s just a cope for poor design and players can tell that something isn’t “clicking” at the gameplay level (aka its not fun).

Because that is the design of the spec, just like Boomkin, UhDK, etc… Not every class needs to waddle in and do top damage from the jump. Ironically, demo does quite a bit of burst in lower keys, if you just bother to switch specs, which any pure should do if they care about the performance you’re complaining about.

This is an interesting thread. It seems like everyone is admitting spriest is overtuned and the argument is really about perceived hyperbole (i.e. “giga busted”). If we just distill it down, spriest is too strong right now, or giga busted, and blizz needs to address it.

Frankly, blizz needs to address a lot of things and it all just feels like some wild experiment they are doing in their prod environment at our expense. I’m not even sure what PTR is for as it seems like most changes ultimately go into prod once they reach PTR anyway.

I haven’t played much m+ yet. I was slow to get started this season, because my pc was out of commission for the first 2 weeks. I’m still wearing tier from S1 and Demo feels about the same as I left off and wishing the aoe was a bit stronger, but not terrible either. I haven’t played Destro, but assuming it’s still pretty bad without extreme ramp times. Maybe tier with CDF helps a bit. Haven’t gotten there.

shadowpriests are busted, yeah nerf warlocks.

The argument between “overtuned” versus “giga busted” is mostly about semantics. But there is no question at all that shadowpriests are by a very, very wide margin the best and most sought out dps class for keys.

If you filter out raider io data to only show keys level 20 and above, there have been:
107079 keys with a shadow priest
51920 runs with a destro lock
32636 runs with a frost mage
38489 runs with an MM hunter

In other words, there are almost as many shadow priests in lvl 20+ keys as the combined number for the most popular specs for the 3 pure ranged dps classes. Which is unsurprising, because the meta right now is clearly 1 melee for interrupt/utility, 1 shadowpriest for PI/VE, and then whatever other class you want.


Not only spriest is less punished by movements, overturned front loaded aoe, they average 6-7 PI applications to themselves, cc, dispel, buff for the group, can heal, can skip, can grab etc etc, like I said, idk why bliz is doing this to other casters.


  • Crashing Chaos redesigned – Summon Infernal increases the damage of your next 8 casts of Chaos Bolts by 50% (10% in PvP combat) or your next 8 casts of Rain of Fire by 70% (15% in PvP combat).

  • Dimensional Rift damage increased by 15%.

These changes are a massive buff to Destro to the 2 min build in keys.