Warlock 9.2 tier set is being remade due to "bad judgements"

If this is a three kays uniform, Combat Medic Ziegler looks like an SS uniform in Overwatch.

If you think there aren’t some degenerates in the RP community that would go out of their way to role-play with a so-called “Klanmog” I’ve got a bridge to sell you.


Of course there are degens everywhere but you don’t paint everyone with the same brush you punish the ones that are breaking rules. Dont re write the rules of everything because of a few bad apples. This woke mob sht has to stop.

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Should Thunderbluff and Tauren heritage armor be removed from the game for culterally appropriating Native Americans?

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Its called a warlock tier setpiece for those of us who dont leap to conclusions in our heads every time we see white and red colors blended together.
And yah no wonder we normal people who play video games for fun cant have nice things because people who dont play video games for fun ruin everything for everyone while they dont even play the game for fun.

Racism - 0
Forums- 1
lol this is gold. internet justice at its finest. Your bad, bad people omg! So bad i am the true one internet hero… denouncing racism if you dont think this is racist you bad person! I get 100000 internet social justice points! Eat my justice!
Meanwhile no here has been racist at all lol. Over a transmog lmao world has gone to poop. i cant type shttt.

I literally want everyone to post and say all sets are racist now cause it the only way they will change them and make them cool like the set you can BUY :(.

Considering the vehement protests when anyone mentions the removal of “Slutmogs” Im sure someone probably would.

(yeah im not even gonna try ***-ing it because I still get a vacation either way so I wont even waste my time)

If it is insulting to those people then sure.
I donʻt think itʻs degrading to the culture.

However, while I am a native person from a land taken over by the U.S.A. My people are not from North America so i donʻt have that particular point of view.

And whoever was supposed to approve it failed to look at it from all angles.

The more people who come out in favor of klanmogs, the more the scandal will grow. I hereby dub this “klanmoggate”.

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So “Klanmog” is an actual thing?
Not just something fabricated today in this thread?

If all the supporters of pointy white hoods and white robes in these threads got their way, it certainly would be.

Hey! The devs did something Clark disagrees with for a change. That’s how you know it was the correct move on their part.


or they thought maybe people wont actually get offended by it but nope everything offends people now

This is so true. I think it is because we have become a society where if there isn’t any drama, we have to create it. I read an article on history.com that estimated the klan membership to be under 3k. At its height (1920) the membership exceeded 4 million.

Ya really that upset about the helm being changed?

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Apparently they are.

Gotta have that Klan representation in the game, clearly. Thankfully most folks that I’ve talked to about this understand fully why this is being changed and are supportive of it. Hell, even the folks over on Reddit are mostly supportive and understand why this had to happen.


I actually saw it and it straight up does. It’s a bit too long to be a hood as well. But good on the people not bashing Blizzard with racism remarks and instead gave great feedback which was responded correctly!

i agree yes it does but then again i think its a video game, I’m mature enough to not care

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Exactly. It’s as if this change is gonna ruin the game? They could’ve not mention the change happening and no one would’ve known.

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its more like its game, a game is made so you can pretend to be something and dress how ever you like, I want them to make it so toons can no longer walk around half naked bc Im sorry thats offensive lol