Warlock 9.2 tier set is being remade due to "bad judgements"

Cool story bro.

There’s also religions in India and Eastern Asia that use the swastika that doesn’t mean Blizzard needs to add it as a tabard.

Use your brain.


I am a big fan of Howard Stern. He had a guest named Daniel Carver - a big wig in that clan.

When the Radio Show would joke about his gaudy hat, his answer was along the lines of:

"They joke about it, but they know what it means."

Perhaps Blizzard really needs to open up its hiring… because one look at that hood, and the meaning is apparent.


All of this… exactly!!

Sadly the last line doesn’t really work when it comes to folks like the OP.

Reread my OP and if you had put your political views aside you could have tell it was a reference to an antagonist from Diablo III

This is where people made their mistake by forcing their views on a game that doesn’t need your views

1 - get over trump, you sound like a lunatic

2 - not enough people would do that to make it a real issue

3 - placing limits on what outfits can be put in the game ACTUALLY affects everyone.

It’s not my views, you can literally look at that hood and see it enables the creation of some very racist mogs.

Sure some people would use it for non-trolling purposes, but 99 out of 100 people mogging that hood would be creating their best Proud Boy outfit to trigger people and be edgy.

You know it, I know it, and Blizzard knows it, so they are changing it.

It’s not that big a deal bro.


Bro if you added a pointy white hood there would be GUILDS with their entire roster wearing Trumpmogs named the -Kool Kidz Klub- or other such creative and provocative names.

Are you new to the internet or something?


Cool. Now redesign the rest of them too.

You know when that happens blizzard bans everyone in the guild.

So in reality adding it would allow everyone to see those who abuse it and allow blizzard to remove them from the game. Again people give things powers.

Smart people can use things as a trap to remove.

Mice love cheese even if it’s on a death trap.

No I’m not new to the internet. I’ve been around long enough to know that the majority of ppl don’t actually behave like that. Only a vocal minority are actual jerks, like only a vocal minority actually complain about pointy hoods

For what?

Are you not allowed to have a guild name that uses 3 “K” words?

Are you not allowed to use the helm to mog with white robes?

Why even put it in the game in the first place if using it is a bannable offense lol?

I could see a whole MAGA 2024 advert with these things on. And it would probably win them gamer votes.

Because it’s not a banable offense but being racist is.

Why add anything to this game with your logic because everything can be offending someone.

If you add things and people use them in a way that is not favored by in the community then you remove the ones who clearly do it in that way.

You are super new to the internet if you don’t think that hood would be worn by every edgelord across Azeroth.

It’s Blizzard’s game at the end of the day. They don’t want to add a pointy white hood in their game that could be used to make MAGAmogs. If you don’t like it, unsub, and say the reason is because you can’t reroll to a grand wizard.


Okay, so who has to judge every single mog created using this hood and decide whether or not it’s racist?

Again…seems like it would be a whole lot simpler to just not add it in the first place, or change the color or whatever.

Bro, step back, go outside, touch some grass, take a deep breath, and reflect on the fact that you are arguing on behalf of enabling the creation of Klanmogs in World of Warcraft.

I’m just as annoyed at SJW culture and PC police as the rest of you…but this helm was just an obvious oversight that was always going to get fixed.

U r wrong, your trump obsession is weird, and wanting to get rid of a pointy hood because a group of racist wear something similar is dumb.

But somehow I doubt your here to listen to reason so cya

In my mind I’m picturing a mass march of individuals in this thread who support Klanmogs in the game. I can’t even link to the article in the LA Times about a guy who went shopping in a klan hood instead of wearing a mask (was a stunt that got a lot of people upset) because it contains that banned letter combination.

So remove the space in the banned letter combination.

https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-05-04/man-kk k-hood-in-santee-san-diego-sparks-outrage

Pineapple head is the lesser known brother of pinhead.

The set we saw was the Mythic set. Not many people would get it anyway.

Lol cya, sorry you can’t live out your roleplay dreams as a grand wizard casting fireball on races you deem inferior.

Also Trump is hilarious, if the Democrats ever elect someone who is obese, memes constantly on twitter, and has body dysmorphia to the point where they dye themselves a weird non-human color…I’ll make fun of them too.

I don’t really care about politics, but you gotta admit, Trump was a pretty hilarious meme of a President.