Warlock 9.2 tier set is being remade due to "bad judgements"

People taking it too far imo. I just thought they designed extremely poor sets and people are pissed the store set is better than the one you earn in-game, like every mount and store pet… Ppl just fed up I thought, prob using the “it looks like klu hood” as excuse to make them change these garbage gear sets. Cause theyll only listen that way. ALL SETS ARE RACIST PLZ MAKE NEW ONES. lol

The color scheme at the very least was incredibly poor. I don’t even really like warlocks but you’d have not caught mine dead wearing that crap.

Really that surprises you​:woman_shrugging:t2::rofl::rofl::rofl: it’s Activblizz known for mishaps and poor taste

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Looked at this thread because I expected a dumpsterfire and I was not disappointed.

I knew that if there were morons on Twitter defending the hood appearance, then without a doubt there would be morons here defending the hood appearance.

Let’s not defend racist things. I think we all agreed, many many years ago, that racism is bad.

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It is what you make it… was just a ugly set to me until I read this post…

Racism is bad we are all equal, treat people how you want to be treated.

Except it’s not racist it’s a hood. Clothing can’t be racist But people can be and people that give that power are the real problems by trying to keep it alive.

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Clothing can’t be racist…

Uhh, yeah it can be. The Ku Klux Klan has a uniform, and if you show up anywhere wearing that uniform, you will be branded a racist, and you’ll have deserved it.

Stop defending racist things. Be a better human.

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I’m a great human Thank you.

I’ve never been insulted by clothing. So no clothing can’t be racist only people can be, And people give things power to keep things from being better.

Oh and here is a definition of racist.




  1. prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.

Show me where it says clothing can be.

Feel free to travel to Spain and yell at these people then

This is where the hood originated from and was mistakenly used for something else


Your behaviour in this thread says otherwise.

No, I won’t, because I have no business going into another country and telling them that their culture is wrong.

If Blizzard was a Spanish company, based in Spain, you could make the argument that they’re based off the Capirote (and it would be especially fitting it that type of hood shape was used for the priest set). But Blizzard is not a Spanish company and they’re not based in Spain. They’re an American company, and in America, hoods with that shape have a strong racist history.

Be a better human.


You mean me saying things are given power?

I think you are just self loathing and want others to see the world as you do. A world of crap.

But I see it as a world of great possibilities.

Again people give things power when they realize that then things aren’t given power and its just an item.

Also people try to tell blizzard to change things because they are offended for other countries.

“other countries play blizzard games”

So all the people that play in spain can be upset that blizzard is changing something they might see as a part of there culture you know something that would be inclusive to there people.

You make a good point!

If they released this set in white, I would support it. Any color. It just looks awesome :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t know what you’re even talking about here. But let me break down the reality of the situation.

Blizzard created a set for warlocks and didn’t observe it from all angles.

Players noticed a similarity to the Ku Klux Klan outfit when looking at that set from the back and pointed that out to Blizzard. Blizzard, noted the mistake and stated they were going to correct it, because they know, just like most decent human beings, that racist imagery is wrong.

That should have been the end of it. Problem noticed, problem fixed. End of story.

A decent human being would not be defending imagery which is obviously racist.
A decent human being would not pick that hill to die on.

Only clowns, trolls and racists would choose to die on that hill. Pick your sign, doesn’t matter which one, because you earned it.

Either way, you’re not worth my time.


pretty sure its meaning is still positive to buddhists…

Most likely they will just flatten out the top of the hood and make it rounded rather than geometric.

They really should just create an entirely different helm/hood with horns or something, though.

In America we too celebrate holy week… Those people in Spain use them for holy week (Easter, palm Sunday, good Friday, etc etc)

It’s not common here in the US but most Latin churches use this said hat

Thanks for telling us you have no idea what you’re talking about


So everyone in spain or people that moved to America from spain must be not decent humans to you?

Do you even know my background ethnicity anything of that sort? No because you wouldn’t know you just assume you know me. But of course the “Hill” that you want to die on is the hill of being a “woke” person that must defend minorities or people that you think need your help. No one needs your help you perceive things that are bad to you but to others they aren’t bad to other countries they are perfectly fine.

So the fact you think you are decent probably means you aren’t.

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Already got you on ignore dude.

If you’re going to defend racist imagery, then you’re not worth my time.


Why give them the tools to abuse it in the first place? This is Blizzard’s game, and ultimately if they enable players to create Trumpmogs and run around spamming 8chan memes then their game is going to be less enjoyable for regular people.

Like yeah cool pointy white hood we get it you’re an edgelord who didn’t get enough attention as a child.

Just change it to any other color and we don’t have to deal with roleplay-kk-ers.


You got called out feel free to put me on ignore

But you had no idea that we too use this hat for church purposes, mostly in the Latin community churches

And now you’re upset that you made yourself look silly