Warlock 9.2 tier set is being remade due to "bad judgements"

Just because something is meme’d doesn’t mean it should be changed.

Otherwise nothing should exist with that logic.

Correct, however in this case Blizzard agreed with the imagery and didn’t want to be associated with it in their current negative PR climate.

Except changing it just makes other people have negative views on it. So since they already had the “negative” views on the set as it is. it’s better to just let it be and keep going with the set.

Except it was more of an oversight than anything else. Someone at Blizzard saw it and agreed that the imagery was less than ideal from the back. I wouldn’t be surprised if they saw the meme and went “:grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: yeaaaaaaah”…


It’s only an oversight when people make it a problem.

It’s not an oversight because the set looked fine.

But then people gave it a problem so blizzard had to agree.

I was just in a bg where someone called the other players “dirty Mexicans.” I’m so glad this is being changed because it would enable people like that to be even worse.

It’s an oversight when Blizzard designates it as such. And surprise, they designated it an oversight.

It’s an Oversight when people have “fake issues” with it.

Again if no one said anything it would have been ok.

Folks didn’t even have an issue with it, they pointed it out and meme’d it and Blizzard didn’t want to be associated with it.

God it’s like they are currently suffering from negative PR or something and don’t want more. Wowwee


Except, some people did have an “issue” with it.

Leaving, here is my last message to this stupid situation.

:violin: :musical_note: :musical_note:

Have fun being upset that a hood was changed.

Then that means that set could be precieved in that light and Blizzard probably doesnt want more controversy.

please just overhaul and recreate all of these sets, most of them are absolutely horrendous looking. a five year old could be more creative.


And to the people that had issues with it, they only did so to feel like they helped make an impactful change. When they didn’t.

I mean, the swastika used to have a positive meaning before the 20th century.

The real symbol still has a positive meaning.

It’s the ugliest least warlockesque set they’ve ever done.

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I know it does. But would you go around sporting it as a tattoo on your chest now?

Oh god, is it serious?
For me it was a design similar of a fanatic inquisitor, perfect for a warlock using fire.
The fact that it was related to a group of supremascists didn’t even crossed my mind.

Tss… Real world problems are really a plague…

I mean some people do. I’m not afraid of people being ignorant and not having the ability to grasp that, that party is no longer around.

Again people give things powers that don’t need to be given power.