Warlock 9.2 tier set is being remade due to "bad judgements"


if the warlock helm was a red, yellow, blue, brown, orange, green, violet, black, carnation pink, yellow orange, blue green, red violet, red orange, yellow green, blue violet, violet red, dandelion, cerulean, apricot, scarlet, green yellow, indigo or gray - literally any color other than white - pointy hood, no one would care.

however, they made it a white pointy hood, and I think you’re lying if you say you don’t understand the imagery that relates to.


Yeah, so how about we don’t put imagery in there that triggers a quarter of the country, eh?

And Blizzard agreed that they didn’t want a Tier set meme’d into association with a certain group in their game :woman_shrugging:


I don’t think it’s a reach when it’s the first thing to come to mind.

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Cool now do… all of them. these look like questing sets.


yep. they’re all bad. very, very bad.


Ew, that set still looked bad :confounded:
So ugly…

So… take a look at the in game pictures from the cinematic:

The white versions seem to be a singular version. There is a rumor of a dye system but I haven’t seen anything to confirm. It would be in theory possible for them to just ban white for that piece if that’s a thing. But that’s a big IF.

Redesign it because it is ugly fine, but get all worked up because it has a very small passing resemblence to bad pointy hoods is just sad, people are so soft now they completely for get about context,


The K K K copied the design from Spanish Easter worshippers. You should remind them they’re racists.


I mean the first look of the original warlock set this is who I first thought of

One of the villains in Diablo III, Maltheal


Even if it didn’t resemble old traditional garb of a certain group, It’s ugly as Ffffff…arts…

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White robes, pointy hat, red decorations.

Yeah . . . it needed to be changed, even if it was only problematic from the back.


I liked the set, and to be frank if you made a ton of other head pieces white, they would look very similar to this honestly. I don’t get why just because the shape of it shares a similarity to a terrible group. Means that it has to be canceled and it has to be changed, in no way is blizzard actively saying they support what that group stands for.

Just cancel culture being cancel culture as usual, for a bit there they were okay, but now we’re right back to being crazy for the sake of being crazy.


And h’s robes aren’t white. There’s a lot more detail in Malthael that takes him entirely away from being similar to any hate group’s cross burning regalia.

No it didn’t need to be changed, People just need to not compare things.

Thats how things are given power if you give it power then it has power.


It’s not a case of cancel culture lmao. Folks aren’t even offended, folks meme’d it and made the comparison and Blizzard straight up went “oops”.


I see grim reaper influence in this 1.


I actually didn’t make the distinction immediately with the hood, until I looked at the back of it. I mean the front looks nothing like a Klan hood with the accent and the mask part of it so I can see where the “oversight” happened because someone that worked on it is unlikely to think “oh, let me check the back of this and make sure it doesn’t look like a Klan hood.”

There’s nothing wrong with pointy hoods and there is nothing wrong with white hoods. While I do think all they really have to do is put a design on the back of the hood, I see way too many “haha white hood amirite guise” even with the old hoods in the game that aren’t pointy.