Warglaives Of Azzinoth Transmogging Shouldn't Be Restricted To DH's Only


Come on, answer the question about Shadowmourne.

If you are so certain that you are right, you shouldn’t have any problems answering questions related to the topic.

I suppose these two weapons are tooltip errors as well.

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Not fury warriors tho, we can’t transmog into it despite being our BiS back then because its a one handed weapon.

Grip is too stronk now. It’s a 1H sword. Prot can still use it.

You’re still trying on these Azzinoths…
shakes head

I remember you when you started these non sense threads back when Blizz made legendaries transmoggable.

Warglaives are not swords.
They will never be transmoggable by anyone other than DHs.

Be thankful Blizz still allowed other classes to equip them.

The way it is now is how it should be.

You want to mog Warglaives? Wear them during timewalking


Damn y’all are passionate about this I’ll say that, and for sure I can respect that.

I’m not going further into this rabbit hole my friend.

I wish you luck in your quest for the Warglaives, stay safe and I’ll look back in and see what’s up later, but gotta go see Mummy, as it’s that day today.


A pocket knife is clearly not a sword either. Weird right?

DH’s should be thankful that Blizzard made this a cosmetic appearance for them with a separate sheathed look and animations.


That’s correct, they labelled a weapon with warglaive in the name and the physical appearance of a warglaive, a sword because the weapon type didn’t exist yet.

That’s correct, but Rogues, Warriors and everyone else can’t use warglaives.

Like I said, other classes can use Axes and Swords. If Death Knights got, I don’t know, Soul Axes as a weapon type limited to their class, and Shadowmourne was a Soul Axe, then sure, limit it to Death Knights. Same goes for Ashbringer being a Crusader Sword and only Paladin can use it. But right now, that’s not the case.

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You think these are the only weapons in the game that look like something else but are classified as another?

This is not even debatable.


Okay, so the solution is to change the weapon type so no one else can equip the legacy items anymore, got it.


The solution would be to let the original wielders be able to transmog it.


That’s the solution you want despite Blizzard disagreeing.
This isn’t a debate, this is just you wanting something you can’t have.


Except if I disagree I have the right to use the forums as a way to give them feedback.

Ever think about that?


classic TBC will be there for you soon

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Doesn’t mean you have the game’s best intentions in mind, nor thinking selflessly, and not just about yourself.

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Except I’m thinking about people whom have actually used these weapons back when they were current?

I’d also like to add that I’d not gain much from being able to xmog these weapons. I’m a Subtlety rogue so I can’t use swords.


It is weird that the most iconic combat rogue weapons is available only to a class that never could use it


yes they should. : ) my warglaives! MINE.

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All night elves should at least, be able to wield glaives. They’ve been seen everywhere in our zones if you look close enough. Legit the first one you can see is in the first little town you come across in Teldrassil in the NE starting area.


Farmed the Warglaives on my monk and did the timewalking quest on my DH. It’s really annoying that the class I farmed them on can’t xmog them.

It must be especially annoying for rogues/warriors that actually got and used them during BC. Just another reason to hate demon hunters.


Agreed. The real reason this shouldnt be DH only is that at one point, it was available to be looted, equipped, and transmogged by other classes. It’s punishing players for something they earned, for something Blizz added years later in the game.