Warglaives Of Azzinoth Transmogging Shouldn't Be Restricted To DH's Only

What? The weapon clearly says knife.

Daggers are knives!

Your judgement is askew.

I’d like to know your opinion on Shadowmourne. Someone made a post regarding it and you clearly ignored it.

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Um … yeah? Arthas was a paladin when he took up Frostmourne, too. The weapon being evil doesn’t make it a DK weapon.


Your only somewhat valid argument is that the item is classified as a sword in game, yet you fail to note the actual name of the item. They are Warglaives, you’re just gonna have to suck it up.


I love the discussion too, I think transmog restrictions should be lifted when it comes to weapons we can use or have used in the past. I just think its silly that death knights, demon hunters, rogues (although they did wield it in classic) Can all use thunderfury but a fury warrior cannot. I hope its lifted up in SL. I kinda understand why the warglaives are DH exclusive, but that was a rogue weapon way back then so they deserve the option as well imo.

I don’t really put immersion into account since I usually see every DH under the sun with the warglaives on, so it doesn’t seem that unique to me.


Whether or not that is true, Shadowmourne is an ax, which isn’t a signature weapon of Death Knights. Other classes use axes. Warglaives as a weapon type didn’t exist during TBC. Instead of removing the legendary from the game, they left it mislabeled but put a restriction on the transmog to the only class that can use warglaives.


Yet the Ogre pocket knife is clearly called a knife yet is classified as a sword.

Weird huh?

Now you are pushing to side track your own thread, by trolling me no doubt. I asked that we keep things nice as I think this discussion is awesome.

If you are unable to except my opinion is valid that’s fine but don’t think to round up a mob and start coming at me with side arguments.

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Warriors CAN use thunderfury, though?

Did you even read what you just said? Of course a “knife” to an ogre is going to be a sword to a player. An ogre sized knife is just a sword…


Except the point about Shadowmourne is relevant to the discussion.

You keep saying the Warglaives are a DH only weapon yes?

Well that same logic can be applied to Shadowmourne when it could also be argued as being fit for one class only.

AS well as a hunters bow

Except it clearly is the same size as a dagger when equipped by players.

Especially when they only had to push 3 buttons to get em’.

There are no problems.



The blade literally turned him into a Death Knight. He lost his mind to the whispers of it.

Axes themselves might not be a signature weapon of the Death Knights, but Shadowmourne is, lore wise, a Death Knight esque weapon. Blizzards reason for even creating the Axe was specifically to give Death Knights a weapon similar to Frostmourne, because Death Knights really wanted Frostmourne back then.

The Warglaives are labeled as swords, which isn’t exclusive to any other class. You say it’s because it was a time when they didn’t have warglaives as a weapon, but DHs can use more than just warglaives. They can use axes and swords as well.

Let’s bring another example. In Vanilla, there was the Corrupted Ashbringer. Even though Paladins have this as a skin for their order hall, players are still allowed to transmog the corrupted ashbringer. Why is that?


Look, back when BT was being made there were no warglaive carrying classes in the game, so the in-game name was changed to allow this “iconic” gear to be equipped by the player population.

Show me Illidan with duel Daggers of Azzinoth and I’ll take you more seriously.


Warglaives are glaives, not swords.

The tooltip is an error.



By this logic, any warrior type boss should only drop weapons usable by warriors, even if it’s a sword a paladin can use it was a warrior and therefore only a warrior should be able to equip the sword because it was a warrior that dropped the warrior sword.

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Thing is if they used Glaives their weapon would be a pole arm because that is what a glaive is . A single edge pole arm .

Also playable DHs weren’t even a thought when those warglaives were put into the game . DH’s came 5 expansions later.

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Uh, how is mentioning Shadowmourne “not keeping things nice.” It’s relative to the thread.