Warglaives Of Azzinoth Transmogging Shouldn't Be Restricted To DH's Only

As of patch 8.3, Blizzard has allowed legendary items to be transmogable except one particular set. Despite having been in the game for close to 13 years, the Warglaives Of Azzinoth can only be transmogrified by a class that came out 9 years after their introduction into the game and not by the other classes that they are restricted to on the weapon label i.e. rogues, warriors, death knights, and monks. Their reasoning for this was as follows and I quote:

There are a few issues that stand out with this.

1. The Warglaives Of Azzinoth are swords, not warglaives.

The Warglaives Of Azzinoth were and still are classified as swords. And the weapons are restricted to various sword users. Why shouldn’t they be able to use a weapon that they worked hard to get?

2. Nothing would be taken away from Demon Hunters who have obtained this transmog if you gave it to other classes.

Opening these weapons up for transmog to other classes wouldn’t take away the ability for Demon Hunters to transmog them. In fact, they’d actually gain another option. They would have the ability to use them as swords as that’s what they are in addition to warglaives. Other classes wouldn’t be able to use the warglaive variant of the transmog now would they? You could easily still keep the unlock for DH’s if they want to have the weapons use warglaive animations.

This also leads me very nicely into my next point.

3. The cosmetic appearance gained from doing the TW achievement are warglaives, not swords.

When Demon Hunters unlock this transmog appearance, the weapons not only use warglaive animations, but also look different when sheathed on the back of DH’s using the mog.

If you equip the actual items, the inside of the handle of the weapons face out as opposed to the outside facing outwards if you have the mog appearance on a DH.

But warglaives are part of the DH fantasy, it only makes sense that this is restricted them!

By this logic, perhaps only rogues should be able to mog Thunderfury. After all it is part of our fantasy seeing as how we got this as a hidden artifact skin during Legion.

While we are at it, should DK’s should be the only ones who can transmog shadowmourne seeing as how the weapon fits their fantasy as well?

And what about the Cursed Vision Of Sargeras? Should that be restricted to DH’s only now seeing as how that is a signature part of their look?

Allowing other classes to transmog the warglaives would just look silly!

There are a lot of other silly things that transmog allows players to do, i.e. cloth wearers can literally make it look like they are wearing nothing but a pair of briefs and classes can transmog into tier sets that aren’t theirs.

If you think that being able to transmog into a weapon which by the by has commonly been seen used amongst certain guard NPC’s is silly, you should probably re-evaluate your definition of the word.

You’re just a salty rogue that hates DH’s!

I like DH’s actually. I think they are one of the coolest classes put into the game. I like their lore and think they are really fun to play.

I just fail to see what’s so special about them that they deserve exclusive rights to a weapon that came out long before they were made a playable class. Also I’d like to add that being a Subtlety rogue and all, I would gain nothing if they decided to change this as I can’t use swords.

Why didn’t you complain about this back when they first put this achievement in?

I didn’t have a problem with this as:

  1. DH’s do indeed have limited glaive transmogs to choose from
  2. This was put in as an exception to a rule which has since been removed

Now that said rule has been removed, there is no reason as to why a pair of swords shouldn’t be moggable by their rightful wielders. Also I’d like to reiterate: the weapons look better when sheathed on the back on a DH and they were made to use warglaive animations if they use the unlockable mog.

Just because they are classified as swords, doesn’t mean they actually are!

If you’re going to argue that just because a weapon looks like something then it should be treated as such, then you should explain to me these weapons down here:

Does the silhouette of that first weapon I linked look familiar? I think nothing more needs to be said here.

Blizzard, please reconsider this decision. Many of us were really looking forward to being able to transmog legendaries yet we still aren’t able to transmog one of the most iconic ones.


Some DH players seem to agree as well.


You see how you answer you’re own argument with that last line of yours.

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That was just me pointing out how they are one of the most well-known legendaries.


I agree with your statements.


Warglaives are Demon Hunter weapons, you are a rogue, you are letting the term legendary cloud your judgement.

Swords or Glaives? That terminology is mute when they most definitely are massive warglaives.

Does it suck for y’all? Obviously it does but a rogue crying about not getting to mog warglaives is just silly.


But they aren’t warglaives though. They are classified as swords.

Feel free to look at them in the dungeon journal and see.


Just gonna throw a little more fuel on the fire with these lovely “maces:”

Perhaps you could explain then, why Paladins are allowed to use Shadowmourne? Sure, they could equip it back in the day, but the weapon was pretty explicitly created to be Frostmourne’s counterpart. Holy folk have no business touching such a thing.


Ok bring the argument that warglaives are rogue weapons, attacking my toon is distraction.

We are talking about warglaives.

Edit: and let’s keep this a nice discussion please, I think it’s a good one to be had.

Which these weapons aren’t.

A friendly reminder to you that I can get these items out of my bank and equip them right now!


They were pretty specifically a Rogue weapon when they were implemented.


We have Demon Hunters now, they use warglaives. Or no?

They sure do.

But again, these weapons aren’t classified as warglaives.

And my class has used them.


Things changed man, Blizz created the class for which those weapons were originally created.

Illidan is a not a rogue buddy, he’s most definitely a Demon Hunter or he’d have dropped the Daggers of Azzinoth.


The weapons were created for rogues and warriors to use back in the day.

And also Illidan does drop a dagger as well.


Not the same. My argument stands pretty solid dude.

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The fact they could and still can be equipped by any class from BT is all that matters

end of story


In my honest opinion, Warglaives shouldn’t have been a DH-only weapon type.

Having weapons that are exclusive for one class is terrible, I think. It adds loot to the tables that potentially nobody in your group will need, and we’ve already dealt with it plenty with bows, crossbows, and guns. IMO, Warglaives should’ve been grandfathered into the proficiency list of Warriors (to keep up the “master of all arms sans wands” idea, if only for transmog purposes) and Rogues (to reflect the fact that they were the original “target” for the legendaries). Not 100% sure on Monks and DKs though.


Oh I agree, I’m not saying that, I’m saying they are DH weapons, period. Illidan is a DH he drops them, done.

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Warglaives suck. Shadowmourne is where it’s at.

Strawman, try again.