Warglaives Of Azzinoth Transmogging Shouldn't Be Restricted To DH's Only

they are literally titled warglaives, and were only labeled swords as a game mechanic at the time.

you also used to have Swirly Ball

Cool. And at the time, rogues used them as their weapons.


Yeah, they were only some of the most iconic rogue/warrior weapons for almost a decade.


Hang on now, he didn’t attack your toon. He pointed out an important parallel that makes little sense.

The Warglaives of Azzinoth were pretty explicitly a Demon Hunter weapon in style even though other classes could use them in TBC. Now nobody but Demon Hunters can transmog them.
Shadowmourne is very explicitly a Death knight weapon in style even though other classes could use them in WotLK. Nobody but Death Knights should be able to transmog them - yet a paladin/warrior/etc can transmog them too.

Though they both could be justified as being one class only, that decision was only made for the warglaives, which creates a sort of a dissonance since there is no real viable difference between them.


There’s a tome you can buy in Dalaran that gives you back Swirly Ball.

So… no, we still do.

Warglaives of Azzinoth are DH only, and should remain that way. They are warglaives. It doesn’t matter that they were swords 10+ years ago when they first came out because Blizzard didn’t even know they’d likely be making actual warglaives at that point.

A rogue complaining that he cannot use DH weapons is silly, and technicalities are the only thing propping up this silly argument. Are they technically swords? Yes. Does that matter? In my opinion, no.


Um, they are still swords now. I can get the items out of my bank and equip them.

A rogue complaining that they can’t transmog a weapon they’ve been able to use isn’t silly. Also see my paragraph in my OP about silly.


Yes. I’m aware. It still don’t matter. Warglaives belong to DH’s.

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And the Warglaives Of Azzinoth in particular belong to rogues, warriors, DK’s and monks as well.


I’m gonna be honest. Absolutely nothing you say would change my mind on this. I’m of the opinion intentions and mechanics can change. I simply voiced that they should remain DH specific because that’s my opinion.

Discussing it with me won’t result in my mind, or my opinion being changed. So we should just agree to disagree and move on.


I have nothing to get over. My opinion is the one that’s currently in place. I was trying to be civil and amicable. No need to be all annoyed and such.


Honestly I dont like that glaives are restricted to DHs in general, especially for night elves there should be more glaives available to other classes.


…I didn’t act like that. I was saying that we should agree to disagree and move on - as in you and I, as people, can understand we see different sides, and cease the discussion so you can respond to more important people than someone whose mind you can’t change. That’s called being civil.


You really don’t want to start that one because it’s a poor leg to stand on. Illidan also as a demon hunter drops a dagger, a bow, a healer mace. . . A tank shield. . . list goes on.

The gripe people have is that the warglaives were designed for rogues and 1h fury warriors (lol) long before demon hunters were even a class in development and were just a “CAN WE HAVE THIS CLASS?!” idea. Not to mention that when you think “Warglaives of Azzinoth” to anybody that didn’t begin playing the game with Legion is was commonly associated with a rogue having them.

Demon Hunters got them because they wanted Demon Hunters to feel even more unique than they already are despite the class literally stealing gimmicks from other classes and having two or three things that were truly their own ever such as eye beam.

“Yeah, it isn’t like we already have two highly mobile melee classes that have a ton of stuns in their kits that wear leather, let’s add a third one!”


This. If they were labeled warglaives from the start that’d be one thing, but they weren’t. Other classes farmed them for years and their effort should be rewarded. I know someone that farmed warglaives for 3 xpacs on their DK (early wrath through late MoP) before getting both warglaives from BT, and they should be rewarded for that by being allowed to xmog them.

It feels wrong that my DH alt is the only toon that can xmog my warrior’s warglaives from BT. My warrior earned them, my DH did not.


Lore wise, Warglaives aren’t even really DH weapons, they are Night Elf weapons. Night elfs were using glaives long before DHs even existed. It’s mostly just a weird game/transmog restriction that honestly, makes zero sense.


My problem with this (not even owning the warglaives nor caring to xmog them)

Is thats its a unique rule that isnt and hasnt been used anywhere else , they unlock all legendary for xmog use but 1 of them become DH only for no good reason . This kinda breaks the entire rule of xmog where if you can equip it , you can mog it …


I’d like to know what kind of head cannon that is as well. Because I cannot find that quote shown anywhere in game. I went through the Shadowmourne questline and it wasn’t stated there. In fact, the Shadowmourne questline shows that the weapon was created using a base Paladin weapon (Light’s Justice) because it needed something to balance it out and not be completely corrupt.

And there’s also the fact that the Warglaives dropped well before Demon Hunters were introduced to the game as a playable class, and well before the “Warglaive” weapon category existed. That is a stark contrast to Warriors, Paladins, and Death Knights already existing during WotLK and having the questline intentionally allow all three classes to use Shadowmourne. Saying “Shadowmourne should be DK only!” is a horrible argument to try to reverse psychology say “Well, everyone should be able to transmog the Warglaives then!”


I don’t know, that’s what I found on Wowhead. You can search it up and it’ll say that quote. It is made from all of those things though. The “made from evil” is also found on the wiki.

Ok, the legendary warglaives also allow several classes to use them, and they’re classified as a sword. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not advocating for Shadowmourne to be Death Knight only. I like that it can be used by other classes. I just don’t understand why the same can’t be said for the warglaives.

People here are saying it’s iconic to Demon Hunters. Why? Just because Demon Hunters use glaives? Just because Illidan used them? I’m saying, Shadowmourne seems very Death Knight iconic. While it might not be explicitly said in the game it’s a death Knight only thing, (same with warglaives, it doesn’t say it’s only for DHs since other classes can use it) you can imply that it is. It’s made from the souls of the dead. It’s the counterpart to Frostmourne.

While making Shadowmourne, it even states the right person has to wield it, because it’s not a safe weapon. If Arthas was corrupted by Frostmourne, they said, who’s to say this sister blade won’t corrupt the next wielder? Last I checked, warriors and paladins don’t use unholy-esque weapons. It really is an evil weapon.

Also uh, what?

First off it wasn’t Lights Justice. It was Lights Vengeance. It was Arthas’ old discarded weapon. I don’t think there was anything particularly holy about it. They didn’t need the weapon to “balance out the corruption.” They needed it because it once belonged to Arthas, and they needed to empower it with souls, blood, and runes to make it just as corrupt.

It’s even further implied when you’re infusing Shadows Edge. The quests are literally named after the Death Knight runes when you’re infusing it. “Unholy Infusion.” “Blood Infusion.” “Frost Infusion.”

You cant deny that the weapon and questline itself doesn’t scream Death Knight all over. Look at the weapon model itself too! It has the same skull design as Frostmourne on the hilt.

People are also saying, “Demon Hunters had a questline to unlock the warglaives as an artifact appearance.”

So what? Paladins have a Corrupted Ashbringer as their artifact appearance, yet players who obtained the original Corrupted Ashbringer in Vanilla can still transmog it. I don’t get why it’s a big deal.


Just give the classic BC glaives to every class it could be equiped as a transmog and give a new HD version of the glaives to the DH of whoever that gets the timewalking achievement.