Warglaives Of Azzinoth Transmogging Shouldn't Be Restricted To DH's Only

Illidan is a Demon Hunter who has the signature weapons of such, they are Warglaives, they look like warglaives, as I said before terminology is mute man.

You can call something an elephant all day, but if it’s a giraffe then the long neck will always give it away, so the name matters very little when something is indeed so easily recognizable.

You want the class fantasy of a demon hunter but you play a rogue. Blizz messed up allowing y’all to have these, they renamed lore to fit the loot table and give players some bling, when they fixed this mistake it caused this inevitable backlash.

Warglaives were never and will never be rogue weapons, they are NOT swords, Illidan does not use swords.


I have debunked this in my OP, feel free to read the section with the wowhead links.

See the section in my OP with the wowhead links. What you are saying is irrelevant.

No, I want the ability to transmog a weapon that my class has used back in the day.

A few posts above you said that warglaives shouldn’t be DH only weapons yeah?

So wouldn’t it stand to reason that if they allowed other classes to use warlgiaves, you’d be okay with them going to a class which has used a version of them in the past?


I like how you so conveniently ignored the post about Shadowmourne.

You’re so adamant on defending the warglaives, stating they are Demon Hunter weapons, but you so conveniently ignore the case for Shadowmourne. A lot of other classes could equip it, but it is most definitely a Death Knight weapon. It’s very unholy-esque, yet other classes, including Paladins, are able to transmog the legendary despite it being for Death Knights.


The previous state of the game should not be considered when making choices about the present. Transmog didn’t exist at all back in BC, the usability of the item in question is irrelevant.

The warglaives of azzinoth are perhaps the most iconic warglaives in the game, and they ARE warglaives. Their classification in game as swords was due to a technical limitation, specially that warglaives as a weapon type did not yet exist. Today, they do. Their ability to be used as transmog post dates adding them as a weapon type, and so it takes that distinction into account.

An attribute in a database does not change the essence of what something is. The warglaives are clearly, and canonically, Warglaives, despite their misclassification in game.


Except that kind of is what’s considered when talking about transmog.

This is about letting the original wielders of the weapons being able to transmog them.

I have debunked this in my OP. Feel free to read the paragraph I wrote with the wowhead links.


As said, Warglaives are a signature Demon Hunter weapon, that seems to be set going forward. Warglaives of Azzinoth were implemented at a time when Demon Hunters did not exist, but the developers wanted the iconic weapons in the game, so they allowed some of the existing cases to use them.

This would not happen today, but Blizzard isn’t going to back to change the weapon type and classic restrictions on the legacy item. Instead they just allowed Demon Hunters to transmog the item. Nothing is being taken away from anyone else. Blizzard isn’t going to change their minds on this.


And what about Shadowmourne? That’s clearly a Death Knight weapon yet other classes are able to transmog it.

Why wasn’t Shadowmourne, despite is unholy-esque appearance, given only to Death Knights? I find it odd that Paladins which are meant to be all about the Light can transmog it.


I read, then reread the OP to try and find where. I’m not seeing it.

You’re right, it’s not fair that only DH can do this. We should remove the ability for DH to do this.

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I’ll keep saying it until someone addresses it, what about Shadowmourne?

That was Blizzards alternative for Death Knights who wanted Frostmourne. This actually was one of the core reasons it was created. It’s clearly a Death Knight iconic legendary, yet other classes can transmog it, such as Paladins and Warriors.

You talk about the previous state of the game should not be considered when making choices about the present, because transmog didn’t exist back then. Here’s another example though which clearly didn’t follow what you just said, despite it being in a previous state of game and when transmog wasn’t a thing.


Shadowmourne has no established lore beyond being crafted to face the Lich King. It’s not the same thing.


They’ve also said we’d never be able to transmog legendaries but look where we are now.

We just need to keep fighting the good fight.

You say the Warglaives are warglaives despite being classified as swords yes?

Well the ogre pocket knife I linked is clearly a dagger yet it is classified as a sword.


What? What kind of head cannon is this?

“Shadowmourne is a legendary axe that is the counterpart to Frostmourne, the blade of the The Lich King. Forged with the blood of an Old God, fragments of the Frozen Throne, and souls of the dead, Shadowmourne is a weapon born of evil.”

As I said before, it was mainly created as an outlet for Death Knights who wanted Frostmourne. Blizzard didn’t want Frostmourne to be an actual item, but they understood that Death Knights wanted a weapon similar so they created this.

Yet, it can still be transmogged by Paladins and Warriors.


But yet DH are allowed to use thunderfury, which they weren’t even in the game back in classic to use… Fury warriors can’t so why do they get to?

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This is a False Equivalence, and a blatant one at that.

To paraphrase the Wiki, Morgraines troops had begun to doubt that the light and Ashbringer would be sufficient, and began planning to build and evil weapon to counter the evil Frostmourne. While his Troops did include the Ebon Blade, they were by and large Paladins. There’s nothing in the lore about it being a death knight weapon.


Not at all. If you’re going to argue that since a weapon looks like something, then it should be treated as such, then you should explain to me the two wowhead links I posted in my OP.

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The warglaives of azzinoth are, canonically, warglaives.

To address your straw man against my better judgement, an ogres pocketknife would be a short sword for an average sized person, given the size difference.


I’m more surprised Warriors can’t use Warglaives… I mean, I understand why but I feel that they could at least make it transmoggable. Its actually pretty silly if you think about it. Going into BFA, there are themed Warglaives from Zandalar. Like… Since when did these trolls become DHs and all die?


Not sure how I can explain this anymore than I have. Y’all are moving goalposts to squeeze in your arguments.

I do love the discussion though.

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So, we’re just going to ignore the part where it’s literally said to be a weapon born of evil? Created with the souls of the dead? I didn’t know Paladins could use such an unholy weapon. That sure seems to be like a Death Knight weapon. Yknow, since Frostmourne is also made and powered by the souls of the dead which is wielded by the Lich King himself who is a death knight, it makes sense that Shadowmourne, which is also made and powered by the souls of the dead, is wielded by a Death Knight. Certainly not a Paladin.