Edited my OP adding in another weapon with a very similar look to a weapon I’m sure that you DH’s are familiar with.
This character is a demon hunter that uses the mog, but played no part in unlocking the appearance.
I have 3 rogues with both warglaives. A druid of mine tanked the raid to unlock it.
And to me that’s the real issue. Not only was their no requirement for any demon hunter to participate in the process by farming the weapons and running the raid, to get the achievement before the end of Legion practically required people to have previously farmed them on a rogue (or other eligible class, but mostly rogues, for whom they were iconic). Given the low drop rate (~2%) and how long it can take to get both to drop (maybe years), hardly any demon hunter could have completed that during Legion without extreme good luck if they had been required to get the FOS on a demon hunter.
Basically having the FOS during Legion so you could run the raid required having done that on your rogue.
I know we all said, “Great! I have that FOS because I got it both warglaives on a rogue.” But in fact, given the short time between the announcement and the upcoming BT timewalking, it is likely that not a single demon hunter could have gotten that FOS himself in time for the raid.
I have a rogue that got them both within a few weeks, two others that took more than a year. I also have rogues that I gave up on after farming for years.
Demon hunters who started farming when the announcement was made would have had little chance of getting them before the first raid. Not zero, but very small.
Mages can equip swords too. Does that mean I should be able to xmog the warglaives too?
Why could Druids, Priests and Warlocks equip Atiesh from Naxx?
Maybe, just maybe in-game mechanics are not the same as in-game lore. Mechanics and tooltips exist because they need to fit into the realm of “this is a video game”. The same thing applies to all these bosses we’ve killed over the years, who technically have the power to just blink us out of existence.
No because the warglaives are restricted to certain classes and that doesn’t include mages.
Because they were able to do the questline for it and by extention if I am not mistaken they can transmog it.
I mean, if you truly want to go down the lore route…
Demon Hunters are not the only characters in lore who have used glaives. Night Elf Sentinels use them. The Blood Elf Royal guards in Silvermoon use them. We have also seen Warglaives themed after the various places we have gone to in this expansion and they obviously don’t have Demon Hunters in their ranks now do they?
Remember Rastakhan’s weapon from BoD that was used like a sword, as long as a sword, and looked like a sword…
…only to be a dagger?
Very true. I forgot about that weapon.
Generally, I think most people agree. The only people who don’t are entitled DHs.
My rogue pried them from your master’s corpse, fair and square.
Don’t think you get to claim them as exclusively yours when your class didn’t even exist at the time.
I’ve seen quite a few non-DH’s who disagree as well.
The crux of their argument is that it would look silly for non-DH’s to have warglaives.
Ultimately that just goes back into what I said about how transmog already allows people to look silly and this is the least of it.
even if rogues couldn’t use them warriors are weapon masters
I don’t see why warriors can’t use any of the other glaives either
DH alts at best, idiots at worst.
The fight against transmog rules. You are fighting a losing battle OP. If we let that not be restricted then we have to allow glaives to be mogg-able to other classes.
Not happening anytime soon but keep fighting YOUR fight.
The reprecussion is you having many seeing the double sided favoritism then wanting other glaives moggable because whether it’s marked as sword, makes no difference. The mog rules are as is and they walk like a glaive, talk like a glaive, thus are glaives. It’s in the name warglaives. They even look like glaives lol.
Yeah, letting the classes that could actually earn the legendaries when they were content would just cause mass disarray and tear reality in half, I mean, it’s not like we let rogues and casters use theirs and nobody cares, right?
Oh wait, nothing bad happened.
This item looks like a warglaive that tank DH’s used during Legion yet it can still be mogged by classes who have been able to use it.
So I can’t see why WoA can’t follow the same rules as well.
It makes even less sense, Rogues and warriors are the original wielders of those weapons.
DHs are not the people who worked hard to earn them, lol.
Side note, your point kinda doesn’t hold much water considering you can still unlock bow and gun transmog on a warrior or rogue. Both classes don’t use the weapons anymore but they did in the past but can still unlock the transmog for them in the current game. Let rogues have their fancy glaives, what does it hurt?
It literally says in the description that it’s a fist weapon.
Again, go back to what I wrote the first time, these are mog rules that blizz set up that you are fighting against… They clearly say it’s a fist weapon, fist weapons you can mog… glaives only DH’s can… not a hard concept to understand.
It literally says in the description of warglaives of azzinoth that they are swords.
Again, go back to my OP. Blizz may have set up these mog rules but there exists an inconsistency hence why I am arguing against it. They clearly say they are swords. Swords we can mog except for these ones. Swords we can mog. Not just DH’s. Not a hard concept to understand.
And FYI I linked that item because in case you couldn’t catch it, it legit has the same silhouette of the Vengeance DH artifact weapon.