Warglaives of azzinoth DH ONLY XMOG?

its time to make it xmoggable for warriors and rogues , im sure it just a bug and blizz havent noticed it yet.

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Quoted from:-

DHs lack of Glaive mogs, got us the Glaives.

DHs getting the Glaives got the flood gates opened for all the rest, something that was repeatedly refused in the past.

Stop crying and Xmog the stuff you got.

nope, I remember running around with these on my rogue in TBC, very legendary. 100% agree rogues should be allowed to use this illusion

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bumpin this thread

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And mama. Don’t foget mama.

Not the mama! NOT THE MAMA!

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You mean like how it was back in TBC when those were one of the best items in the game?

Sure suit yourself, they may be legendary in colour, but they are just another of the hundreds of average looking daggers this game has.

Why are DH’s always making excuses for their class? You have been around for 4 years, that’s less time from when a rogue or warrior was able to use these swords (or anyone who can use one handed swords) when they were new until your class was even made. Of course you are going to have less things to mog.

It’s like if hunters only came out in Legion and than complained there were not enough bows to mog, of course there wouldn’t be, there was no need to have them before hand.

Says right on the tooltip - SWORD.

Classes: Warrior, Rogue, Death Knight, Monk, Demon Hunter

I mean like I can go farm them now on a warrior and equip it and use it.

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Shadowmourne is not “iconic” tho. Frostmourne is.

I personally think the Warglaives are too DH-centric (not to mention iconic to DH given TBC, the TBC cinematic ect) to be appropriate on any other classes besides DH, possibly a rogue.

I mean, if it bothers you so much, use an add-on like Outfitter on your Monk, Rogue or Warrior that enables scripts to auto-equip any item under a myriad set of conditions. You could set it to equip the actual Warglaives when you’re in a major city, for instance.

It’s not perfect, but it’s not as if Blizzard is telling you that you cannot even equip them.

Hey now, it was a warrior sword too.

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We have barely a page to fill out with warglaives, but you have 10+ pages of swords and axes, ect.

As long as everyone unlocks the transmog the same way I don’t see the harm in letting other classes 'mog them. They are classified as swords after all.

Those are Thunderfakies with a smaller and less detailed/unimpressive model.

The Real Thunderfury is bigger and is actually noticeable.

You also have, in case you forgot, fist weapons, one-handed axes and one-handed swords.

So, yeh, plenty to choose from. Or should I start complaining that a DH cannot use Thunderfury because it is an iconic warrior and rogue weapon?

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The class of a boss has nothing to do with the loot it drops. This isn’t even an argument.

Gameplay wise, they aren’t warglaives.

See above.

No it doesn’t.

It’s an iconic rogue and warrior weapon from a gameplay standpoint actually. DH’s didn’t use it back in the day.


Swords still as of now.

:man_facepalming: One of our 3 specs isn’t dagger oriented.

It very much is a DK weapon lore wise. You see, it was created as an outlet for people who wanted frostmourne. When even doing the questline for it, it even states that the right person has to wield it because it isn’t safe. And lets not forget that some of the quests are named after the three runes of death knights.


No illidan has been a demon hunter since wc3. As I said it’s a demon hunter weapon, deal with it.


No it isn’t.


So is the your gameplay argument. I’m stating facts: warglaives of azzinoth are a weapon of the most iconic demon hunter, therefore only demon hunters can move them.

You need to deal with it.

This just shows your ignorance.

No, when it comes to decisions made in the game, it’s always been gameplay mechanics > lore.

Shadowmourne is a death knight weapon yet for some odd reason warriors and pallies can transmog it too. Weird right?

Death Knights, Monks, Rogues, and Warriors may equip the warglaives.

A Demon Hunter weapon huh?


Thunderfury should only be used by DH too, it’s their right


Okay, make TF warrior only, TR mage only, Shadowmourne DK only, do the same for all legendaries. Gameplay doesnt matter, only lore.