Warglaives of azzinoth DH ONLY XMOG?


They did change them to warglaives…

The mog is in the Warglaives section, NOT Swords. They also now sit on DHs back correctly, unlike the swords of old which were backwards on the back.

You want them to change the old item to glaives? For what reason? Thats old content, those glaives were relative and usable for what 6 months? Since then the old glaives have not mattered.


Yes so that’s a buff.

This was a warrior and rogue item. We didn’t get Titan’s Grip until Cataclysm

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Yes it is but rogues are getting it too in the form of a returning poison and that’s a good buff that will benefit the game in the long run. Healers have been running too rampant in pvp for ages now never dying.

People keep bumping it, like me, just to say:

Says sword in the tooltip


This was a iconic rogue weapon, there is no question this should be moggable by rogues and also

p.s. “GLORIOUS TYRANNY” from mop should be allowed to be an illusion if u unlocked it. People who took a break in WoD should not be punished if they unlocked it it should be allowed

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Shadowmourne iconic dk 2 h axe can be XMOGED by all classes.
Warglaives of azzinoth iconic set of 2 1 hander swords rogue/warrior weapons CAN ONLY BE XMOGED by DH

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


The fact that is says sword on the tooltip is just an artifact of a time before warglaive class weapons were actually in the game. I believe the only reason why it’s weapon type didn’t get retrospectively changed was because it would make it harder to obtain since you can only have 1 DH per server. That and it would screw all those rpers that use the actual items rather than the mog.

You know who also got a slap in the face? Night Elves. The Moonglaives, or the 3 bladed weapons the sentinels and the huntresses have were given to just DH.

I think iconic weapons to whom doesn’t make sense with that ignored lore. It should have been for warriors if it was going to be class restricted. I don’t know if surv hunters can use 1handers, but if they can it should be a warrior and hunter weapon. Demon hunters have their iconic Warglaive, NE’s should have their iconic Moonglaive. Heritage. It needs to be part of NE heritage set lol. Which would include NE DH, but I’d rather it be for all NE’s that can use a 1h than just strictly DH.


I would like the Blood Elf glaives as well.

However in the case of the Moonglaives.

Once again, the key word here is GLAIVES. I wouldnt be opposed to allowing other classes to wield Glaives personally however. I feel like Rogues should be able to wield glaives, but not the GLAIVES.

Elven lore has Glaives as a staple for guards, so def should open to more classes.

But again, Illidans glaives were given to DH at all, due to the fact that they have low amounts of mogs. They were remade as a Glaive Transmog. They brought about the ability to transmog other leggos, and the moonglaives gave birth to heritage. DH was given due to lack, and then everyone cried so we got more. Honestly just be happy we got that.

However I am not opposed to opening the flood gates. Let everyone xmog the Warglaives and give my lock the abilty to transmog the Fangs of rhe Father. The second you say no, well then no glaives.

As for the shadowmourne argument. Thats not even valid, its not and never was a DK weapon. It was forged for Darion for the Ashen Verdict, not for the Ebonhold. Nothing in Shadowmournes lore ties it to DKs in anyway, outside of DKs along with Paladins being members of the Ashen Verdict. Its not a borrowed power it was made to fight the Lich King, and it was not made for a Dk to wield specifically.

The fangs were made specifically for rogues, and the glaives DH, Illidan in particular. The fact that rogues and warriors had them as Borrowed Power, that was stolen for a few months years ago is pretty irrelevant.

Also cant be a “Iconic rogue weapon” when never in the lore did a rogue or anyone have the glaives. Maiev took the glaives with illidan, she didn’t give them to a Rogue. We saved illidan in legion, and then got the glaives, while still isn’t lore for that, there is the presumption he would want a DH to have them after he kills kiljaden with them. We saved Illidan with his glaives, so in the eyes of lore, the perceived rogue having them never happened as it never actually did.

Vastly diffrent then the Shadowmourne quest line where you as any weilding class are actually given Shadowmourne by the Ashen Verdict.

If the glaives were given to rogues or warriors, by Maiev, or if she at least left them in lore that would be diffrent. They weren’t, She didn’t, They were locked up with illidan when you had them. IE you never really had them, that was a mistake giving them from a lore perspective, that was corrected in legion.

Not only the night elf npcs, but it appears the blood elf npcs use what looks like a glaive… or is it a polearm? (If those are polearms, I want!)

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The Moonglaives are on plenty of Night Elf npcs. The Wardens use them. Tyrande herself uses them. The sentinel and huntresses and other warrior npcs use them. it is not a demon hunter weapon just because glaive is in it’s name. It should not have been given to just demon hunters. Warglaive is iconic to demon hunter, Moonglaive is icon to Night elves as a whole.


it should be classified as a sword/warglaive, anyone who can use those 2 items can mog it, simple logic.

the reason blizz makes things complicated is beyond me and is unnecessary.


Wasn’t Titan’s Grip available in Wrath? Based on what I’ve heard from other players.

Your point stands though and I agree with it. Any toon that could ever equip the swords from Illidan (Warglaives of Azzinoth, classified as 1h swords) should be able to transmog them, just like any other legendaries now that legendaries are able to be used for xmog.


it wasn’t, been on this warrior since April 2006. it was introduced in Cata

Edit: it’s entirely possible it was available during the final prepatch, but i do not remember that it was

I think we got cross here, I agreed to that.

I think glaives should be opened to other classes, Troll Shadowhunters, Belf Spellbrealers, and Night Elf Sentinels all use glaives as well as DHs.

I am not saying that Glaive Xmogs should not be open to all classes, you do however have a better idea. Part of the issue with opening the glaives for all flood gate, is that alot of the start glaives are DH icons, they are for the illidari only.

However giving the Moonglaives to NEs in the form of Heritage, Spellbreaker blades to BEs heritage, and some glaives for Troll. Is a great idea and a good alternative to openong the glaive flood gate.

However all that said, and done. The DHs should be the only ones to weild the Warglaives of Azzinoth. Fun fact the glaives are the only “Real” legendary that does not require a quest. Thats because the lore never gave anyone the glaives, Illidan still had them, so rogues never used them.

Whats even funnier is that the rogues are the ones crying the most. While they are the only other class to have a Legendary only they can use.

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the daily bump until this is implemented


Bring back atiesh and give the warlock version of it to DH only too.

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There are people defending that the Moonglaive was given to DH because glaive was in the name. I don’t understand why people refuse to understand when something is given to the wrong class, and call them crybabies or ‘just play x class then’ when lore wise, it should have been given to b to start with.

I felt like your response was fine and I understood your points, I was just having trouble wording mine to not sound like I was putting words in your mouth, which I failed and apologize there. I was just adding on more because there are people who see ‘Glaive’ and think about demon hunter weapon being warglaive, and so all glaives must be a demon hunter weapon. The blood elf and Night elf weapons have nothing to do with demon hunter, but to do with the races themselves. They should not be a demon hunter exclusive just because of the weapon classification. Warglaives of Azzinoth are a different story, and were a weapon of a demon hunter, so there I understand the exclusivity but not the 3 bladed glaive that are a staple to Night elf society. I hope at some point later we get one, either as heritage or for anyone who can use a 1h sword. Same with the BE one, I had thought they were getting it in their heritage set, and was disappointed when it wasn’t.

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