Warglaives of azzinoth DH ONLY XMOG?

It’s their right to be given anything and everything, as much functionality as can be crammed into one class.

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Nah, demon hunters were supposed to be added in vanilla WoW, along with “warglaives”. They were classified as swords solely because they had to fit a criteria.

LMAO! :rofl: :rofl:

So you acknowledge that these weapons are swords. Glad we are getting somewhere,

Would you care to elaborate on the obvious dissonance between Shadowmourne and WoA?

Or are you just going to storm out again like you did in my thread regarding this topic?

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Are you going to continue to Troll me, do I report you now or when you’ve done the back and forth again?

I’m not trolling you at all. I’m just pointing out a parallel here.

If you love this discussion so much then I don’t see why you can’t answer questions related to it as opposed to making snarky condescending comments towards people then claim you are being trolled when logic is being thrown at you.

Edit: I’d also like to point out that you intentionally replied to a comment I made in response to Shadowmourne so that obviously means you have no issue talking about it.

It’s a warglaive.

Easy answer is it’s an achievement made for demon hunters. So giving it to other classes isnt fair and makes the work put into unlocking it seem like a RIP off. Not going to argue just giving the answer and leaving

I’ve been getting trolled in this thread for weeks, welcome to the club.

You have an issue with my humour, as I am clearly just having fun, sadly some of you are wound so tight you just get triggered.

Given the current world situation, with 1000’s dying each day, it’s good to know this thread is keeping you entertained.

I mean getting upset about a Warglaive mog…really? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I’m done for today at least, until I once again have to attempt to tamp out the flames.

Getting trolled? Or just having good arguments thrown at you that you refuse to counter.

Haha another instance of someone using the “I was just joking” card to justify when they have been proven wrong or put in their place.

Sorry, but you aren’t fooling me.

How does that have any bearing on this topic? I’m here because I happened to see this thread pop up on GD.

And also you’re here too.

I’m not upset at all. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: with me being a Subtlety rogue and all, this has no affect on me as my spec does not use swords.

I choose to post in these threads because I disagree with this decision and therefore have a right to voice my opinions here on the forums.

And here you go storming out again just like in my thread. :laughing:


Yes but they aren’t really sword-swords, they are swords for the sake of being counted as a mechanic in WoW. Lore-wise, they were always warglaives factually.

That’s true.

But the fact that they are mechanically classified as swords is why DH’s shouldn’t be the only class that can mog them.

I’d also like to point out that there are various other weapons in the game that look like one weapon but are classified as another. Therefore, the classes that can use said weapon type are able to mog them.

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why would they screw ppl over from using it as a xmog from ORIGINALLY always being able to use and still able to equip these items.

Same with MOP Glorious Tryanny from MOP for ppl that achieved 2200+.

Make this moggable for anyone that can use swords and has them unlocked, at the same time make a system where ppl can prove to GMs they have Glorious Tyranny and allow it to be account wide some way


They are classified as swords because legacy. Not because they want to taunt people. And the reason being they want to allow people, who have one or the pair, be incentivized to then go into black temple timewalking to then earn the ability to mog the glaives on DH. Otherwise if they changed them to glaives, everyone that could not equip glaives after the change would then be forced to farm the glaives on the DH only and then very likely be the characters required to loot the item off Illidan in timewalking. They choose to not do that because that would burden players (have to farm again) and reduce group variability in timewalking (cause everyone and their grandma would be wanting to play DH to complete the goal).

As they have it now is fine.

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that reasoning is not good enough, and everyone that can use 1 handed swords should be allowed to use it

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Yeah! There’s a DH on the Vanilla box art!

Maybe, but Blizzard dug themselves into a 10 year hole by releasing the swords well before the DH class. If it truly was a plan to have a DH playable class back in Vanilla, why did it take them 12 years after the game was released to make it a thing? Add in the 3 years or so it took them to make the game, that is at least 15 years before a DH was brought into the game.

They brought this argument upon themselves by allowing the swords to be used by melee classes at the time and giving us so many years of use.

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As a dk main I support this.


Eh, I’m more annoyed that there are some sick 1h swords that only platers can wield and not my outlaw rogue, like those chainswords in mechagon

They could very easily keep the unlock for DH’s to use as they have it now.

The only difference is that not only would the original users of these weapons would have an extra transmog option, but DH’s would also get to use them as swords.

Having it that way wouldn’t undermine anything anyone has done and wouldn’t feel like a kick in the face to the people who earned them back in the day.