Warglaives of azzinoth DH ONLY XMOG?

Everyone who can dual-equip one-handed swords.

Outlaw rogues and combat rogues before the “pirate ninja schtick” have always used swords.

They were intending for players who had previously earned the FOS to unlock them for their demon hunters. Statistically speaking hardly any demon hunters could have gotten that FOS themselves in the short time between the initial announcement and the first timewalking BT that would have unlocked the mog.


Combat rogues “could” use swords, don’t be squeezing meaning out of nothing.

Demon Hunters use Warglaives, pretty sure they could use rolling pins too, but when you see a DH with Warglaives strapped to his back you can see it.

Iconic imagery of rogues will have daggers, not swords, of course they can use them.

Warriors are known sword users.

This is not rocket science people, and while Blizz has thrown so many bones to the players, when they finally actually do it right by the book the masses go bonkers.

But to offer you something, Glaive actually means sword. :wink:

and if demon hunters were playable back then, they would have been classified warglaives.

Combat rogues were intended to use swords, axes, or maces. Sword were better weapons for them than daggers. A combat rogue using daggers would have been gimping himself.

Combat rogues do not have the “stabby” animation. They have always used swords. My combat rogue in classic did too.

Warglaives of Azzinoth have always been iconic for rogues, but other classes that could dual equip swords could use them also.

What’s not “rocket science” is that you know nothing about rogues and you’re trying to make it sound like you do.


I do huh? You want rogues to use a DH weapon and you’r trying your hardest to blame me for that not happening, right?

Well dude, I’m not against it or for it, I simply put out the common sense fact for you to, well ignore I guess.

This is a video game forum for goodness sake man, get a hold of yourself :rofl:

Dude if you can’t follow the thread back to me winding ya’ll up then that’s on you.

I do it every time this topic comes up and as I mentioned at the start, I’m fine with that, folks get so bent about this, it’s crazy. :laughing:

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No. I’m trying to point out that swords have always been the weapon of choice for combat rogues, and you somehow are trying to convince us that combat rogues would have gimped themselves by using a weapon that was inappropriate for their spec.

Yes. Get ahold of yourself. It is not necessary to lie to try to cover for your ignorance.

It’s up to you whether you want to seem like you know what you’re talking about, or you don’t care whether it’s clear it’s all about your agenda and your personal fantasy.


DH get everything. They give ion that good top. Ion loves em.

Blizzard put a lot of time into Demon Hunters and now not enough people play them so they did this. That’s my theory.

But yes it was a real kick in the teeth move from Blizzard. All those that have had them, even the ones that got them when the content was current just got a gooood slap in the face.


It is pretty silly that they changed the mog restrictions on them. I just got my second one last weekend and I was excited, until I found out I have to wait until like Oct for the next BC Timewalking event…

says sword when I look at the tooltip


“DHs have dozens of Warglaives now”

Looks at 1.5 pages of Warglaives.

Looks at 10 pages of 1 hand swords.

Checks out.

How about a Comprimise.

Rogues can Equip Illidan the Father of Demon Hunters Iconic weapons. And Demom Hunters get a Fangs of the Father Transmog. Sounds fair to me.

Because the reality is, as has been stated. Had DHs been a class then, they would have been DH only legendaries just like Fangs are to rogues, and they would have been Glaives.

DHs already have few Glaoves and most suck. DH have no past tier gear, and thus much more limited Transmogs. They are not Iconic Rogue Weapons, they are the Iconic Weapons of Illidan the first DH going back to Warcraft before WOW was even a thing. Get over it.

Also, the Glaives Transmog is not the swords. They are glaives, they do not even sit on your back the same way as the OG glaives. They are a remake, that sit on your back the correct way, like they do on Illidan, which they never did for Rogues, as they were a borrowed power that Rogues stole and were never meant to have.


Yea that sucks. Basically oh we went through the work to remake the warglaives so yea you can’t mog these swords. They have different animations for each weapon : /

Wrong, were getting nerfed in Shadowlands. Also, we barely have warlgaives, but there’s 10+ pages of other weapons and we had to not only farm the glaives(if you didnt have them yet) then kill timewalker illidan. It’s fair that only we get them.

Because it’s not a rogue item. Demon Hunters can use warglaives, fist weapons, and 1h swords.

Just because rogues can also use swords sometimes does not mean the glaives are a rogue item.

Pfft. Kit is so bloated it wouldn’t matter. I haven’t been keeping up but I heard you guys get a MS in SL. Wish they would just rework DH and make the kit interesting cause I like the double jump.

It actually does, were getting our best strength - AOE - nerfed to 5-8mobs max to begin with. Then you have blade dance having it’s 100% dodge chance removed, leech being nerfed heavily, ect…yeah its not looking good. And what do you mean by MS?

Rogues, Warriors, DKs, and Monks can also all clearly wear them in town on the equip screen.

The warglaives are literally the only item in the game now you can EQUIP and never transmog to.

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So ya you apparently have not been to wowhead.

We are getting Mortal Strike. Tied to our Fel Rush this is a very very strong ability in PVP, and I think decent in PVE. (Thats what they meant MS) if you dont know what Mortal Strike is its a debuff that reduces healing.

The leech nerf is 5%, 5% removed from the 10% and the 30%. Its not that bad, it sucks and we will want to try and get more leech gear to account, but its not world ending. All of the self heals are getting toned down in SL for every class.

The dodge is not removed in the latest build.

The AoE target cap is not a DH Nerf. That is a nerf to all classes. That cap is global for everyone no one will be able to AOE more than 8 come SL. Thats a nerf to AOE damage as a whole.

So in reality DH is only receiving the same globalized nerfs as others.

Chaosboii you can transmog glaives though, just roll a DH.

My Rogue farmed the glaives, my Rogue did the quests, my Rogue killed Illidan in Timewalking, yet my Demon Hunter gets rewarded.

It’s stupid.


I find warrior absolutely boring so had no idea. And I love this, because its a direct counter to healers! We need more abilities like this to nerf healers in PVP and stop letting them be GOD MODE and taking 5-6 DPS to kill!

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