Warglaives of azzinoth DH ONLY XMOG?

Irrelevance, lots of irrelevance is jumping out at me lol. Item type says Sword and that’s all that matters. They want it to be a warglaive then change it to warglaive, I bet they won’t do it though because Rogues and Warriors have used it for years and would literally lose their collective minds if it was changed :rofl:

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They’re glaives, not swords you silly orc. Try using them like a sword and tell me how that goes. And besides, what have YOU sacrificed to earn such an honor?

What matters is that the weapon drops from a Demon Hunter, and called the Warglaives of Azzinoth, you can ignore the facts you deem irrelevant, that’s all too common these days but clearly at the time there were no DH’s in game so the concession was made to give it to y’all. A concession.

If DH’s were in the game at the time you would not have had the chance, this is just game history righting itself.

I have not said that you should not equip them, I’m just explaining the why of things.

I have a distaste for anything that is offered in game and later changed, it creates these problems.

This again? Must be July.

Lots of things drop from Illidan that classes other than a demon hunter can use.

Fact: Sword

Then change the weapon type :slight_smile:

And I’m explaining that it’s retarded


Take your pick cupcake. Your argument is weak. The classes that could use the Glaives when it was released were Rogues and Warriors. Even DKs and Monks could use them before DH. It’s a huge slap in the face to people that have and could use them since BC.


Well, you shouldn’t have taken them off. :stuck_out_tongue:

I spent the time unlocking them for my DH, and as far as I’m concerned, they should be available for everyone that can use swords. All these restrictions do nothing but make the game less enjoyable.


Ehh, I like seeing warglaives and knowing it’s a DH.

Couldn’t you not mog them until they were DH-exclusive anyway? It’s not like people had them as a treasured transmog. They look cool for just hanging out, but had no functionality and couldn’t be used for any relevant aspects of the game.

Actually its usable by rogues monks warriors dks and demon hunters.

Because your not a demon hunter. Didn’t the mog restrictions make that clear? Its an iconic demon hunter weapon. Deal with it.

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Because it’s a DH Warglaive, not a sword.

That’s weird. I have both of them in my bags, and they are definitely labeled as swords.

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They are, for sure. But the mog counts only as warglaives, and OP is not fond of that.

To me, it makes sense. Warglaives are the iconic weapon of DHs, and the Warglaives of Azzinoth, even moreso.

Minor point of order:

DH’s can’t mog them either technically. Nobody can. What DH’s can mog is facsimile that they earn with the achievement. So technically… nobody can actually mog them… technically.


What? Yes they can lol

Here’s my unplayed DH with them mogged

Because the “Warglaive” category didn’t exist back then when they were added to the game. Can you imagine them dropping and no one could equip them because no one used Warglaives?

Nope, its illidan’s original weapons, warglaives as of Legion.

I will disagree with you here

After spending week after week after week foaming at the mouth for this sword that dropped from the betrayer, given to only the best rogues and fury warriors it cemented its self into history as a weapon for those classes

This would like be denying any other caster aside from mages the option to wield that legendary naxx staff that no one has

Or making the corrupted ash bringer only useable by death knights


h ttps://i.imgur.com/0RHFlT6.png

You’re a rogue what you even doing chasing down anything but daggers?

So when you see a big grey animal with huge ears and a trunk for sale, but has a label on it that says “Giraffe” are you buying the elephant or the giraffe?