Warglaives of azzinoth DH ONLY XMOG?

I want to speak to the manager!

I am the manager

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Shadowmourne is a DK weapon. Thunderfury is a rogue artifact appearance. By Blizz logic those should be locked as it diminishes their uniqueness for more classes to have em.

Blizz gunna be inconsistent applying their own standards

/shrug just roll with it is what I’ve found is best with all the weird transmog restrictions/rules.


Why do I hear boss music?


:rage: Get me the district manager!

Found the video that this reminded me of.


Hops out of window

Turns Wendy’s hat backwards, bounces in place, ready to fight


And to think for many years, they were given to rogues because demon hunters didn’t exist. If you do the non-timewalking version of the raid do they still drop?

I don’t care if they allow it or not, I don’t even xmog lol but it’s dumb that the people who do care can’t xmog it and their reason is dumb because you can complete the requirements on any character but then you can’t use it on that character :rofl:

Imagine if other stuff worked like that, so you got High Warlord on your warrior in vanilla cool so you can xmog the armor on your DH but not the warrior because of the effort involved in getting the xmog.


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can i speak w the transmog manager please ?

My point exactly. Gameplay wise Shadowmourne was multiple classes but lore wise it’s very much a rune DK weapon. Same set up for the Glaives but different transmog ruling.


They weren’t “given” to rogues. Rogues earned them by farming that raid many times. I have 3 rogues that have both warglaives.

Orcs shouldn’t be allowed to use swords. Just baby axes and daddy axes.

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The reason being because it was historically a sword weapon. The reason why they don’t change it is because it will make the feat of strength harder to get. And the reason why they don’t do that is because they want people to get the FoS and then go into BT timewalking with whatever class they want to unlock the DH-only transmog (you don’t need to have it be a DH for either step in the process to get the rewards on the DH).

The reason they won’t change it is because that would make it look like they did something wrong taking iconic parts of a number of classes to create the patchwork demon hunter.


That makes no sense because warlocks could never wield the weapons.

Demo warlocks lost meta so demon hunters could have it.

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I know that. And restricting the level 70 weapon to only DHs, means what exactly? The trend that they took stuff from other classes to make DHs? The failing point is how does that connect to warlocks?


It would be like admitting they were wrong. And they never admit they were wrong.

Don’t ask for new classes. They have no idea how to build a new class without taking stuff from original classes.


It clearly says Warglaives in the name.

Read the name of this “sword” out loud, see if anything jumps out at you?