Warglaives of Azzinoth are not transmoggable

Well I mean, technically…Illidan is a Demon Hunter so, yes. Demon Hunters were the original wielder.

I get your point though. I feel bad for Gnomest, love that lil Gnome DH! But I can see why Blizard made the decision. That said, the only Legendary I’ll likely even ever bother transmogging is the bow from Sunwell.

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You know what, that’s fine. We’ll just have to push for Gnome Demon Hunters, so our Honorary Illidari Gnome can finally live her dream of slaying Demons with all the gusto of a full Demon Hunter.


Not disagreeing with you, but the blizzard logic/blizzard sequence seems odd: if DHs were always meant to be in the game, why give meta to locks? (among other things)

However, I’m not savvy to their overall plan, nor do I have the faintest notion of how to develop and manage an MMO!

I don’t pretend to know the inner machinations of Blizz either lol. All I can assume is that since locks and DH both deal with demons extensively, but locks were already there with plenty of spells and abilities that were demon themed, it was just easier to canablise some of what locks had and give it to DHs instead.

We would be having the same discussion if the necromancer class was added re DKs too.

I think the idea is Blizzard is quite literally flying by the seat of their pants at this point.

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Sincerely did not mean that you thought that! Sorry, Trust. Was more my own introspection and means of stopping myself before I ponder too much: I’m simply nowhere near a SME on that jazz.

And I agree with your assessment of locks’n’demon hunters

How does that make you a hypocrite if one is still obtainable while the others were available for a limited time?

Who cares, I’ll just be using my Ulduar Legendary Hammers on my rogue.

Warglaives are for loser tryhard rogues.

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Restrictions are restrictions. I don’t make the rules on types of restrictions.

PSA to anyone else going for the demon hunter look who doesnt wanna be a silly elf, with the new tint enchants you can have some colored glaives look alikes with felgore double blade from hfc(even sheathes like a glaive on back)

Now we just need a green tint but im assuming we’ll get a few new tints with shadowlands or covenants(already have blue and new purple tint in 8.3)

Those can no longer be obtained and required you to play your class somewhat correctly or play during the expansion they came out in, while the warglaives are still obtainable but rare. They’re different restrictions that don’t even warrant comparisons.

I was hoping to have some legendary transmog for my monk i guess monks wont have access to any legendaries at all now? I worked so hard to get those warglaives for them, why not let both older classes and dhs transmog them there swords after all

Disagree. Both types of content are comparable due to the fact that they’re both being restricted. One just happens to be retroactively implemented. So what you had to be there “at the time”. All that is is marketing speak for false scarcity. It’s an age old tactic.

Wait so only Demo Hunters can transmog a legendary weapon that wasn’t originally intended for Demon Hunters?

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Or paid 10 bucks to some carry company.

But that’s just it. They were. Or at least logically they would be if we put the glaives up against its competition such as Ashbringer et al.

They were intended for Demon Hunters when Demon Hunters didn’t exist in World of Warcraft? That would be weird. We aren’t talking about lore here. We are talking about classes people play that the devs designed the weapon for and who looted it and used it.

Not weird at all. The explanation (as I’ve said before to others) is perfectly logical and rational. Just scroll up to see. I can’t be arsed to go over it again.

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Good thing I main DH

Told y’all a while ago this wasn’t a bug and not to be surprised when it doesn’t change.

It’s how it should be, imo. No one else but DHs should have Illidan’s warglaives. I’ve been saying that since BC. Never liked that legendary. Now it’s finally where it should be.

Sorry y’all can’t move forward and understand that. You’ve got hundreds of other mogs for weapons. Enjoy them!