Warglaives of Azzinoth are not transmoggable

Well, DHs are now decisively the number one most hated class. As if they weren’t hated enough already lol.

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I dont think you did the same quest as I.

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But only for one class and not even for the original users of it.

I though DH liked to sacrifice stuff? They can now sacrifice the TW tmog.


That’s a pretty bad decision given how popular the weapons are and how long they’ve been in game.



As nice as it would be to mog them on other classes I think it should stay with DH’s for now. They are Illidan’s weapons and he is a DH after all even though rogue and warrior could equip them I see them as a DH’s weapon.

For those that want them on other classes I would just say keep suggesting to Blizz that they allow other classes to mog it and maybe it will happen.

To each their own.

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So a Blizzard walks up to me and hands me an exclusive DH transmog, and I THREW IT ON THE GROUND! I won’t be part of your system! I am an adult! You can’t buy me with exclusives!

(but seriously though, it’s not really fair for those whom obtained them long before DH were playable to be unable to use them for transmog)


It does have justification. The problem is that the justification is really, really stupid. In terms of a “unique reward”, it’s easy for Blizz to just make it so anyone who earned the appearance on a DH prior to 8.3 (or with the first BC Timewalking of 8.3) gets something else, like a title or pet or extra transmog, while the warglaive transmog opens up for everyone.


You’re right… I was confusing Darion and Tirion. I apologize for that error on my part.

Still, while Frostmourne is the iconic weapon of Arthas, the poster boy for all Death Knights, Shadowmourne is not. Certainly not in the same way Warglaives, as a weapon type are the quintessential weapons of all Demon Hunters, and the Warglaives of Azzinoth, the iconic weapon of Illidan Stormrage, the poster boy for all Demon Hunters.

Had Frostmourne been a legendary weapon, I would say it should have a similar requirement to mog unlock as the Warglaives do and be specific to Death Knights only. Sadly Frostmourne is not available as a legendary or a mog option. Perhaps in the future Blizzard will make it available as such.

That’d be a fair trade.

Bummer, it was the only thing i was actually looking forward to. Maybe next x-pac.


Demon Hunters should get an updated model that has the pandas from Illidan’s actual original glaives in Warcraft III. That feels fair.


A nice way to put it.

I’ve had these on my Rogue and only break them out during timewalking events. Which is to say, hardly ever. Just taking up bank space. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


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But there’s plenty of legos (those you listed included) that are class restricted just like the glaives are. The only difference was that the class restriction for the glaives are being retroactively applied for the mog since the DH class didn’t exist then. In fact, I see glaives as less restricted than many other iconic of weapons. Look at the most iconic weapon in the game by far, Ashbringer. Only obtainable at all by paladins, let alone mogged. The closest other classes could get to it was the OG corrupted version from Nax. The only reason DKs don’t get Frostmourne is because it got destroyed cannonically.

Fun fact however, the DH and DK classes were always meant to be implemented as one of the original vanilla classes but got cut for…reasons. Monks are an aberration.

Not trying to be snarky, but which ones are restricted to one class? I can’t think of any off the top of my noggin’

I didn’t know it was the number of classes that made all the difference… Class restricted is class restricted. It just so happens that glaives are a DH thing. Unfortunately 1h swords/2h staves are more common weapon types in the world of Azeroth.

My comment was more that it wasn’t the fact that they’re legendaries that restricts them to class, but that the class has inherent weapon restrictions; hence shaman not being able to equip Thunderfury, etc. (not because it’s thunderyfury but because it’s a sword).

However, I assume with this change they will also be changing the Warglaives of Azzinoth to actual warglaives, and thus only equippable by Demon Hunters. And in which case, I’m tracking your logic

Just because you agree with Blizz doesn’t mean it’s the right decision. I think the majority, possibly even the vast majority, of players are going to think this is a horrible decision.



Again, the only reason for that is because the DH class and the glaives weapon type weren’t implemented in the release version of the game. So they just used what was available. In this case, 1h sword at the time. But you’re right, they should delete the 1h sword type and replace it with the glaive weapon type for them. Of course this would further restrict it since it would disable other classes from being able to wield the actual glaives themselves which in turn would result in a whole nother level of butthurt on the forums.

But at least by doing that, it would fall into line with more consistency with the likes of Ashbringer, the remaining pieces of Frostmourne that DKs get etc.

All I see when I read this is “frost dk’s once again get screwed”.

I’d love to xmog shadowmourne on my dk, but since I play frost, I was hoping to at least be able to use the warglaives. I guess I get to eat it again.

Suffer well, indeed.