Warglaives of Azzinoth are not transmoggable

Umm, I play a DH and I transmog swords for him. Those have been around since vanilla.

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3ll 3 monk specs can use other legendaries like thunderdury, teracgosa, ect. Go farm em.

Your personal bias should not be enforced on hundreds of others just because it’s an appearance choice that does not fit in your little world view.

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Sure they do. Depending on your spec, you have access to Thunderfury, Dragonwrath, Val’anyr, and Sulfuras.

DHs, on the other hand, have access to a mog weapon that was originally designated for Rogues and Warriors (and then later monks and dks.)

It’s not my personal bias. It’s Blizzard’s.

The so called “vast majority” don’t voice there opinion. You’re just making an assumption.

A lot of people don’t like it but they are a DH weapon.

No. It isn’t.

This is a fake reward upkeep.

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Two things: First, going off forum posts, talking to guildies, talking to friends, and talking to other people, all but 2 of them shared my opinion. The number is greater than 30, which in Statistics, is enough to assume valid results.

Secondly, I’m not inclined to take the word of someone who doesn’t know the difference between there and their.


But they technically aren’t Illidan’s warglaives if you think about it.

They belong to Azzinoth. Y’know, that’s why they are called the Warglaives of Azzinoth.


As someone with no bias in this matter whatsoever I am okay with this decision.

Take a look at the first 5 words of that paragraph.


Don’t be ridiculous.

They are obviously warglaives not swords. The only reason they were called swords in the description was because there were no “warglaive” weapons at the time.

I’m not being ridiculous. It doesn’t matter if the warglaive weapon classification didn’t exist back then. They are still swords so therefore the classes that can use them should be able to mog them.


Except they aren’t swords.

They aren’t called the Warswords of Azzinoth. They are the WarGLAIVES of Azzinoth. The only reason they were listed as swords back then was because there was no Warglaive weapon category. Now there is and it’s exclusive to DHs.

Wanna use them at max level? Roll a DH.

Yes they are. Mouse over the item and look to the right.

Doesn’t matter. They were and still are classified as swords and were used by various sword users.

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They’re glaives.

Oh well. Blizzard disagrees.

Feel free to roll a DH though if you want to use the appearance. They are easy to level and fun to play I hear.

Awesome. So…equip them. Problem solved.

Glaives which were and still are classified as swords.

Blizzard disagreeing with something doesn’t necessarily make them right.

This doesn’t solve the problem.

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Do you also try to get a $5,000 TV for $50, because a tag was in the wrong place?