Warglaives of Azzinoth are not transmoggable

Stupid f*cking decision. But not surprising considering what company this is


Yeah nah, it’s absolutely bs that only DHs can mog the warglaives despite them being in the game since tbc. I don’t care that they’re called warglaives, they were swords first and anyone lucky enough to have them drop should be allowed to use them. Like hell, if you want to make it really special, give DHs a way to make it so they can actually use the warglaives but let other folks tmog it


Just like they did with the impending removal of long-boi for literally no reason


It’s the same damnable nonsense with the night elf glaive being dh only despite being present in the game years before DHs were a thing but everyone else gets screwed just cause


We will never forget.

We’ve sacrificed everything, what have you sacrificed everything?

Honestly Destruction losing their flame on effect is a more egregious slight against Warlocks than anything.


my question is, why limit the Warglaives of Azzinoth to a single class when the actual items already had a class requirement on them to limit them to melee dps (other than feral druids). Monks, DKs, and DHs were actually added to the list of classes that could use them when those classes got released.

but they don’t seem to be limiting the Thunderfury transmog which became a rogue artifact weapon skin. so in theory it should also be rogue only for the same reason that the warglaives are DH only


Shadowmourne is not an iconic Deathknight specific weapon. Frostmourne sure, but not Shadowmourne. In fact, it’s a Paladin that helps you make Shadowmourne.

With that said, even if I don’t think it was a good decision, I understand why Blizzard is going this route. They want to preserve the prestige of unlocking the Warglaives of Azzinoth through the method they previously implemented with Timewalking, and since Warglaives are the iconic weapon of Demon Hunters they want to restrict it solely to that class.

Still, if Blizzard decided to allow the Warglaives of Azzinoth to be moggable for anyone who can use them and instead give Demon Hunters something else in place of of the mog unlock for doing the Timewalking thing (like say a higher quality/resolution version with unique visual effects), I wouldn’t be upset.


You can farm them faster on the DH since you can skip bosses by climbing the chains to get to the upper level of the temple.


Which was one of the points I raised earlier; imagine if they decided to limit other Legendaries based on Class fantasy instead of letting anyone who could equip them to use them for transmog?

This is infuriating because there’s been multiple threads in the PTR forum asking for clarification from Blizzard if whether or not Warglaives of Azzinoth were gonna be the only Legendary weapons to be unable to be used for Transmog. And all of them ignored only for them to give a note in the patch notes just a few short days before patch day.

I am talking about the cosmetic from TW Black Temple, not the actual Warglaives of Azzinoth, which, if you look at my character profile, I already have.


Class fantasy guys.

Come on!

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They did give a reason you just didn’t like it. And you’re misusing the word literally or maybe you don’t understand what it means.

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You’re grasping for straws that weren’t even there to begin with.

Thunderfury is not a specific weapon type, which only rogues can use.

A glaive, even though classified erroneously as a sword for the Azzinoth blades, is DH only.

This is why.

Except, if you notice, the actual Warglaives of Azzinoth are listed as “Swords” not actual Warglaives.


the Warglaives of Azzinoth are 1 handed swords in game that can be equipped by Warriors, Rogues, Death Knights, Monks and Demon Hunters. that is not up for debate. so why should only the Demon Hunters get to transmog it?

the Thunderfury issue is the exact same yet was handled differently. it is a 1 handed sword just like the Warglaives of Azzinoth but unlike them doesn’t already have class restrictions in place to limit who can use it. also like the Warglaives of Azzinoth, Thunderfury Blessed Blade of the Windseeker was able to be obtained by a class during Legion as a weapon skin in the form of the Outlaw Rogue hidden artifact skin. so if blizzard is going to be dumb and restrict the Warglaives of Azzinoth then they should keep with the pattern and limit the transmog on Thunderfury Blessed Blade of the Windseeker as well.


Well then Focusing Iris should be removed and given to DH as a cosmetic glyph since 90% of DH combat is skill-blasting with Eye Beam. They get free burst, free defensives, free heals, and now a free exclusive legendary mog that other people have tried to get for years and now can’t even use because DH grabbed that too. Meanwhile, Shadowmourne is still everybody’s side piece.

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Im sorry blizzard, but this is a mistake and is totally unfair for the classes who were the original wielders of those glaives who are not even classified as warglaives.

Look I get it. The DH players who unlocked the mog prior to 8.3 will loose their sense of reward, but not allowing warriors, rogues, monks, and DKs, to mog them when every other legendary is up for grabs is wrong.

Obviously the inception of legendary mogging was before blizzard gave DHs the ability to mog them.

Thank metzen DKs didnt get the same treatment with smourne, or paladins with sulfuras, priests with valanier, mages with dragonwrath, etc.

There is one simple solution to this.

Give DH additional colors for the azzinoth blades if they have the achv while everyone else only has access to green.

I main ret and cant hold an alt for my life and I think this is unjust. Please rethink this.


I don’t have the Warglaives and I think this decision is ill-advised.

The only thing it makes me thankful for is that I was too lazy to ever try to farm them.

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You’re playing a video game. It’s all fake.

I have the glaives on multiple toons and use them in Timewalking. I’m fine with this decision, especially since the sheathed appearance of them changed when the DH reward was introduced. The originals look awful.

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They look crap especially on non-DH classes anyways.

Delete DHs Blizz! - Mortis probably.