Warglaives of Azzinoth are not transmoggable

Warlock. Check. Hey, how’s that meta working out for you?

I used mine in Korrak’s Revenge. I have 3 rogues with the set.

I’m fussed they’re DH only. You’re not because you’re a demon hunter.

And who will be asked to sacrifice something iconic of their class next?


Demon Hunters were far, far off when the Warglaives were current and we actually saw them being used. It’s a pretty big disappointment that they’re DH only - just like with Warlocks, DH just like to take from other classes.


I sympathize with rogues over this, but I feel like they belong to DH, always did. And I am not a big fan of Demon Hunters in general.

Any word on if Fangs of the Father are transmoggable by other dagger users? casters etc… I think that would be a larger concern for rogue-kind to feel slighted by.


If listed on the weapon, they should be available for transmog.


I wish they were transmoggable for the other classes as well since you guys got them before us. I’m sorry to all the people out there who want to transmog them. I really hope they decide to change that.


Whelp guess im not going to finish farming for the offhand one anymore. I’ll just use my fangs of the father and stay assassin forever.


And I just went through trouble of getting main hand for my vulpera monk gd it blizz stop nerfing fun. what is with you against such a pretty word. (equipped atm this toon)


DH only.

As it should be.


Glaive of the Fallen disagrees with this :stuck_out_tongue:

You have such a refreshing and cool attitude - truly. Glad you hang around!


Oh great. The edgelords from the last expansion get to use what dropped for rogues.


Blizzard gave a two month notice along with increasing rep gain by 100% and increasing the droprate for required items.

The warglaives are a DH weapon. Non-DH should not be able to transmog them.

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As long as countless worlds remain infested and overrun with demons, I will be around to help put a stop to them.


It’s awesome. Thanks for asking!

“We’re too lazy to give DHs a unique legendary, but we still want them to feel unique. Get bent anyone else who farmed them out years before DHs were even a class lol”

Good one, Blizzard. Can your next hero class please use one handed-swords, then you can take away the ability to transmog Thunderfury for everyone else?


I have the mog unlocked on my DH already and I think this is the wrong decision. I wouldn’t use it on a non-DH myself, infact I’ve even stopped using it on my DH because of how ridiculous warglaives look when sheathed, but that doesn’t mean others shouldn’t have access to it.

Blizzard if you want to maintain the value of the achievement then put a different reward in its place, something like an exclusive recolor or an updated HD reskin.


Oh, demon hunters ripping off more stuff that wasn’t originally theirs?

I am shocked and appalled


And here I thought Demonology Warlocks were just now getting over losing Meta to DH. Normally this isn’t something I would appalled about since I don’t even use the warglaives, save for the fact something people have been farming for years is so arbitrarily being taken away from the entire community and given to a crutch class.