Warglaives of Azzinoth are not transmoggable

I’m fine with all of it. What do I win?

But even if I were not fine with all of it:

Do I contradict myself ? Very well , then I contradict myself , I am large, I contain multitudes.

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Because Prot is still a thing and the only spec that was actually ever going to see a warglaive for their mainhand even though technically the Kalecgos sword was better.

Also prior to Blizzard’s insanity by forcing warriors to move into two handers you could effectively play dual 1h swords as Single Minded Fury until like MoP or something.


Prot with 1 warglaive? That would look…silly lmao.


And what are they going to do with that one glaive? Poke themselves in the face with one end, and slap their shield with the other?

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Just did a quick search while on a flighpath, looks like they announced the removal on 9/16/14 and it was officially removed on 11/13/14
So yeah, 2 months warning, worse than I remembered.


A gnome will be along shortly with cookies.

Weird honestly, because I distinctly remember knowing it was going away which is why I gave the effort to actually get it. Could have possibly been paranoia, entirely willing to accept that.

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Combined with their tier and bulwark it actually looked pretty cool. Seemed strange using a set item when you won’t use the other piece admittedly but still looked cool. I always hated my main tank because he out dkp’d me on the mainhand even though I already had the offhand. Kind of why I also think DKP is the dumbest loot system to ever exist but that’s a bit off topic.


This decision screws over anyone who obtained them before Demon Hunters were a playable class.

Imagine if they decided to restrict ALL Legendaries behind class fantasy?

Who’d be the right owner for Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker? Rogues, who already have a similar appearance for their Outlaw Artifact?

What about Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros? Paladin? Warrior? Death Knight?

I get a feeling that the only reason they decided that the Warglaives of Azzinoth should be a Demon Hunter only appearance is to save face because they couldn’t foresee actually lifting Transmog restrictions in the future.


Thori’dal should obviously go to rogues, since that’s the class the world first drop went to.


It’d be a nice fakeout to buy time to fix it.

Still a horrible decision.

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And the thing is, even Demon Hunters can’t use the actual Warglaives of Azzinoth as Transmog; you are forced to use the cosmetic from TW Black Temple.

Ugh, I guess I need to get over my social issues and do Black Temple next time TBC Timewalking comes up.


Any class can complete TW Black Temple.

I found the Warglaives on my Monk.
Beat Timewalking Black Temple on my Death Knight.
Transmog’d the Warglaives on my Demon Hunter.

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I think people that use this term in reference to this game need a dose of real life.

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I know, but thanks for the reaffirmation.

I need to decide whether to do it on this character or another.

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Well that was largely because there was a bit of uncertainty if the generated arrows actually gave you the arrow damage so a lot of hunters thought it was bad. Then they tested it and realized the arrows are actually either equivalent or better than the ones you got from t6 vendor so they all wanted it.

Man imagine that effect being that huge to hunters back in the day and now it’s just standard.

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I still find it insane that they gave it to a Rogue even if it was a possible downgrade. It hadn’t been tested fully yet, and it was a horrible way to distribute loot. It was also for more political reasons than actual strategy.

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Gnomest, because you were the original Demon Hunter, long before Illidan.


So I suppose only mages should be the only ones who can use the dragon staff, or only warriors can use Thunderfury, or only paladins can use Sulfuras.


The one and only. Lord Illidan knows we need some proper anklerbiters to send demons crashing to their knees.