Warcraft: The Animated Series?

Except they didn’t, at all.

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Yes, a Clone wars or Teen Titans style show would be great. As long as they focused on new characters and exploring the small things in the world that hasn’t been explored or touched on (and isn’t tied to expansions)

I’d love to watch it. Warcraft really needs a series, and live action might be too expensive, so animation seems like the perfect medium.

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I have a feeling it’s got something to do with Raven in a yellow outfit.

And if they don’t, fans will ship them that way no matter what platform it’ll stream on.

Doesn’t mean they need to go cheap on the animated series.

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Now that’s the trailer I was referring to.

I think it would be great if, assuming they decide to make it 3D, they use animation similar to The Clone Wars.

I guarantee the episodes will be adapted from the previous games and expansions. We’ll focus on the new characters as well as the old.

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I would rather take an Anime. It could be great. But it would need new writers and taking the lore serrious again.
So it sadly will likley never happen.

What will likely never happen is this series being anime. It’ll be more like Castlevania, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Young Justice or Diablo III: Wrath. There’s also that upcoming show, Legends of Vox Machina.

I would like to see those series in this style

h t t ps://m.youtube .com/watch?v=8JYAF7QpNME

They could dust off some of that concept art from Lord of the Clans.

Maybe we’ll finally get to see Deathwing smoking his hookah.

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That game was such a massive ‘What the ****’ moment.

Though hilariously, Thrall ends up getting the kill on Deathwing in two timelines.

Some of those are great sure. Even though Avatar was a good show, I’m not sure about the style for Warcraft.

They also butchered Dragon’s Dogma so I’m hesitant. If they can prove it wasn’t a fluke, Warcraft could be a solid series.

It would be great to see something like that on a tv show!

That would be the best way to go, if they decide to use 3D animation.

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Warren Ellis carried that series hard.

They tried that already, it wasn’t very successful

They tried what already?

Yep, though I guess it was cancelled before being released. Though perhaps I was mistaking the point and click adventure as the cartoon. I’ll keep digging.

even current canon lore isn’t respectful to the lore. They’d hire some left sjw writers and make it like star trek abomination cartoon for sure